加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科beifeng's diary
回复: my diary in EnlishI dare not to save my English essays in my computer at work because I want to avoid the noticing from others. Since the computer is always opened and anybody can use the files saved inside it is very danger to save personal files in.点击展开... I can not save my Enlish essays on my office computer so to avoid other's noticing. Since the computer is always on working and almost everybody can use the files inside it is very dangerous to save personal files on it.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧So I am going to look for something I need after end my job in company. 那你的工作丢了? END也不能用原型.点击展开... I am going to look for something I need after finishing my current work.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧BUT是否定前面讲的,不能单独成句. My reading and listening skills are at intermediate level (but不合适), however, my writing skills are at beginner level.点击展开... intermediate level beginner level Now I get it , thank you very much. This is my very first time to meet the word "intermediate" , hei hei
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382007-04-08#4 回复: my diary in Enlish2007-04-09 sunny Speaking to “end my job in company” now there is a new offer for me and I have not made my decision yet. Our company is the biggest one in this area in China. I have been working in the same position over ten years so I have much experience on it and I am accepted an expert in the area. The last three years the company raised my salary at every ending of year and sometime there was only me to get the raised salary so now my salary is the highest one in all of engineers, however it is too difficult to get promotion for me since I am a woman and I am nearly forty. You know in our company the salary is like a pyramid. If you stand on the basic level your salary and your bonus are all stand on the basic. My head’s salary is several times to me. Another factor is I often have to work overtime. I have no Saturday. We may have 14 days for vacation every year but no one can get it. In summer we have a whole week’s off to maintain all of the devices. Even in such a period I have to work several days and can hardly get a whole summer holiday. For the above reason the company reduces a week from our vacation and my colleagues seldom apply the rest days for their vacation if there is no any urgence. The new offer is completely different. That company is from American and I will be a seller in China. I know the latest standard very well and I am very similar with the devices they made because I had used them for a very long time so the general manager in China invited me to join them. I will always be on business trip if I accept the offer. My daughter is twelve years old. She will graduate from primary school next year so this is a very important period for her. My husband likes a big boy. It seems he can not grow up for ever. Another reason is money. Although the new salary sounds very temping I still have a doubt on it: if it is a salary with tax then I can get thirty thousands to forty thousands extra money. It is not worthy of leaving home. We will discuss the details of the offer when the manager comes to our city next time. I believe at the beginning of this May I will get the result.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧2007-04-09 sunny Speaking to “end my job in company” now there is a new offer for me and I have not made my decision yet. Our company is the biggest one in this area in China. I have been working in the same position over ten years so I have much experience on it and I am accepted an expert in the area. The last three years the company raised my salary at every ending of year and sometime there was only me to get the raised salary so now my salary is the highest one in all of engineers, however it is too difficult to get promotion for me since I am a woman and I am nearly forty. You know in our company the salary is like a pyramid. If you stand on the basic level your salary and your bonus are all stand on the basic. My head’s salary is several times to me. Another factor is I often have to work overtime. I have no Saturday. We may have 14 days for vacation every year but no one can get it. In summer we have a whole week’s off to maintain all of the devices. Even in such a period I have to work several days and can hardly get a whole summer holiday. For the above reason the company reduces a week from our vacation and my colleagues seldom apply the rest days for their vacation if there is no any urgence. The new offer is completely different. That company is from American and I will be a seller in China. I know the latest standard very well and I am very similar with the devices they made because I had used them for a very long time so the general manager in China invited me to join them. I will always be on business trip if I accept the offer. My daughter is twelve years old. She will graduate from primary school next year so this is a very important period for her. My husband likes a big boy. It seems he can not grow up for ever. Another reason is money. Although the new salary sounds very temping I still have a doubt on it: if it is a salary with tax then I can get thirty thousands to forty thousands extra money. It is not worthy of leaving home. We will discuss the details of the offer when the manager comes to our city next time. I believe at the beginning of this May I will get the result. 点击展开...不好意思,相同的主题,我合并了,两位LZ PK一下,越写越精彩!
超赞 intermediate level beginner level Now I get it , thank you very much. This is my very first time to meet the word "intermediate" , hei hei点击展开... 书面用语.你GOOGLE一下会看到很多用法.
