加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科有个词一直没搞明白
agincourt 经常看到这个词,但是无论在哪儿查都是一个解释:法国北部阿金库尔。但是我是在很多建筑物门口看到的,所以我很想知道这个词到底是什么意思?谢谢 哦,对了,还有个短语 make sense 是什么意思?
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白make sense 指有意义的,合理的。
超赞 agincourt 经常看到这个词,但是无论在哪儿查都是一个解释:法国北部阿金库尔。但是我是在很多建筑物门口看到的,所以我很想知道这个词到底是什么意思?谢谢 哦,对了,还有个短语 make sense 是什么意思?点击展开...某商品牌子.Agincourt Dental & Personal Care Products有来源的. The Battle of Agincourt, 1415 Printer Friendly Version >>>The English victory at the Battle of Agincourt gave birth to a legend that was immortalized in William Shakespeare's King Henry V. The battle took place in a muddy farmer's field in northern France on October 25, 1415 and was one in a series of encounters between France and England that has become known as the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453).The story begins two months before the battle. Henry and his army had landed in France on August 14 near the mouth of the Seine River. The objective was to regain English territory lost to France over a period of centuries. The first task was to besiege and conquer a nearby town. Henry was successful, but the time-consuming effort took over a month. It was now early October. Henry realized that his reduced force and the limited time left in the campaigning season, meant that he would not be able to press his attack on the French. Instead, he lead his army north in a "show of force" that would end at the English port of Calais and embarkation back to England.Henry V at the time of thebattle. His haircut providesa more comfortable fitfor his battle helmet.As the English army marched north, it was dogged by a French force intent on bringing Henry to battle. The French were able to slip ahead of Henry and block his path to the sea at Agincourt. On the morning of October 25, the two armies faced one another on a recently plowed field muddied by an overnight rain and constricted by woodlands on either side. The majority of Henry's army was made up of archers; the remainder consisted of armored knights who fought on foot. His opponent's force consisted primarily of knights who fought on foot and on horseback, supported by archers. Although estimates of the relative strength of the two armies vary, there is no argument that the English were vastly outnumbered. The two enemies faced one another, exchanging taunts designed to provoke an attack. Henry marched his force close enough to allow his archers to unleash a hail of arrows upon the French. The French knights charged forward only to be caught in a slippery quagmire of mud. To make matters worse, the French attackers were unable to effectively swing their broadswords because of the tight quarters of the battlefield and the continuing forward rush of their comrades behind them. Henry's archers fired lethal storms of arrows into this dense mass of humanity until the French began to retreat. The archers then dropped their bows, picked up what weapons they could find and joined the English knights in slaying their foe. The setting sun left a battlefield heaped with the bodies of thousands of French knights and the cream of France's ruling class. The English had dealt their enemy a disastrous blow. "...their horses stumbled among the stakes, and they were speedily slain by the archers." Jehan de Wavrin was the son of a Flemish knight. His father and older brother fought with the French at the battle. Both were killed. The young de Wavrin observed the battle from the French lines and we join his account as the two armies prepare for combat: ADVERTISMENTe9 = new Object(); e9.size = "300x250"; e9.noAd = 1;document.write('');"When the battalions of the French were thus formed, it was grand to see them; and as far as one could judge by the eye, they were in number fully six times as many as the English. And when this was done the French sat down by companies around their banners, waiting the approach of the English, and making their peace with one another; and then were laid aside many old aversions conceived long ago; some kissed and embraced each other, which it was affecting to witness; so that all quarrels and discords which they had had in time past were changed to great and perfect love. And there were some who breakfasted on what they had. And these Frenchmen remained thus till nine or ten o'clock in the morning, feeling quite assured that, considering their great force, the English could not escape them; however, there were at least some of the wisest who greatly feared a fight with them in open battle. ...The French had arranged their battalions between two small thickets, one lying close to Agincourt, and the other to Tramecourt. The place was narrow, and very advantageous for the English, and, on the contrary, very ruinous for the French, for the said French had been all night on horseback, and it rained, and the pages, grooms, and others, in leading about the horses, had broken up the ground, which was so soft that the horses could with difficulty step out of the soil. And also the said French were so loaded with armour that they could not support themselves or move forward. In the first place they were armed with long coats of steel, reaching to the knees or lower, and very heavy, over the leg harness, and besides plate armour also most of them had hooded helmets; wherefore this weight of armour, with the softness of the wet ground, as has been said, kept