加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?
今天去面试了,感觉还不错,谁知下午竟接到对方的邮件,要求我做如下一道题:In a production plant there are 3 pieces of equipment required to produce a product. The first piece of equipment the products go through is labeled A, and it has the capacity to produce 100 units per hour. The next piece in the production line is equipment B, it has the capacity to produce 90 units per hour. The last piece of equipment in the production line is C, and it has the capacity to produce 75 units per hour. The production equipment requires 3 operators. The operators work 8 hour shifts. There are 3, 8 hour shifts every 24 hours. The operators receive $ 12.00 per hour plus 25 % for benefits. The 24 hour production results for one mouth are as follows: Monday, May 1, 1200 units, 72 man hours. Tuesday May 2, 1300 units, 72 man-hours. Wednesday May 3, 1600 units, 72 man-hours. Thursday May 4, 1500 units, 72 man-hours. Friday May 5, 900 units, 48 man-hours. Monday May 8, 1200 units, 72 man-hours. Tuesday May 9, 1300 units, 72 man-hours. Wednesday May 10, 1200 units, 72 man-hours. Thursday May 11, 1400 units, 72 man-hours. Friday May 12, 800 units, 24 man-hours. Monday May 15, 1000 units, 72 man-hours, Tuesday May 16, 1500 units, 72 man-hours. Wednesday May 17, 1300 units, 72 man-hours. Thursday May 18, 1600 units, 72 man-hours. Friday may 19, 800 units, 24 man-hours. Monday May 22, 1300 units, 72 man-hours. Tuesday May 23, 1200 units, 72 man-hours. Wednesday May 24, 1100 units, 72 man-hours. Thursday May 25, 1200 units, 72 man-hours. Friday May 26, 700 units, 24 man-hours. Monday May 29, 1200 units, 72 man-hours. Tuesday May 30, 1300 units, 72 man-hours. Organize the information into a meaningful way to illustrate production trends and calculate the labor cost per unit. Use Excel to complete the exercise我考虑可以用EXCEL作出表格和趋势图,可是怎么也用不上A,B,C三个设备的生产能力100,90,和75,并且也用不上 The first piece of equipment the products go through is labeled A, and it has the capacity to produce 100 units per hour. The next piece in the production line is equipment B, it has the capacity to produce 90 units per hour. The last piece of equipment in the production line is C, and it has the capacity to produce 75 units per hour. The production equipment requires 3 operators. The operators work 8 hour shifts. There are 3, 8 hour shifts every 24 hours这些条件.请高人指点!!明天就要交卷呀!着急!
超赞 赏 L limeiyun 0$(VIP 0) 142007-08-10#2 回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?另外还想问我的电脑安装的是中文EXCEL系统,我在自己的电脑上作完题后发给对方,人家在英文的系统的电脑上可以打开吗?
超赞 赏 L limeiyun 0$(VIP 0) 142007-08-10#3 回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?浏览附件Assignment.xls我上传了EXCEL表
超赞 赏 M maxlin 0$(VIP 0) 302007-08-10#4 回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?人工及设备能力是可以完成当月总任务的,但问题是设备C的每班产能只有8*75=600件,在5月12,19,26这三天只有一班的时候,B和C是不能当天完成任务的,所以要拖延到第二天,或者任务安排时要合理调整一下,否则只有B和C加班了.呵呵总的平均应是0.8刀/UNIT
回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?如果仔细考虑,A设备平时每天用两个人就可以了,产能可达1600件每天,为工厂省银子了..
回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?LZ不必EXCEL里计算每天的LABOR COST PER UNIT,因为在12,19,26这三天是完不成任务,是不成立的,只需总COST/总MAN-HOURS就是了
回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?SORRY,应是总LABOR COST/总产量
回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?谢谢maxlin,楼主交卷了,得到了这份工作.恭喜楼主啊.
马拉松都跑过了,还怕移民路长?路漫漫,吾将上下而求索2007年7月31日,BJ使馆收到我家的申请.2007年8月9日,BJ使馆签发FN.2008年2月5日大年三十,出现地址栏... 超赞 赏 L limeiyun 0$(VIP 0) 142007-08-10#9 回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?谢谢朋友帮忙!我得到这份工作了!很高兴!
超赞 赏 zzzzz 0$(VIP 0) 1,3882007-08-11#10 回复: 面试后,如何解答公司出的数学考题?你申请的是什么职位?line sup? planner? IE?
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