回复: my diary in Enlish2007-04-09 sunny Speaking to “end my job in company” now there is a new offer for me and I have not made my decision yet. Our company is the biggest one in this area in China. I have been working in the same position over ten years so I have much experience on it and I am accepted an expert in the area. The last three years the company raised my salary at every ending of year and sometime there was only me to get the raised salary so now my salary is the highest one in all of engineers, however it is too difficult to get promotion for me since I am a woman and I am nearly forty. You know in our company the salary is like a pyramid. If you stand on the basic level your salary and your bonus are all stand on the basic. My head’s salary is several times to me. Another factor is I often have to work overtime. I have no Saturday. We may have 14 days for vacation every year but no one can get it. In summer we have a whole week’s off to maintain all of the devices. Even in such a period I have to work several days and can hardly get a whole summer holiday. For the above reason the company reduces a week from our vacation and my colleagues seldom apply the rest days for their vacation if there is no any urgence. The new offer is completely different. That company is from American and I will be a seller in China. I know the latest standard very well and I am very similar with the devices they made because I had used them for a very long time so the general manager in China invited me to join them. I will always be on business trip if I accept the offer. My daughter is twelve years old. She will graduate from primary school next year so this is a very important period for her. My husband likes a big boy. It seems he can not grow up for ever. Another reason is money. Although the new salary sounds very temping I still have a doubt on it: if it is a salary with tax then I can get thirty thousands to forty thousands extra money. It is not worthy of leaving home. We will discuss the details of the offer when the manager comes to our city next time. I believe at the beginning of this May I will get the result. 点击展开... Sales is a challenge job and you are often forced to be in an uneasy situation under the high pressure from employer or furious competition from rivals,I have been in this field for more than 10years and I know some rules and regulations to promopt products in China that not only depend on the quality and price,but also the interpersonal relations whch may play a vital role. Moreover,the frequent trips perhaps make you mad,I know in such foreign sales branch,there are a few employees in order to save the cost.Sometimes,you may visit the customer by the early morning flight around 6 o'clock and come back by the late night flight,normally go to bed after 12:00 at night,in addition,in the morning at 8:30,your boss is waiting for your report at office.
回复: My diary in English可在右上方加上姓名,地址电话,如有申请号,加上号码,就和COVER LETTER 一样.点击展开... TKS!
回复: my diary in EnlishI can not save my Enlish essays on my office computer so to avoid other's noticing. Since the computer is always on working and almost everybody can use the files inside it is very dangerous to save personal files on it.点击展开... 简单明了,意思准确.写作不是翻译.如是你的电脑人家能用,老外不解.在国外每人电脑都有密码,自己也有一个小空间,人家不会来看你做什么,要考虑看的人是老外的话,你上面写的让人就费解.用一个字ACCESS替代"can use the files inside "写作时能用一个字就不用词组,和口语不同. I don't want to save my English essays on the office computer because everybody in the office can access this computer.
回复: My diary in English我发现一个现象,就是很多MM喜欢用长句,在写作时,除非你是ADVANCED级水平,否则最好用短句,简明扼要,用词准确,时态一致就行.点击展开... Tks
回复: my diary in EnlishI am going to look for something I need after finishing my current work.点击展开... look for 是寻找,确切的词是buy, purchase,不能把中文翻成英文,中文讲“找些我要的东西“,老外就是“买些我要的东西"
I hope it is a good beginning here.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧look for 是寻找,确切的词是buy, purchase,不能把中文翻成英文,中文讲“找些我要的东西“,老外就是“买些我要的东西"点击展开... ok.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧简单明了,意思准确.写作不是翻译.如是你的电脑人家能用,老外不解.在国外每人电脑都有密码,自己也有一个小空间,人家不会来看你做什么,要考虑看的人是老外的话,你上面写的让人就费解.用一个字ACCESS替代"can use the files inside "写作时能用一个字就不用词组,和口语不同. I don't want to save my English essays on the office computer because everybody in the office can access this computer.点击展开... oh, i see,,,,,
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧简单明了,意思准确.写作不是翻译.如是你的电脑人家能用,老外不解.在国外每人电脑都有密码,自己也有一个小空间,人家不会来看你做什么,要考虑看的人是老外的话,你上面写的让人就费解.用一个字ACCESS替代"can use the files inside "写作时能用一个字就不用词组,和口语不同. I don't want to save my English essays on the office computer because everybody in the office can access this computer.点击展开... oh, i see,,,,,
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧Sales is a challenge job and you are often forced to be in an uneasy situation under the high pressure from employer or furious competition from rivals,I have been in this field for more than 10years and I know some rules and regulations to promopt products in China that not only depend on the quality and price,but also the interpersonal relations whch may play a vital role. Moreover,the frequent trips perhaps make you mad,I know in such foreign sales branch,there are a few employees in order to save the cost.Sometimes,you may visit the customer by the early morning flight around 6 o'clock and come back by the late night flight,normally go to bed after 12:00 at night,in addition,in the morning at 8:30,your boss is waiting for your report at office.点击展开... I believe that you are very right so I will think it over. in China that not only depend on the quality and price,but also the interpersonal relations whch may play a vital role. That is true.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧I hope it is a good beginning here.点击展开...沙发
回复: My diary in English我发现一个现象,就是很多MM喜欢用长句,在写作时,除非你是ADVANCED级水平,否则最好用短句,简明扼要,用词准确,时态一致就行.点击展开... 您说得很对,我是不得已才写长句的:老师说作文要用长句才可以得高分 所以尽管很为难,平常写的时候,还是能长则长 上次的作文是6分,我希望明年再考时,可以得7分
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧I believe that you are very right so I will think it over. in China that not only depend on the quality and price,but also the interpersonal relations whch may play a vital role. That is true.点击展开... The title of your new job is Sales Engineer not Seller.
回复: beifeng's diarySurely it is!I am here welcoming you with a reasonable deal of SW!
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