them as if immovable, so that they could raise their dubs only with great difficulty, and with all these mischiefs there was this, that most of them were troubled with hunger and want of sleep. ...Now let us return to the English. After the parley between the two armies was finished and the delegates had returned, each to their own people, the King of England, who had appointed a knight called Sir Thomas Erpingham to place his archers in front in two wings, trusted entirely to him, and Sir Thomas, to do his part, exhorted every one to do well in the name of the King, begging them to fight vigorously against the French in order to secure and save their own lives. And thus the knight, who rode with two others only in front of the battalion, seeing that the hour was come, for all things were well arranged, threw up a baton which he held in his hand, saying 'Nestrocq' ['Now strike'] which was the signal for attack; then dismounted and joined the King, who was also on foot in the midst of his men, with his banner before him. A contemporary depiction of the battleAgincourt stands in the background.Then the English, seeing this signal, began suddenly to march, uttering a very loud cry, which greatly surprised the French. And when the English saw that the French did not approach them, they marched dashingly towards them in very fine order, and again raised a loud cry as they stopped to take breath. Then the English archers, who, as I have said, were in the wings, saw that they were near enough, and began to send their arrows on the French with great vigour. Then the French seeing the English come towards them in this manner, placed themselves together in order, everyone under his banner, their helmets on their heads. The Constable, the Marshal, the admirals, and the other princes earnestly exhorted their men to fight the English well and bravely; and when it came to the approach the trumpets and clarions resounded everywhere; but the French began to hold down their heads, especially those who had no bucklers, for the impetuosity of the English arrows, which fell so heavily that no one durst uncover or look up. Thus they went forward a little, then made a little retreat, but before they could come to close quarters, many of the French were disabled and wounded by the arrows; and when they came quite up to the English, they were, as has been said, so closely pressed one against another that none of them could lift their arms to strike their enemies, except some that were in front... [The French knights] struck into these English archers, who had their stakes fixed in front of them... their. horses stumbled among the stakes, and they were speedily slain by the archers, which was a great pity. And most of the rest, through fear, gave way and fell back into their vanguard, to whom they were a great hindrance; and they opened their ranks in several places, and made them fall back and lose their footing in some land newly sown; for their horses had been so wounded by the arrows that the men could no longer manage them. [The French] men-at-arms without number began to fall; and their horses feeling the arrows coming upon them took to flight before the enemy, and following their example many of the French turned and fled. Soon afterwards the English archers, seeing the vanguard thus shaken, issued from behind their stockade, threw away their bows and quivers, then took their swords, hatchets, mallets, axes, falcon-beaks and other weapons, and, pushing into the places where they saw these breaches, struck down and killed these Frenchmen without mercy, and never ceased to kill till the said vanguard which had fought little or not at all was completely overwhelmed, and these went on striking right and left till they came upon the second battalion, which was behind the advance guard, and there the King personally threw himself into the fight with his men-at-arms. As the English continued to gain the upper hand, King Henry received news that the French were attacking at the rear of his army and that French reinforcements were approaching. King Henry ordered that all French prisoners be put to the sword - an order his knights were reluctant to follow as, if kept alive, these prisoners could bring a healthy ransom: "When the King of England perceived them coming thus he caused it to be published that every one that had a prisoner should immediately kill him, which those who had any were unwilling to do, for they expected to get great ransoms for them. But when the King was informed of this he appointed a gentleman with two hundred archers whom he commanded to go through the host and kill all the prisoners, whoever they might be. This esquire, without delay or objection, fulfilled the command of his sovereign lord, which was a most pitiable thing, for in cold blood all the nobility of France was beheaded and inhumanly cut to pieces, and all through this accursed company, a sorry set compared with the noble captive chivalry, who when they saw that the English were ready to receive them, all immediately turned and fled, each to save his own life. Many of the cavalry escaped; but of those on foot there were many among the dead." References: Wavrin, Jehan de, Chronicles, 1399-1422, trans. Sir W. Hardy and E. Hardy (1887); Keegan, John, The Illustrated Face of Battle: a study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme (1989). DOES IT MAKE SENSE?
