加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?


读SFU的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/ensc/graduate-studies/admissions看到最后一句话:“If you are applying to the M.Eng. Program, please note you must be currently working in the Vancouver area. ”谁能帮我解释解释?为什么要currently working in Vancourver??我有个工作我还上学干嘛????Application requirementsIf you wish to apply, the following documentation is required: Application for Graduate Studies can now be made online via the SFU Graduate Studies website. A $75.00 application fee is required, as your application will not be processed until it is paid. Payment should be made out to Simon Fraser University and mailed to the School of Engineering Science with your application.Three confidential reference letters. This form may be used in place of letters of reference. Your reference letters should contain an official letterhead. If the reference letter forms are used, a business card of the referee must be attached to the form. All reference letters must be sealed with the referee's signature across the seal and sent direct to the School of Engineering Science, Graduate Admissions. These reference letters may be bundled with your application package.A list of your scholarly work, if any. Typically this will apply only to applicants for the Ph.D. program; the list may include your Master's thesis.Official copies of transcripts mailed directly to us by the degree-granting institutions that you have attended. If your transcripts do not include a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) this must be calculated by the applicant and included within the application material. You may send photocopies with your application form to speed its processing, but original transcripts are still required.TOEFL scores as required (see paragraph below this list) sent directly to us by Educational Testing Service. If you have already taken the TOEFL test, you may send a photocopy with your application package to speed its processing, but original TOEFL scores will still be required.A statement describing your Engineering Science background.If you are applying to the M.Eng. Program, please note you must be currently working in the Vancouver area.

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 超赞 赏 螃蟹 0$(VIP 0) 1,5352007-09-08#2 回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?If you are applying to the M.Eng. Program, please note you must be currently working in the Vancouver area.

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-09-08#3 回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?这边的工程硕士都是和实际联系的,工程硕士是一种应用型的学位,就象MBA一样,不是研究型的学位,不是让你光研究理论,侧重你实际工作中的应用。

回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?这个我明白, M.Eng 和 M.A.Sc的差别难道不是像他网站上写的那样,白天给导师做项目,晚上上课 那工作应该是导师给的才对啊,而不应该是自己才有的吧?我这样理解对否??还是他本身就要求我之外有专业工作?问题是,我要申请他的M.E, 难道非得要有工作才行?? 我读书是因为找不到专业工作,我都找到专业工作了我还读书干什么??

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 超赞 赏 螃蟹 0$(VIP 0) 1,5352007-09-08#5 回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?我已经有了6年工作经验了,不过是在国内; 。。。在加国没有工作。。到底能不能申请这类的M.Eng读呢? 有过来人说两句话???

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 超赞 赏 pauline_yu 0$(VIP 0) 2082007-09-08#6 回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?我在UWO读MENG,其实刚开学,刚进校门,还没开始读呢不过申请过程很简单啊,没有这种无理要求

Laugh, and the world laughs with you; ​ 超赞 赏 birchbai 0$(VIP 0) 2382007-09-09#7 回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?可能SFU只提供M.Eng 的part-time program。如果是part-time的,很多学校都要求要在职的。

回复: 读Simon Fraser Univeristy 的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作?读SFU的M.Eng难道还要当前在当地有工作? http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/ensc/graduate-studies/admissions 看到最后一句话:“If you are applying to the M.Eng. Program, please note you must be currently working in the Vancouver area. ”谁能帮我解释解释?为什么要currently working in Vancourver??我有个工作我还上学干嘛???? Application requirementsIf you wish to apply, the following documentation is required: Application for Graduate Studies can now be made online via the SFU Graduate Studies website. A $75.00 application fee is required, as your application will not be processed until it is paid. Payment should be made out to Simon Fraser University and mailed to the School of Engineering Science with your application.Three confidential reference letters. This form may be used in place of letters of reference. Your reference letters should contain an official letterhead. If the reference letter forms are used, a business card of the referee must be attached to the form. All reference letters must be sealed with the referee's signature across the seal and sent direct to the School of Engineering Science, Graduate Admissions. These reference letters may be bundled with your application package.A list of your scholarly work, if any. Typically this will apply only to applicants for the Ph.D. program; the list may include your Master's thesis.Official copies of transcripts mailed directly to us by the degree-granting institutions that you have attended. If your transcripts do not include a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) this must be calculated by the applicant and included within the application material. You may send photocopies with your application form to speed its processing, but original transcripts are still required.TOEFL scores as required (see paragraph below this list) sent directly to us by Educational Testing Service. If you have already taken the TOEFL test, you may send a photocopy with your application package to speed its processing, but original TOEFL scores will still be required.A statement describing your Engineering Science background.If you are applying to the M.Eng. Program, please note you must be currently working in the Vancouver area.点击展开... The M.Eng. program is designed for part-time study by practicing engineers and is based on a set of courses, normally offered in the evenings, plus a project performed in industry. The principal areas of study offered in the M.Eng. program are electronics, communications and signal processing. The M.A.Sc., on the other hand, is a full-time program in which primary emphasis is on the thesis, rather than course work. It is more exploratory than the M.Eng., and hence the areas of study cover a greater range. http://www.ensc.sfu.ca/ensc/graduate-studies/program/meng 兄弟,看了你的问题帮你查了一下.申请要看仔细了.目前你不够格.申请别的吧.

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