加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科“战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)


20070601transit union calls off strike threattentative deal reached, ratification vote slated for tomorrowVandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikasOddly the Swatika is a holy symbol used to induce luck.Investigators believe there's more than one culprit, based on the number of flags that were vandalizedThe sheriff said deputies were trying to lift fingerprints off what little physical evidence they were able to recoverAn unfortunate actIt is a shame that people(more than likely young adults) have to do acts like this in the name of "fun". I guess these vandals should count their lucky stars that they do not live in Germany, as they would probably jailed for a while due to Germany's zero tolerance towards anything about Nazism.I find this act worrisome Someone with loose lips will probably spill the beans(hopefully). In the day of no video, this will probably end up online, which may give authorities a better chance of catching them.Too high a count of bozos wandering around unsupervised.Oddly the Swatika is a holy symbol used to induce luck.a Hindu ladythe massive stigma of what the Swastika now signifies makes it so that no one wants to use it anymore.It may take a hundred years for pagans to be able to reclaim the symbol of the squared abbreviated sun wheel. When going for tattoos I had to research which ones had been co-opted by the skinheads first.The swastika is a type of solar cross, with arms bent at right angles, suggesting a whirling or turning motion. Long before the symbol was co-opted as an emblem of Hitler's Nazi party, it was a sacred symbol to Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religions, as well as in Norse, Basque, Baltic, and Celtic Paganism.I apologize to the original poster if I have gone off-topic.maybe (I'm guessing) an anti-war statement.Sadly, the vandals were illiterate when it comes to political symbolism and chose to desecrate graves - the surest way to shoot themselves in the foot, and to hurt a lot of feelings.Her voice is very haunting.Just thought I'd pop in and say...I'VE GOT PIZZA!!Can you send me a slice?I eat veggie pizza all the timeWell- this pizza is made with a low fat base and low fat cheese! It has tomato sauce and lumps of tomato, chicken breast, onion and pepper on it. Only 6% fat (which pretty much counts as low fat) and only 500 calories for the whole pizza!! Which I have just eaten. YUM!aah, did you make it yourself, homemade is best.I got it from Pizza Hut. Can't imagine low fat pizza!! We order quite often from Pizza Hut ... I always get black olives, pineapple and extra cheese.pizza hut are lying bastards They publish the nutritional content and ingrediants of all their food on the internet nowadays...you can't lie about stuff like that and get away with it!it only cost me £3.50 for the pizz and a bottle of diet pepsiThey make the best spinach pizza with feta, tomatoes, black olives, spinach....hmmmmmmm...delicious. I'm drooling into my keyboard thinking about it....I loved going to that place at closing timeis that intentional?completely veggie, not vegan thoughThat's just hysterical. Sorry, but Pizza Hut and low fat are not friends. My arteries clog thinking of Pizza Hut.Can you please send some Prawn Crisps? Thank you and I shall send you some maple syrup and pancake mix.it's really hard to get the dough to cook without burning the sauce and toppings.THE best pizza by far is a vegetarian with beef. It's to die for.Vegetarian with beef eh?Would that not be considered an oxymoron?I'm not that good at sticking to recipies...but I'll promise to try...Fire at will!Knead the dough with warm watersince you don't follow things to the ounce, stick with the proportions you are familiar with, but thats at your own perilno anchovies, they will kill the taste.Kaseri cheese (can only be found in a Greek Deli),

回复: 自留地,请勿跟贴,谢了哈20070602If you don't like the results you flunked!man, there' no greek deli in my area....I'll have to outsource for my cheeseYou have to use this cheese, it makes all the difference. right on, my own personal chees dealer...do you sell from a trench coat?Seriously, that is the main ingredient, you can't change it. It's like using bees wax for gas how bout's you express post me some pizza?I only sell powdered goods from my trench coat Maybe I should retire to PEI then and open one up? Just to keep me busy we just had an asian food stuffs store open up...it's the only one I know of aroundWell if you need cheese say the word and I'll put some on dry ice for you and ship it right over!Give it a try one night, you won't be disappointed.I have to work with inherent limitations...ergo I ask for possible substitutions...to steal a line from peapod...so blah!I had some really nice Kasseri when I was visiting vineyards in BC last yearSpooky . I was just about to post. No suck luck! Sorry, Kaseri has a texture to it that you cannot find in any other cheese. However, they do say you can use provolone instead of Kaseri, but that's bull****! What about provolone with butter...don't throw anything at me...I'm only kidding.It might be a very long wait though!Fine...I'll do what I can....growl...Come on Manda, I know you can do it if you put your mind to it I was going to turn that around on you, but I'm letting you off the hook for now....you have suffered enough trouble for the moment.Used to have a heaping glass of goat's milk with an egg in it every morning,back when I was being raised by my grandparents It wasn't all that bad!