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力. 超赞 赏 著 著名爱国侨领 0$(VIP 0) 2222007-10-22#4 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白2. 是一个地名.Agincourt, TorontoFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia• Interested in contributing to Wikipedia? •Jump to: navigation, searchAgincourt is a very diverse community in Scarborough, the eastern portion of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located at 43°47′07″N 79°16′42″W / 43.78528, -79.27833Coordinates: 43°47′07″N 79°16′42″W / 43.78528, -79.27833 and centred along Sheppard Avenue between Kennedy and Markham Roads (north-south includes lands between Highway 401 and Finch Avenue). It is sometimes tongue-in-cheek referred to as "Asian-court" by Torontonians due to the overwhelming Chinese and East Asian immigrant population residing there.The neighbourhood of Tam O'Shanter-Sullivan to the west is sometimes included as part of Agincourt. Both regions are part of the electoral district of Scarborough-Agincourt, and the Agincourt Mall is located in Tam O'Shanter.[edit] HistoryThe village of Agincourt was officially founded with the establishment of the Agincourt post office, opened in June 1858 by John Hill. The name of the settlement was after Azincourt in northern France and was intended to satisfy a French Canadian Post Office Department bureaucrat who demanded that Hill give his settlement a French name, however the Azincourt in France is also the site of a decisive English victory over French forces in 1415. The original crossroads of Agincourt is located at Midland Avenue and Sheppard and served a rural agricultural population.A Presbyterian church was built on the north-east corner, which is today's Knox United Church. In addition, a school was built, which has evolved over time into Agincourt Junior Public School (primary) and Agincourt Collegiate Institute (secondary, founded 1915), both part of the Toronto District School Board.Two railway stations were constructed in the second half of the 19th century at Agincourt, one located just west of the original crossroads. This station, on the Canadian National Railways line heading north from the Scarborough Junction at the Toronto - Montréal mainline, greatly improved access. This line still exists today as a route on the Greater Toronto Area GO Transit commuter rail system, and the Agincourt Station carries many commuters on the Stouffville line. CP Rail runs diagonally through the area, and branches out east of the former village, to serve Peterborough, Ontario, and Montreal. CP built a marshalling yard between McCowan and Markham Roads in the 1960s. Commuter rail service to Toronto's Union Station was offered on the CP Rail line, but was discontinued in the 1970s.Agincourt is often snidely referred to as 'Asiancourt' because of it's high population of Chinese and other oriental people and businesses.[edit] See also
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力. 超赞 赏 小鹌鹑没事偷着乐 0$(VIP 0) 2,9192007-10-22#5 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白make sense: 讲得通,有意义,言之有理Does that seem to make sense? 这讲得通吗? Can you make sense of what I said? 你能领会我说的意思吗? It would make sense to leave early. 早点离开是明智的。 It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可.
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 超赞 赏 E EOS 0$(VIP 0) 282007-10-23#6 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白谢谢各位楼上的指教,make sense 我算是弄明白了。不过 agincourt 我还是不太明白,因为在很多建筑物门口,如一些Mall 还有一些公寓的门口都见到有个牌子写着这个词,据我分析不太可能是商标或是地名
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白Agincourt n.[史](1415年英王亨利五世于法国北部阿金库尔村重创兵力数倍于己的法军的)阿金库尔战役
――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案n.[史](1415年英王亨利五世于法国北部阿金库尔村重创兵力数倍于己的法军的)阿金库尔战役点击展开... 这是金山词霸的解释,it doesn't make sense
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白谢谢各位楼上的指教,make sense 我算是弄明白了。不过 agincourt 我还是不太明白,因为在很多建筑物门口,如一些Mall 还有一些公寓的门口都见到有个牌子写着这个词,据我分析不太可能是商标或是地名点击展开...你住哪?如在多伦多,很多机构如汽车商也会起这个名字。就是一个名字。Agincourt Autohaus, Toronto, ON, Ontario, Audi dealer, new cars ...
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力.这是金山词霸的解释,it doesn't make sense点击展开...估计金山词霸里没这个词就说it doesn't make sense,你可乱敲一个字,如不存在,它是不是都说it doesn't make sense.
