加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Jobless rate at 30-year low (转)


ZT:http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/245067Jobless rate at 30-year low var imageL= '248626_3.JPG' if(imageL) { document.write(''); } else{ document.write(''); } LARRY MACDOUGAL/CP PHOTO Workers perform maintenance and repairs on an oilfield pump near Halkirk, Alta. Alberta's unemployment is the lowest in Canada. document.write('Email story'); Email story Print Choose text size document.write('Report typo or correction'); Report typo or correction Digg this story Add to Facebook Tag on Delicious Today's marketsHighs and lowsMutual fund finderProvincial jobless rates (Previous month in brackets) Newfoundland 13.6 (13.1)Edward Island 10.5 (10.5)Nova Scotia 8.8 (8.1)New Brunswick 7.2 (6.8)Quebec 6.9 (6.9)Ontario 6.6 (6.5)Manitoba 4.2 (4.6)Saskatchewan 4.8 (4.4)Alberta 3.3 (3.8)British Columbia 4.1 (4.4)Ontario adds 27,000 manufacturing jobs Ontario added 27,000 new manufacturing jobs in July to signal the first significant increase in that sector in more than a year.Aug 10, 2007 09:51 AM Lisa Wright Business ReporterThe Bank of Canada may have more motivation to raise interest rates next month after the national jobless rate surprisingly fell to its lowest level in over 30 years, with Alberta continuing to lead the pack in job creation.Despite a rocky couple weeks on North American stock markets, the latest economic data “just reinforces the point that the economic fundamentals for Canada are still quite strong,” said Doug Porter, chief economist at BMO Nesbitt Burns.Canada’s unemployment rate fell to 6 per cent last month from 6.1 per cent in June, which turned out to be the lowest rate since 1974, according to a Statistics Canada report released today.“It wasn’t a big move but the direction is down, which suggests that the labour market remains very healthy overall,” he said.There was a net gain of 11,300 jobs, which was below the 20,000 that analysts were expecting for the month of July. “But there was a lot more strength here than met the eye,” Porter said.The report pointed out that wages have increased across Canada and, on average, are now running ahead of inflation after slower increases in the first quarter of the year.In July, Canadians on average were making 3.7 per cent more than they were in July 2006, while inflation was running at 2.2 per cent.There were also 20,000 new manufacturing jobs created in Canada, along with 25,000 new positions in the professional, scientific and technical sectors and 17,000 more in transportation and warehousing.Those gains, however, were offset by the loss of 57,000 positions in educational services and 13,000 more in finance, insurance and real estate.Ontario’s overall employment level was little changed in July, although there were 27,000 new manufacturing jobs created in July in Canada’s most populous province. That was the first significant increase in this sector in more than a year.“Alberta continues to be the runaway growth leader and that’s not expected to change at all” down the road, Porter noted.“But Ontario’s unemployment rate is drifting further and further above the national average,” he said.Although the credit crunch has recently spooked financial markets, economists said the latest employment report could still convince the central bank to raise its key interest rate when it meets next month.“This is a pretty solid report for Canada,” Steve Butler, director of foreign exchange trading in Toronto at Scotia Capital Inc., told Bloomberg News. Canada’s dollar traded at 94.74 U.S. cents by mid-day, up from 94.52 U.S. cents yesterday. Canadian bonds also rose following a global trend in which investors moved away from riskier assets.The currency has weakened about 1.3 per cent since July 25, when it reached a 30-year high, as U.S. subprime mortgage losses deepened and threatened global growth. The crisis has led traders to unwind so-called carry trades in which they borrow in Japan to buy assets in economies such as Canada, where rates are believed to be headed higher.

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