加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Youth Job Fair Age 15-24
For a list of companies attending check out www.nextSteps.org/yec, or call 3-1-1 for more information. When ----------------- May 3, 2007 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Where ---------------- The Big Four Building Calgary Stampede Park 20 Round Up Way SE Cost ------------------ Free! YEC provides free year round career planning and employment services to Calgary youth ages 15 to 24. YEC offers numerous career-developing opportunities such as hiring fairs, career counselling, resume critiquing, job postings, job search assistance and work experiences to name a few. All services offered to youth at YEC are free. YEC is funded by The City of Calgary and The Government of Alberta and is a partner with the Calgary Achievement Centre for Youth.
就算多么不如意的事情,也要懂得对自己说,我忍得住。就算多大的挫折,也要懂得对自己说,我撑得住。就算再怎么伤心欲绝,也要懂得对自己说,我看得开。要快乐, 要开心, 既来之则安之. 超赞 赏 长 长白山Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-04-19#2 回复: Youth Job Fair Age 15-24soda
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