目标---封禁用户.仍须努力. 超赞 赏 yangyang2005 0$(VIP 0) 7,4062007-10-24#11 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白哈哈,大家继续讨论啊
――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案你住哪?如在多伦多,很多机构如汽车商也会起这个名字。就是一个名字。Agincourt Autohaus, Toronto, ON, Ontario, Audi dealer, new cars ...点击展开...应该是个地名没错.
Melting ICEEverything's gonna be OK ! 超赞 赏 E EOS 0$(VIP 0) 282007-10-24#13 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白真的不太可能是个地名,到处都是,就是搞不明白
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白下次看到,就在那个BUILDING里找个老外问问...然后告诉我们,让我们长点知识..
简单生活,简单快乐.agincourt 经常看到这个词,但是无论在哪儿查都是一个解释:法国北部阿金库尔。但是我是在很多建筑物门口看到的,所以我很想知道这个词到底是什么意思?谢谢 哦,对了,还有个短语 make sense 是什么意思?点击展开...make sense 讲得通,言之有理 (四级名词词组和固定搭配 )agincourt 会不会是品牌名称?
2007年9月27日递料HK (中介--迈斯林)2007年12月3日信用卡划款.2008年4月11日FN ************************************生命不止,折腾不休~~~ 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-10-24#16 回复: 有个词一直没搞明白借宝地问个短语。Wash your hand是啥意思?。。。今天有人跟俺说,俺还真去了呢。。。
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白Agincourt CI - 学校- - School TDSB Secondary 高中-多伦多本地搜索[SIZE=-1]Agincourt CI - 学校- - School TDSB Secondary 高中- Grade 9 to Grade 12.toronto.iask.ca/listing/509.aspx - 8k - 类似网页[/SIZE] Agincourt Jr PS - 学校- - School TDSB Elementary 小学-多伦多 ...[SIZE=-1]Agincourt Jr PS - 学校- - School TDSB Elementary 小学- Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.toronto.iask.ca/listing/731.aspx - 8k - 类似网页[ toronto.iask.ca站内的其它相关信息 ][/SIZE] 柠檬树| 多伦多| 爱静阁图书馆Agincourt Public Library[SIZE=-1]爱静阁图书馆Agincourt Public Library 155 Bonis Ave. Scarborough M1T 3W6 416-396-8943. 最新统计:投票0/人次总分0.00分 我要投票 ...www.lemon-tree.ca/cgi-bin/cseek/linfo.cgi?id=389 - 15k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 加拿大华人论坛- 『 加拿大校友录』 - 多伦多大学- UT Llife science~[SIZE=-1]我AGINCOURT的. 挺普通高中. 我真觉得高中8门课比大学5门课忙. .... 我刚到多伦多5天,准备重新读过,欢迎在读或准备读life science 的兄弟姐妹一起努力。 ...forum.iask.ca/viewthread.php?fid=54&tid=408479&extra=page%3D1&page=3 - 75k - 类似网页[/SIZE] www.xiao.ca - 多伦多中文黄页- Toronto Chinese Yellow Pages[SIZE=-1]多伦多,中文黄页,旅游,饮食,餐馆指南,多伦多餐馆指南,娱乐,精品网站,多伦多购物中心Toronto ... AGINCOURT LEISURE POOL 热门 31 Glen Watford Drive Scarborough, ON ...www.xiao.ca/dir/modules/xdirectory/singlelink.php?cid=158&lid=2575 - 29k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 多伦多信息港- 房屋中心- 查看出售信息[SIZE=-1]详细介绍. 3+1单车库Bungalow,步行至Agincourt Mall & Ttc,Go train station.