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070603_1 On June 16th at Dundas Square in Toronto, the 2nd Annual Walk to Stop Child Sexual Abuse will take place. Child molesters will molest whoever they want to. Web chatrooms are replete with predators counting on meeting kids who've been encouraged by both media and music to not only dress and behave inappropriately, but to act and think inappropriately. If you don't get that, you've missed the boat. you can print off the registration form and collect pledges.I think parents and guardians need to be more aware of the risks that are out there and they need to take them seriously. The internet has brought this to the unavoidable forefront Plus there will be a political tent where people can write to parliament and take home information. You can register, collect pledges and participate in a wonderful event for a worthy cause!

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070603_2 Does bilingualism strengthen a nation's identity, or does it weaken it? Canada and the United States are in direct contrast on this issue. duality of any kind is divisive. I think it's impractical and expensive, but then the Swiss seem to have made it work. And, forcing the language in school, and some idiots wanting it REQUIRED for post-secondary education, is where I draw the line.People who live in French areas will be inclined to take the course, while people in non-French areas, will have it as an option. Yes like a tax cut. A goofy law, that is very very expensive. as long as quebec remains part of canada, the bilingualism should stay. It represents the fact that Canada isnt just of english descent, and it benefits many people. On the lower mainland, Vancouver area, it would be much more beneficial to know Mandarin, as they are a big part of the population in that area. mandarin'd be a useful one, that's for sure. But if a school started teaching THAT, the whole nation would be up in arms saying we're pandering to the immies. Tamarin would probably have a heart attack make one of the languages French, and the other language offered could be a language representative to the local community.But out of all the immigrants asians are the best, they learn the language, and take importance to their education and chance at a better life here. Visit Markham if you are ever in the Toronto area... it's a miniature Hong Kong Markham is like Hong Kong... hmm, sort of like Burnaby or Richmond in Vancouver. Most of these are based on Center for Research and Information on Canada (CRIC) surveys, unless otherwise stated. among Canadian anglophones, 10% are bilingual I can sort of agree with that, even asian friends of mine admit that. In all honesty, I don't think the Chinese are any worse of a driver than any other race... Makes sense to me. Not because I was ignoring, but, because I was mulling on what you wrote.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070604_1 I think learning another language, any other language, is a worthwhile exercise. Just out of curiosity, Curiosity, what makes you no longer Canadian? Did you formally renouce your citizenship in front of a Canadian consular official? Did you submit the paperwork involved with renunciation of citizenship? What percentage of francophones learning English learn it successfully, and what percentage of anglophones learning French learn it successfully?Have all Canadian students start to learn Esperanto (extremely easy language) as a second language at the age of eight.This would be a great improvement compared to the current monolingualism dominating most of the country That's a pretty offensive statement to the Chinese. Infested? Wow. Maybe you should start a petition or something to get the chinese head tax reinstated or better yet push them out of Canada. OMG, people like you give Canada a bad name. I heard this over and over for years now he thinks whites are road hogs. If you have ever been in traffic in Beijing, you would realize that anybody who learned to drive in Beijing would be considered a lunatic here, but that's not because they're Asian, it's because of where/how they learned to drive. I live in Markham and I can tell you with a 100% certainty that asians are horrible drivers, they also eat whale blubber and consume tiger dicks as aphrodisiacs.I wasn't being serious, have a valium please. So from that standpoint, So the idea that an adult can't learn a language is ludicrous. Canadian government could do this without the consent of the people. those with a knack for language I beg to differ. Oh give me a break. Most preschoolers can't even speak their native language yet! Again, read my earlier post to see names of researchers in this field who will rebut this rediculous claim. I was in French immersion which meant that I took all my subjects at school in French until I was 10 when English started gradually being phased in. Only my limited vocabulary and grammar might give me away.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070604_2 This is easy.. Mulroney for his pro-American policies and attempts to dismantle our country by bringing us into even more of a servitude position with the yankees. The tribunal agreed........and shipped him straight to Canada, where he was tried for treason, convicted, and hanged. Justice done.If my memory serves me right, they used to derisively call him the "Canadian kid". Before the reading, I only had a vague recollection of these events.The approximately $35 billion in annual interest charges has handcuffed every Canadian government since. If the latter, I'll go with Charles Lawrence, the Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, who ordered the deportation of the Acadians. I saw a debate on TV one time about the integration of new immigrants. One panelist, who was a professor of something, immigrated with his parents in the 70s from Africa. I couldn't stand the man. I'll back you up on that... I would say Mulroney, his policies have single handedly done a great deal of damage to the country as a whole.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070605_1 Honestly, not being anti-Canada, but from my observations very little Canadians have patriotism.I mean absolutely nowhere near the USA. In the USA patriotism is drilled into you at birth. And should we put more importance into patriotism for Canadians.I celebrate Dominion Day. I marvel we've not lost Victoria Day. My mother is patriotic and remembered the school days where they would strap you if you dare disrespect the national anthem. There is a difference between quiet patriotism and fanatical nationalism. I am proud of my country and saddened to see a child like westman guy who has no pride, and no patriotism. or standing in the bitter cold on Remembrance day ceremonies. When my degree is finished I plan on enlisting in the RCAF. Some of my friends think I'm nuts, after all what does an agricultural degree have to do with war? To me, war is only one aspect of the Canadian Forces. It certainly gets the most attention, but there is also the disaster relief, community programs, search and rescue (which is what I hope to do), humanitarian missions, etc. I think it's more patriotic to demand more from our leaders, even criticize them (which in recent years has seemed tantamount to treasonous.) I was raised to have respect for so many things and I will pass on that gratitude and love to my children. I still toy with the idea of running for political office some day as well, provided I don't get to cynical in the future... And on 9/11 how the entire nation stood still, and candles and flags reined through the nation. Their is unity and love for America.The kids here are no more patriotic than kids in any nation unless we are talking about kids ruled by communism or dictatorship. A country that's falling to pieces with endless saparation issues... Singing songs to the empire at Games, is a brainwashing tool with a long long history. One should be loyal and patriotic about what's right with your country, and critical and politically active about what needs to be changed. Blind patriotism is a fools game.Nationalism on the other hand is believing that ones country is better than all the others, along with an inability to appreciate other peoples cultures, and an unwillingness to see within people what is common to us all. The right to live in peace and prosperity must be an international right.You live in a built-up, well-populated area.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070606_1 Freedom of religious expression does not equate 'no separation of church and state', which is what you said is not outlined in the constitution (American) or did I read that wrong.. However, the states were free to establish a state religion without out interference from the feds. If memory serves me correctly. The title of the thread is Canada has very little patriotism, the backlash is a result of basically saying that we posters here have very little patriotism. That is exactly the type language which would be expected to rouse up opposition to that over reaching statement. I have to say I'm flabbergasted by it really. Westmanguy you have provoked the ire of just about everyone on this forum. The outlandish, ignorant, things you post have gotten you on the wrong side of most here. Last time I was at the stampede, my brother and I spent $40 each to go on the ejector seat, what a rush. Fast way to spend money though... Patriotism denotes positive and supportive attitudes to a 'fatherland' Patriotism has ethical connotations Well, I can speak for all teens when I say that teens are stupid, obnoxious, disrespectful, and asinine I guess I'm patriotic, but that's not unconditional. I'm a hardcore patriotic Earthling though First and foremost, have you ever heard the phrase, the grass is greener on the other side? You may have some issues with Canada, but that doesn't mean the US is any better. You appear to have a distorted view of what life is like in the US. We're just not as noisy and jingoistic about it as the United States is. The U.S. is so convinced it's the greatest place in the history of civilization that it loses sight of the fact that there are other nations whose citizens are perfectly happy to be something other than American.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070607_1 Opponents of the seal hunt in the United States have mounted boycotts against Canadian seafood in restaurants across the country. The European Union is being pressured to ban the products, but has decided to first conduct an in-depth study of the seal hunt to establish whether it is humane or not. Besides, the hunters are doing the seals a favour, they're killing them off quicker then global warming will. The seal hunt is a barbaric reminder that Canada can't be trusted in environmental matters. Meat and fur does not grow on trees The population is doing fine and the meat feeds our depleted fish stocks.Please bear in mind the seals are much worse than the spanish for stealing our cod stocks. If we stopped hunting seals the cod would be extinct in a decade Absolute baloney! Misinformation of the most egregious form. It is human and ministry mismanagement at the highest professional levels that has contributed to the cod collapse. It is not the seal that is the culprit. Seals are cuter than fish nobody wants to cuddle a fish.

