加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科十一大学联合抵制Maclean's


http://www.news.utoronto.ca/bin6/060814-2502.asp Utoronto, UBC, UAlberta, McMaster这些大腕都抵制了,这个排名在加拿大也就失去意义了。 实际上,现在美国的排名中,Utoronto遥遥领先McGill,就连UBC也超过了McGill。看来McGill的风光不再了。

You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period.--Will Smith "The Pursuit of Happyness" 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-04-07#2 回复: 十一大学联合抵制Maclean's怎么加拿大的清华不抵制?排名那么低不好意思了?

回复: 十一大学联合抵制Maclean's标准不一样,排名不一样,今年QUEENS连前一百位世界知名大学也没排进.MCGILL在42位,相当不错了.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14321230/site/newsweek/We evaluated schools on some of the measures used in well-known rankings published by Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Times of London Higher Education Survey. Fifty percent of the score came from equal parts of three measures used by Shanghai Jiatong: the number of highly-cited researchers in various academic fields, the number of articles published in Nature and Science, and the number of articles listed in the ISI Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities indices. Another 40 percent of the score came from equal parts of four measures used by the Times: the percentage of international faculty, the percentage of international students, citations per faculty member (using ISI data), and the ratio of faculty to students. The final 10 percent came from library holdings (number of volumes).Here is our ranking:1. Harvard University 2. Stanford University 3. Yale University 4. California Institute of Technology 5. University of California at Berkeley 6. University of Cambridge 7. Massachusetts Institute Technology 8. Oxford University 9. University of California at San Francisco 10. Columbia University 11. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 12. University of California at Los Angeles 13. University of Pennsylvania 14. Duke University 15. Princeton Universitty 16. Tokyo University 17. Imperial College London 18. University of Toronto 19. Cornell University 20. University of Chicago 21. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 22. University of Washington at Seattle 23. University of California at San Diego 24. Johns Hopkins University 25. University College London26. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne 27. University Texas at Austin 28. University of Wisconsin at Madison 29. Kyoto University 30. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 31. University of British Columbia 32. University of Geneva 33. Washington University in St. Louis 34. London School of Economics 35. Northwestern University 36. National University of Singapore 37. University of Pittsburgh 38. Australian National University 39. New York University 40. Pennsylvania State University 41. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 42. McGill University 43. Ecole Polytechnique 44. University of Basel 45. University of Maryland 46. University of Zurich 47. University of Edinburgh 48. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 49. University of Bristol 50. University of Sydney 51. University of Colorado at Boulder 52. Utrecht University 53. University of Melbourne 54. University of Southern California 55. University of Alberta 56. Brown University 57. Osaka University 58. University of Manchester 59. University of California at Santa Barbara 60. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 61. Wageningen University 62. Michigan State University 63. University of Munich 64. University of New South Wales 65. Boston University 66. Vanderbilt University 67. University of Rochester 68. Tohoku University 69. University of Hong Kong 70. University of Sheffield 71. Nanyang Technological University 72. University of Vienna 73. Monash University 74. University of Nottingham 75. Carnegie Mellon University 76. Lund University 77. Texas A&M University 78. University of Western Australia 79. Ecole Normale Super Paris 80. University of Virginia 81. Technical University of Munich 82. Hebrew University of Jerusalem 83. Leiden University 84. University of Waterloo 85. King's College London 86. Purdue University 87. University of Birmingham 88. Uppsala University 89. University of Amsterdam 90. University of Heidelberg 91. University of Queensland 92. University of Leuven 93. Emory University 94. Nagoya University 95. Case Western Reserve University 96. Chinese University of Hong Kong 97. University of Newcastle 98. Innsbruck University 99. University of Massachusetts at Amherst 100. Sussex University

回复: 十一大学联合抵制Maclean's难道新加坡大学比MCGILL强,不见得吧.还要照顾地区性.

回复: 十一大学联合抵制Maclean's香港大学比滑铁卢强也不见得

回复: 十一大学联合抵制Maclean's标准不一样,排名不一样,今年QUEENS连前一百位世界知名大学也没排进.MCGILL在42位,相当不错了. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14321230/site/newsweek/We evaluated schools on some of the measures used in well-known rankings published by Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Times of London Higher Education Survey. Fifty percent of the score came from equal parts of three measures used by Shanghai Jiatong: the number of highly-cited researchers in various academic fields, the number of articles published in Nature and Science, and the number of articles listed in the ISI Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities indices. Another 40 percent of the score came from equal parts of four measures used by the Times: the percentage of international faculty, the percentage of international students, citations per faculty member (using ISI data), and the ratio of faculty to students. The final 10 percent came from library holdings (number of volumes). Here is our ranking: 1. Harvard University 2. Stanford University 3. Yale University 4. California Institute of Technology 5. University of California at Berkeley 6. University of Cambridge 7. Massachusetts Institute Technology 8. Oxford University 9. University of California at San Francisco 10. Columbia University 11. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 12. University of California at Los Angeles 13. University of Pennsylvania 14. Duke University 15. Princeton Universitty 16. Tokyo University 17. Imperial College London 18. University of Toronto 19. Cornell University 20. University of Chicago 21. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 22. University of Washington at Seattle 23. University of California at San Diego 24. Johns Hopkins University 25. University College London26. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne 27. University Texas at Austin 28. University of Wisconsin at Madison 29. Kyoto University 30. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 31. University of British Columbia 32. University of Geneva 33. Washington University in St. Louis 34. London School of Economics 35. Northwestern University 36. National University of Singapore 37. University of Pittsburgh 38. Australian National University 39. New York University 40. Pennsylvania State University 41. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 42. McGill University 43. Ecole Polytechnique 44. University of Basel 45. University of Maryland 46. University of Zurich 47. University of Edinburgh 48. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 49. University of Bristol 50. University of Sydney 51. University of Colorado at Boulder 52. Utrecht University 53. University of Melbourne 54. University of Southern California 55. University of Alberta 56. Brown University 57. Osaka University 58. University of Manchester 59. University of California at Santa Barbara 60. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 61. Wageningen University 62. Michigan State University 63. University of Munich 64. University of New South Wales 65. Boston University 66. Vanderbilt University 67. University of Rochester 68. Tohoku University 69. University of Hong Kong 70. University of Sheffield 71. Nanyang Technological University 72. University of Vienna 73. Monash University 74. University of Nottingham 75. Carnegie Mellon University 76. Lund University 77. Texas A&M University 78. University of Western Australia 79. Ecole Normale Super Paris 80. University of Virginia 81. Technical University of Munich 82. Hebrew University of Jerusalem 83. Leiden University 84. University of Waterloo 85. King's College London 86. Purdue University 87. University of Birmingham 88. Uppsala University 89. University of Amsterdam 90. University of Heidelberg 91. University of Queensland 92. University of Leuven 93. Emory University 94. Nagoya University 95. Case Western Reserve University 96. Chinese University of Hong Kong 97. University of Newcastle 98. Innsbruck University 99. University of Massachusetts at Amherst 100. Sussex University点击展开... 这就是我说的美国排名之一阿。McGill当然还在前三,但是明显这几年被多大抛离,而且被UBC赶超。还以为McGill第一的想法可能要改改了。

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