名校Agincourt hs. 其他信息. 物业占地, 60X125英尺, 睡房, 3 ...info.1tor.com/house/showsale.asp?id=3185 - 38k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 多伦多生活黄页, Toronto Chinese Consumer Directory[SIZE=-1]Toronto Automobile Dealers Association 多伦多汽车商协会- association of NEW car ... Agincourt Autohaus Inc 291-6456, Agincourt Hyundai 291-2929, Alfa Romeo ...www.torchinese.com/yellowpage/autobuying.html - 8k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 药房Pharmacy - 多伦多万事通[SIZE=-1]多伦多华人生活指南,华人企业黄页,多伦商户大?加拿大华人,中国人,华人聊天室,留学聊天室,多伦多中文聊天室 ... Agincourt Mall 416-291-2421 惠福药房Watford Pharmacy ...www.looktoronto.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=71&Itemid=1 - 58k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 请问:5月27日上海飞多伦多的机票! [存档] - 加拿大家园论坛[SIZE=-1]我定在5月27日从上海去多伦多,想问下机票价格和行李等! .... Ontario Early Years Centre Scarborough Agincourt Ontario Early Years Centre Scarborough Centre ...forum.iask.ca/archive/index.php/t-51312.html - 102k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 多伦多名区巡礼- 城市文化- 加拿大多伦多中国城信息网--- www.ZhongGuo.ca[SIZE=-1]Guildwood是多伦多最优美最高尚的区域之一,位于Kingston Road和Guildwood Parkway ... 位于士嘉堡中心的爱静阁区(Agincourt)是士嘉堡历史悠久的一个成熟社区。 ...www.zhongguo.ca/bencandy.php?fid=70&id=643 - 23k - 类似网页[/SIZE] 多伦多名区巡礼Guildwood 凡是第一次到Guildwood的人,一定会难以置信,在士嘉堡还藏着这样一个树影婆娑,湖光鳞鳞的世外桃园。 Guildwood位于士嘉堡南边的安大略湖畔,但它不像湖滨区(The Beach)那样具有悠久的历史,算是一个年轻的社区。 Guildwood的历史始终围绕着“行会旅馆”(The Guild Inn)的命运发展而变化。行会旅馆是在1932年由罗莎和退休艺术家斯宾塞・克拉克建立的,它坐落在士嘉堡湖边的一个独特的峭壁顶上,行会旅馆就像代表 工艺厂和工作室的“全艺术行会”一样,在当时非常著名。 二战期间,行会旅馆被政府征用,成为加拿大代号为“HMCS Bytown II”的海军基地的办公室,后来又被改为有名的“Scarborough Hall”军队专科医院。 到二战结束后,行会旅馆被归还给克拉克时,它的知名度已经因战争而变得更高了。 到了1950年代,迫于上涨的地税压力,克拉克将行会旅馆附近的400英亩土地卖给了开发商,在这些开发商的手下,现在的Guildwood社区应运而 生。1978年大多伦多地区的保护组织买下了行会旅馆剩下的土地,因而使得 Guildwood优美的环境得以保存,留与后人。 Guildwood是多伦多最优美最高尚的区域之一,位于Kingston Road和Guildwood Parkway的Guildwood的主入口就气度不凡,整齐庄重的石柱和铸铁花栏标志这个社区的风尚。 