加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教下这句话怎么解?
I hope none the less that my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide what the immensely learned historian Lord Acton termed a history "which is distinct from the combined history of all countries', but which also indicates the variety and richness of the great cultural traditions which determine its structure.后半截没什么问题。感觉整个结构是 I hope ... that my efforts ... may have made it possible to provide ... a history...我的问题是,my efforts 和 may have made it possible之间的那段话my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide。红字部分怎么解?多谢了。不用google了,这句话来自J. M. Roberts' The New Penguin History of the World的前言。
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中... 超赞 赏 A Aim宅 0$(VIP 0) 33,6082007-05-07#2 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?waiting for our teacher——yangyang2005
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 超赞 赏 3 31415926 0$(VIP 0) 5902007-05-07#3 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?I hope none the less that my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide what the immensely learned historian Lord Acton termed a history "which is distinct from the combined history of all countries'这句话也太长了吧,多少个单词了。。。
超赞 这句话也太长了吧,多少个单词了。。。点击展开...没办法。书上抄下来的。
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中...没办法。书上抄下来的。点击展开... 啥书?
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?啥书?点击展开...Bible? 只认识LORD这个单词。
超赞 赏 又见飞刀 0$(VIP 0) 4,1272007-05-08#7 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?意识到我可能轻易的认为是理所当然的东西
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?啥书?点击展开...The New Penguin History of the WorldBy J. M. Roberts自己顶一下吧。
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中... 超赞 赏 W way2peace 0$(VIP 0) 92007-05-08#9 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?I hope nonetheless that my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide what the immensely learned historian Lord Acton termed a history "which is distinct from the combined history of all countries' 不管怎么说,我希望 我试图觉察到 那些我看作理所当然的东西 的努力,使得 被历史大家lord acton称为 一种区别于单纯的世界各国历史的累加的 一种历史,成为可能 翻成中文也是晕乎乎~~~my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted 就是说我们很多时候对事物习以为常,见多不怪,就不会再注意欣赏体会了,生在福中不知福就是这一系列
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?I hope none the less that my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide what the immensely learned historian Lord Acton termed a history "which is distinct from the combined history of all countries', but which also indicates the variety and richness of the great cultural traditions which determine its structure. 后半截没什么问题。感觉整个结构是 I hope ... that my efforts ... may have made it possible to provide ... a history... 我的问题是,my efforts 和 may have made it possible之间的那段话my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide。红字部分怎么解?多谢了。take for granted 1. Consider as true or real, anticipate correctly, as in I took it for granted that they'd offer to pay for their share but I was wrong. [c. 1600] 2. Underestimate the value of, become used to, as in The editors felt that the publisher was taking them for granted. The verb take for granted has one meaning:Meaning #1: take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proofSynonyms: assume, presume 不用google了,这句话来自J. M. Roberts' The New Penguin History of the World的前言。 我劝你多GOOGLE就有答案!
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?Google只是个工具罢了。而且我也不是问take for granted的问题。take for granted是什么意思,在这儿转的,不用查字典都知道吧。
2006-08-03 Thur DHL递香港,次日签收。2006-08-17 Thur 信用卡扣款 2006-10-18 Wed FN等待中... 超赞 赏 benkok 0$(VIP 0) 12,1752007-05-09#12 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?學習ing~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。―――――――――――――――――――――――――― 超赞 赏 W way2peace 0$(VIP 0) 92007-05-09#13 回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?我不是都回答你了么
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?這是什麽英文來的~~第一次看到~~我暈~~了~~還是要好好的向老師們學習~~
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――Google只是个工具罢了。 而且我也不是问take for granted的问题。take for granted是什么意思,在这儿转的,不用查字典都知道吧。点击展开... 所以我早就要告别这里了. to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted 那在这里转的谁都知道. 语言也是工具,再牛没专业什么也做不了.题外话,不是对你的,免得发生争斗.
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?I hope nonetheless that my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted may have made it possible to provide what the immensely learned historian Lord Acton termed a history "which is distinct from the combined history of all countries' 不管怎么说,我希望 我试图觉察到 那些我看作理所当然的东西 的努力,使得 被历史大家lord acton称为 一种区别于单纯的世界各国历史的累加的 一种历史,成为可能 翻成中文也是晕乎乎~~~ my efforts to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted 就是说我们很多时候对事物习以为常,见多不怪,就不会再注意欣赏体会了,生在福中不知福就是这一系列点击展开... INTERESTING!
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?中文倒比英文有趣.
回复: 请教下这句话怎么解?to be aware of what I might too easily take for granted to be aware of 意思是:“意识到”what 引导名词性从句,就和what I know是一样的句型。
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