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'I had no morals,' mom saysShe let man have three-way sex with her and her young daughterBRIAN CALDWELL KITCHENER (Mar 7, 2007)A woman testified yesterday that she let her boyfriend molest her 13-year-old daughter because she was desperate to hang on to him."I would have done anything for him," she said.The sordid case involves a Grand Bend man who had three-way sex with the Kitchener mother and her daughter after meeting the older woman in an Internet chat room.Robert Miller, 30, pleaded not guilty in Superior Court to sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching, accessing child pornography and sexual exploitation.The mother pleaded guilty in 2005 to sexual exploitation for her role in the threesome. She was sentenced to six months of house arrest, plus 18 months on probation.She has had extensive counselling and testified she is a "different person" after going on numerous medications for depression, anxiety and psychosis."I was messed up at the time," she said. "I was desperate. I had no morals."The charges against Miller cover a period between the fall of 2002 and the summer of 2003, while he allegedly had sexual relationships with both the woman and her daughter.A key question is whether he had any sexual contact with the girl before she turned 14, the legal age of consent.Defence lawyer Dave Reid suggested the girl and her mother have made up new allegations to get Miller because he was not prosecuted in relation to the threesome, which took place shortly after her 14th birthday."That's not true," the girl said during cross-examination.A court order prohibits publication of information that could identify the girl.Miller, who was married with a young daughter of his own, was given immunity by police in return for his testimony against the woman in connection with the threesome, the only incident to come to light initially.That means evidence about the threesome can only be used as background at the trial, not to prove the charges Miller now faces.Calm and explicit throughout her testimony, the mother said she met Miller in a chat room called Bored Married Women and fell in love with him.She left her husband within months, she said, and spent all of her money on Miller in return for sex."I paid for everything," she testified. "I did anything he wanted to do."Her daughter testified she also began chatting with Miller online and had sexual contact with him several times before and after her 14th birthday.In one incident when the girl was still 13, court heard, she went to a motel with her mother and Miller.The mother said they were all on one bed when Miller began molesting the girl, who repeatedly protested but eventually gave in to his advances."Did you think about stopping what was going on?" asked Crown prosecutor Lynn Robinson."No," replied the woman. "I wanted to be with him and I was not in the right frame of mind to stop it.""What were you willing to put up with?" Robinson asked."Anything," the woman said.Instead of protecting her daughter, she testified, she got mad at her for trying to steal her boyfriend.The trial was scheduled to continue today.

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