Guildwood Park是区内最受喜爱的公园,Guildwood的地标依旧是位于201 Guildwood Parkway的“行会旅馆”,“行会旅馆”现在占地90英亩,俯瞰士嘉堡湖边的峭壁区,这里你既可以欣赏到旅馆的建造艺术,也可以享受到大自然,每年六 月的“Guildwood日”,沿Guildwood Parkway你可以品尝烤饼早餐和晚上烧烤、购买工艺品、参加赛跑,观看花街游行,方方面面告诉你Guildwood是个游玩和生活的好地方。 Guildwood的房子都比较新,一般都建于1950年代和1960年代,形式上不外乎平房、复式多层、独立两层,还有一些镇屋和高层住宅,但有些新建的房子却是独家设计的,风格都很个性。 许多Guildwood的房子都有门廊,花园讲究,Guildwood Parkway以南的房子是最值得关注的,因为它们后院都在安大略湖边的峭壁上,湖光帆影尽收眼底。 爱静阁区(Agincourt) 位于士嘉堡中心的爱静阁区(Agincourt)是士嘉堡历史悠久的一个成熟社区。老爱静阁是指Midland Avenue和铁路,Sheppard Avenue以北到Lockie Avenue之间这一区域。 早先,爱静阁还是一个以诺克斯教堂(Knox Presbyterian Church)为中心的田园小村。现在矗立于Middland和Sheppard路口的诺克斯教堂始建于1846年,原先的教堂主体很简陋,在1872 年,经过用传统的古砖改造,教堂焕然一新。历经一个半世纪的风雨,至今其风采依旧。 1858年,第一个邮局在约翰・赫尔(John Hill)的综合商店开张,一个魁北克议会议员坚持给这个邮局起了一个法国名字,在这个议员的帮助下,赫尔得以一直维护着这个邮局。但是赫尔的顾客几乎全 都是英国人和苏格兰人,所以赫尔后来将这个邮局的名字改成了英国人钟爱的名字――爱静阁,标志着“爱静阁”名称的正式诞生。 在19世纪晚期,伴随着穿越士嘉堡的两条铁路在这里建立车站,爱静阁开始蓬勃发展。为了适应发展的需要,1913年,在位于Midland和铁路之间, Sheppard路北的老帕特森农场(old Patterson farm),第一个爱静阁分区得以确立,但是爱静阁真正意义的开发却是在这以后,1945年到1965年期间发展,基本定型了爱静阁今天的面貌。 今天的爱静阁,拥有多伦多最大的亚裔社区之一,还有其它诸如东印度和巴基斯坦社区,无论在社区、商场,各个族裔的面孔随处可见,他们在这里和平相处,成为多元文化的代表。但亚裔的涌入,也令这一区出现一些不和协的声音。 论建筑,爱静阁堪称多伦多“爱德华风格”建筑的代表和聚集地,这里房屋大都建造于1910年代和1920年代,巨大的院落是多伦多其它区不常见到的,而建筑基本是全砖屋,那些色彩多样墙砖、典雅的门廊,令人怀旧。 爱静阁大多数的房屋都建造与1940年代、1950年代和1960年代。这些房子有平房、复式多层、独立两层和镇屋。 爱静阁社区中心,位于31 Glen Watford Drive。
回复: 有个词一直没搞明白爱静阁区(Agincourt) 位于士嘉堡中心的爱静阁区(Agincourt)是士嘉堡历史悠久的一个成熟社区。老爱静阁是指Midland Avenue和铁路,Sheppard Avenue以北到Lockie Avenue之间这一区域。 早先,爱静阁还是一个以诺克斯教堂(Knox Presbyterian Church)为中心的田园小村。现在矗立于Middland和Sheppard路口的诺克斯教堂始建于1846年,原先的教堂主体很简陋,在1872 年,经过用传统的古砖改造,教堂焕然一新。历经一个半世纪的风雨,至今其风采依旧。 1858年,第一个邮局在约翰・赫尔(John Hill)的综合商店开张,一个魁北克议会议员坚持给这个邮局起了一个法国名字,在这个议员的帮助下,赫尔得以一直维护着这个邮局。但是赫尔的顾客几乎全 都是英国人和苏格兰人,所以赫尔后来将这个邮局的名字改成了英国人钟爱的名字――爱静阁,标志着“爱静阁”名称的正式诞生。 在19世纪晚期,伴随着穿越士嘉堡的两条铁路在这里建立车站,爱静阁开始蓬勃发展。为了适应发展的需要,1913年,在位于Midland和铁路之间, Sheppard路北的老帕特森农场(old Patterson farm),第一个爱静阁分区得以确立,但是爱静阁真正意义的开发却是在这以后,1945年到1965年期间发展,基本定型了爱静阁今天的面貌。 今天的爱静阁,拥有多伦多最大的亚裔社区之一,还有其它诸如东印度和巴基斯坦社区,无论在社区、商场,各个族裔的面孔随处可见,他们在这里和平相处,成为多元文化的代表。但亚裔的涌入,也令这一区出现一些不和协的声音。 论建筑,爱静阁堪称多伦多“爱德华风格”建筑的代表和聚集地,这里房屋大都建造于1910年代和1920年代,巨大的院落是多伦多其它区不常见到的,而建筑基本是全砖屋,那些色彩多样墙砖、典雅的门廊,令人怀旧。 爱静阁大多数的房屋都建造与1940年代、1950年代和1960年代。这些房子有平房、复式多层、独立两层和镇屋。 爱静阁社区中心,位于31 Glen Watford Drive 感觉这个解释比较沾边
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