加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Married Student和Student in a Common-Law Relationship有什么区别
OSAP的申请中,学生分类有这样两类,已婚和习惯法关系两种,我觉得两者没有区别呀? 是不是Common-Law Relationship指的是同居没领证之类的呀? 哪位高人指点一下?
回复: Married Student和Student in a Common-Law Relationship有什么区别是同居。请看以下详细说明,有趣的是,这种同居要离婚,也要经法律程序的哦。Common-law marriage (or common law marriage), sometimes called informal marriage or marriage by habit and repute is, historically, a form of interpersonal status in which a man and a woman are not legally married. The term is often mistakenly understood to indicate an interpersonal relationship that is not recognized in law. In fact, a common law marriage is just as legally binding as a statutory or ceremonial marriage in some jurisdictions―it is just begun differently.The essential distinctions of a common law marriage are:1.Common-law marriages are not licensed by government authorities, although they may be legally recorded in the public records of some governmental entities. 2.Common-law marriages are not necessarily solemnized. 3.Some states record common law marriages as part of the public record, the same as marriages by license and formal ceremony, 4.Cohabitation alone does not amount to common law marriage; the couple in question must hold themselves out to the world to be husband and wife. 5.In some jurisdictions, a couple must have cohabited and held themselves out to the world as husband and wife for a minimum length of time for the marriage to be recognised as valid. The parties must mutually consent to be married, and must be of legal age or have their parents' permission to be married.There is no such thing as "common-law divorce". Once a marriage is validly contracted, whether according to statute or according to common law, the marriage can only be dissolved by a legal proceeding in the pertinent trial court (usually family court or probate court).Since the mid-1990s, the term "common-law marriage" has been used in parts of Europe and Canada to describe various types of domestic partnership between persons of the same sex as well as persons of the opposite sex. Although these interpersonal statuses are often, as in Hungary, called "common-law marriage" they differ from true common-law marriage in that they are not legally recognized as "marriages" but are a parallel interpersonal status, known in most jurisdictions as "domestic partnership" or "registered partnership".
回复: Married Student和Student in a Common-Law Relationship有什么区别呵谢谢楼上,明白了。:)
回复: Married Student和Student in a Common-Law Relationship有什么区别在加拿大 COMMON LAW 等同 MARRIED.
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