加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳
我爱BMW120i http://www.2addicts.com/forums/v2/left.jpg 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-03-28#2 帮你顶。。。
我爱BMW120i http://www.2addicts.com/forums/v2/left.jpg 超赞 赏 重 重庆大坪 0$(VIP 0) 732007-03-29#4 哪个省的?我的一个朋友情况类似。好象要考牌。
我爱BMW120i http://www.2addicts.com/forums/v2/left.jpg 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-03-29#7 Swimming Coach Selection CriteriaFor the 2005 Deaflympic GamesTime frameTwo coaches shall be selected for the 2004-2005 term: a head coach and an assistant coach. Oneman and one woman shall be selected for the purposes of supervision for men and womenswimmers. The Deaflympics will be held in Melbourne, Australia from January 5 - 16, 2005.Coaches will be expected to participate in a 1-1 ½ week training camp prior to the Deaflympics. Togain experience prior the Deaflympics, coaches may be requested to coach swimmers at the Pan-AmGames of the Deaf Youth in Montreal, Canada from August 7 – 15, 2004.All applicants shall submit a resume, letter of interest, and three references to the U.S. Team Directorby December 20, 2003. Announcement of the selected coaches shall be made by January 15, 2004.Send or fax application to Michele Berke, 2185 Castillejo Way, Fremont, CA 94539. Fax 510-657-7455.Mandatory Eligibility Requirements· be a US Citizen· have a valid driver’s license· be 25 years of age or older· have a valid passport· have a coaching certification· have valid basic first-aid, CPR, and coach’s safety training card· member of USAAD and USADSFQualificationsApplicants will be judged on the following criteria:· Coaching experience (USA Swimming, YMCA, College or High School)· Coaching/swimming experience with deaf athletes· Ability to communicate with both groups of deaf swimmers (oral and ASL); sign languageproficiency· Awareness and adherence of the USOC and USADSF code of ethics.Selection ProcessThe selection committee will review the resumes. Individuals will be chosen and interviewed. Theinterviews may be conducted in person, by phone or by e-mail. The selection committee will makea final decision based on the interviews and qualifications. The candidates receiving the majority ofvotes shall become the National Team Head and Assistant coaches.Selection CommitteeThe selection committee shall consist of the following individuals:· 2 representatives from the 2005 US Deaflympic Team committee· Former Deaflympic AthleteApproval by the USADSF BoardThe selection committee shall recommend to the USADSF Board (through the U.S. Team Director)the two individuals chosen to be the Head and Assistant coaches for the 2005 Deaflympic Games.
Vacancy Announcement: Crescenta-Cañada YMCA & Verdugo Hills YMCA NEW OPENINGS:Swim Team Assistant Coach - Part-Time position.Under the direction of the Association Director of Aquatics and Risk Management and the SwimTeam Head Coach, this position assists in the supervision of all aspects of the competitive swimming program, including teaching, administration and deck coaching as a representative of the YMCA at all team events and functions. The incumbent will also be responsible for the safety and well being of the participants in the program by enforcing policies and procedures as needed.Qualifications:2 years experience in a swim team coaching capacity. Current CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid Certification. Current YMCA or ARC Lifeguard Certification (see note below). Current YMCA Swimming Coach Certification (see note below). Must be a registered United States Swimming Coach (see note below). Click here for email contact.
Hiring Junior CoachesFebruary 16, 2007 The Salmon Arm Sockeyes are now accepting applications for Junior Coaches. The deadline for receipt of an application complete with a cover letter is Monday, March 5th. Applications can be emailed to Carl Cooper at [email protected] or sent by mail c/o Carl Cooper, 1661 13th Ave SE, Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 2G8Junior coaches will work closely with our head coaches in coaching our junior swimmers(aged 6-10), and also supporting all our swimmers and activities. Our program begins May 1 and ends August 19, 2007. Junior coaches are usually on-deck for 5-10 hours per week, and attend some swim meets. NLS training is required, previous coaching experience and coaching certification is an asset. Wages $3500-$4000 to be discussed and dependent upon experience,and qualifications.Please contact Carl Cooper at [email protected] or (250) 832-4503 for more information.
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳 十分感谢BEIJING2008 英语水平有限,能给讲解 讲解吗
我爱BMW120i http://www.2addicts.com/forums/v2/left.jpg 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-03-30#12 回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳lz的名字也厉害啊。。。
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳2008用红字告诉你需要证书~~
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象.... 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-03-30#14 回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳还要有北美教练经验.
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳lz的名字也厉害啊。。。点击展开...他比我牛得多了!
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳他比我牛得多了!点击展开...wyh?爱国牌地
超赞 wyh?爱国牌地点击展开...他是崇洋牌
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳他是崇洋牌点击展开...看了他的签名照,狠不一般哦侠者风范 东方极了肯定不是重阳牌地 ,呵呵
超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-03-30#19 回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳^_^。。。
回复: 省游泳队退役,到加拿大教游泳还要北美经验?看来是没戏了!
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