加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科美国大学排行榜:普林斯顿连续八年榜首
美国大学排行榜:普林斯顿连续八年榜首DWNEWS.COM-- 2007年8月18日5:49:18(京港台时间) --多维新闻网 中国日报/“美国新闻与世界报导”杂志的年度大学排行榜16日出炉,新泽西州的私立普林斯顿大学连续八年名列榜首。(chinesenewsnet.com) 哈佛大学与耶鲁大学跟去年一样,分别排名第二和第三名。今年的排行榜一如往常,少数大学的排名略有上下,但无重大变动。史丹福大学今年排名第四,加州理工学院与宾州大学并列第五。(chinesenewsnet.com) 在最佳文科学院方面,威廉斯学院和安赫斯特学院并列第一。(chinesenewsnet.com) 美新杂志每年都公布此种排行,题为“美国最佳大专院校”指南。今年的排行将刊登在预定17日上市的美新杂志。该杂志自1980年代推出此种排行,批评声浪今年最强烈。(chinesenewsnet.com) 一批大专院校和教育界人士正在研发其他评?办法,以取而代之。目前,这个以教育界活跃人士塞克为首的团体尚未正式争取到顶尖大学的响应。但是,美新杂志至少对批评人士的一项不满有了反应。批评人士认为,这个排行榜对招收低收入学生的学院不公平。因此,该杂志今年首次在评?项目中加上一项:计算毕业率表现时,考虑接受政府学费补助的学生所占的百分比。(chinesenewsnet.com) 大学排行的评?项目包括毕业率和辍学率,教职员和学校财务状况,校友捐款状况等。但最重要的因素(也是最引起争议的项目)是:其他学院提出的声望评估。
回复: 美国大学排行榜:普林斯顿连续八年榜首U.S. News & World Report ranks Princeton No. 1 www.chinaview.cn 2007-08-17 20:07:50 Print BEIJING, Aug. 17 (Xinhuanet) -- For the eighth consecutive year Princeton, the private New Jersey university, has either tied or help the No. 1 spot in the U.S. News & World Report college ranking. Princeton again was trailed by Harvard at No. 2 and Yale at No. 3 in the controversial rankings. As usual, a few schools moved up or down a slot, but there were no major changes. Stanford was No. 4, followed by Cal Tech and the University of Pennsylvania tied for fifth. Williams and Amherst were the highest-ranked liberal arts colleges. The rankings will be made public Monday in the magazine's annual "America’s Best Colleges" guide. The magazine is facing particularly vocal complaints this year from a group of colleges and educators working to develop an alternative to the system. So far, the group led by education activist Lloyd Thacker hasn't formally enlisted any of the top-ranked schools. But the magazine has responded to one complaint: that the rankings punish schools for enrolling low-income students. For the first time this year, U.S. News is factoring the percentage of students receiving Pell Grants into its calculation of a school's "graduation rate performance." The magazine has included the service academies this year for the first time. The U.S. Naval Academy is ranked No. 20 in the liberal arts college category, and the U.S. Military Academy is No. 22. The U.S. Air Force Academy leads the list of "Best Baccalaureate Colleges" in the western region. The formula for the rankings includes variables such as graduation and retention rates, faculty and financial resources, and the percentage of alumni donating money to their alma mater. The biggest single variable — and the most controversial — is a reputation assessment by peer institutions. The top 10 national universities are, in order, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, California Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania (tie), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Duke, and Columbia and University of Chicago (tie). (Agencies)
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