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)20070608 I do drink it from time to time only because it 's got GINGER root in it - good for your senses and immune system.Sounds like a waste of time to me- why not just have a coke? She always had a crock of it brewing. You're not a man of many words, are you It smelled like that old tattered wooden box

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)Where is the farmer?

一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada Where is the farmer?点击展开... 有领导了,可以发言了。再不来耕地,领导要收回了哦。

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)what is for?

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)呵呵!

2007.06.14 FN 2009.05.19 S2 2009.09.19 妥投 2009.09.25 12 2009.10.27 5 ..We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are. 超赞 赏 life990 0$(VIP 0) 3,0062007-06-20#15 回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)大家都闯入战斗的自留地了,呵呵

奕奕爸+娜娜爸 超赞 赏 K kiwi候补水手 0$(VIP 0) 8,3592007-06-20#16 回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)来踩一脚,哈哈,有种偷偷干坏事的快感,哈哈

木有马甲Where is the farmer?点击展开... 哈哈 这几天忙得焦头烂额,地都荒了,不好意思

回复: “战斗在加国”筒子的英语学习自留地 (请勿跟贴,谢了哈!)America's most endangered places. The list includes a 19th century waterfront in New York threatened for demolition. a famous road that spans the U.S. All kinds of historic places face threats that range from short-sited public policy, to demolition, to the ravages of time, weather and neglect. These places are unique and they're irreplaceable and literally tell the story of America is also in jeopardy. It's being threatened by looters. It's being threatened by vandalism

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