加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancy
请问上过或者正在上这个专业的朋友们, 入学条件怎样?需要Toefl和GMAT吗?教授推荐信需要吗?如果以前大学学的不是accounting,现在直接学这个专业行吗?多谢了
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-08-07#2 回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancyGraduate programs To be admitted to a graduate certificate program: Students must have completed an undergraduate degree. Students must provide one of the following:If they have already graduated, an official transcript confirming degree completion.If they have not already graduated, a letter from their university stating the intended date of graduation.Note that some programs have additional degree requirements (i.e. the degree must be in a particular field, and/or the student's GPA must be above a certain level). Please see the program description for details.Students who received their degree from a university outside of Canada are responsible for having their degree evaluated for equivalency by the Quebec government. This evaluation will need to be submitted to the Centre before the application for admission can be processed.Students must attach two pieces of identification to their application form.Language requirements Career and Management Studies: Students applying to a diploma or graduate certificate must be proficient in English.Translation: Students applying to the graduate diploma must pass an entrance examination.
回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancyProof of English proficiency(Applies only to Career and Management Studies.) The language of instruction for most courses at McGill is English; however, students are allowed to write term papers, examinations and theses in English or in French except in courses where knowledge of the language is one of the objectives of the course. Students are not required to submit proof of proficiency in English if they meet one of the following conditions: Their mother tongue/first language is English; orThey have completed a Diploma of Collegial Studies at an English Language CEGEP during or later than 2003; orThey have completed both Secondary V and a Diploma of Collegial Studies in Quebec; orTheir mother tongue/first language is English and they have completed the last five years of study in a French Baccalaureate International Option program, or in a French Lycée located in an English speaking country; orTheir last five years of study (preceding application) have been at a learning institution where English is the main language of instruction (including applicants taught in English in Kenya, Liberia and Singapore); or Advanced level English: A-Level subject in English, (other than English as a Second Language) with a final grade of C or better. All other applicants to Career and Management Studies must demonstrate proficiency in English, using one of the following six options: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 233 (or a minimum score of 577 for the paper-based version of this test). A minimum overall or composite score of 90 in conjunction with a minimum individual component score (reading, writing, listening and speaking) of 21 is required for applicants who took the internet-based TOEFL (iBT).For further information contact:TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)Box 6151Princeton, New Jersey08541-6151, USAWeb: www.toefl.orgUniversity of Michigan English Language Test (MELAB) with a minimum mark of 85%. For further information contact:English Language Institute, Testing and CertificationUniversity of Michigan, TCF Building401E Liberty, Suite 350Ann Arbor, Michigan48104, USATel: (734) 764-2416 Web: www.lsa.umich.edu/eli/melab.htmMcGill Certificate of Proficiency in English. For more information please visit McGill University's Continuing Education English and French Language Programs web site at: www.mcgill.ca/eflpEnglish and French Language ProgramsCentre for Continuing Education688 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1181Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3R1Tel: (514) 398-1212 Fax: (514) 398-1769E-mail: infoesl.conted@mcgill.caInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a band score of 6.5 or better. For further information about IELTS contact:The British CouncilMedlock StreetManchester MI5 4AAUnited KingdomWeb: www.ielts.orgAPIEL (Advanced Placement International English Language) with a minimum score of 4. For further information about APIEL contact:The College Board45 Columbus AvenueNew York, NY 100223-6992USATel: (212) 713-8091 Web: www.collegeboard.com/ap/students/apielMcGill CCE Test of English Language Proficiency(McGill CCE-TELP) with a Category A result. For further information please visit McGill University's Continuing Education English and French Language Program web site at:www.mcgill.ca/eflpEnglish and French Language ProgramsCentre for Continuing Education688 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1181Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 3R1Tel: (514) 398-1212 Fax: (514) 398-1769E-mail: infoesl.conted@mcgill.caNote: An institutional version of these tests is not acceptable. Where to send the documents It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the official test results are forwarded directly to the Student Affairs Office (Admissions) of the Centre for Continuing Education.For TOEFL and APIEL, the institutional code at McGill is 0935-00. Student Affairs - AdmissionsCentre for Continuing EducationMcGill University688 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1125Montreal, Quebec, CanadaH3A 3R1
回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancyhttp://www.mcgill.ca/conted-cms/programs/grad/accounting/gradcert/
回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancy名称和你讲的不一样,不过MCGILL管理系好象只有这样的.
回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancy再多问几句,这个专业有没有实习?就业怎样?大概收入多少?
回复: 问个具体点的问题,关于Mcgill大学graduate diploma in chatered accountancy希望多一些这方面的信息,顶!
08年7月1日终于踏上了梦中的家园--CANADA!in Edmonton now!再多问几句,这个专业有没有实习?就业怎样?大概收入多少?点击展开... 这些问题你要去问学校。
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