加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科给有加拿大国籍和懂Java/J2EE 的工作机会,赶快申请


The Digital Programs and Systems division of Emory University Libraries (http://digital.library.emory.edu/ ) is seeking to fill the following four positions (details below):2 Java/J2EE Engineers, full time1 Java/J2EE Programmer, full time1 Senior Systems Administrator, part timeFor information about software development at Emory University Libraries, visit http://digital.library.emory.edu/Software_Development*********************************************************************************************************************Java/J2EE Engineer (Software Engineer, Sr.)Position Description:A full-time senior Java/J2EE engineer who will lead design and development of robust, scalable digital repositories. These repositories will provide preservation, discovery and access services for the growing number of digitized and born digital resources hosted by the university libraries. The Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture (FEDORA ? http://www.fedora-commons.org/ ) will form the core for this digital repository infrastructure. The Repositories Engineer will be technical lead and coordinate project tasks with and additional repositories programmer.Required Qualifications: A bachelor's degree in computer science, math, engineering or a related field and three years of related experience in programming and software systems or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Knowledge of software development in a research institution context preferred.Desired Qualifications:Must have strong technical skills, the ability and desire to stay abreast of new leading edge technology, and the ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of stakeholders.Highly desirable qualifications for this position include:• Substantial experience with web technologies, including Apache, Java, Java EE (e.g. JSF, Hibernate, Spring)• Solid Proficiency with HTML, XML, XSLT, XQuery, and CSS• Programming experience with Java, PHP, JavaScript, and web services for complex, multi-tier applications• Experience with object oriented design• Experience with relational databases• Experience with the Jakarta Lucene text search engine• Experience with the FEDORA digital repository software• Experience with open source programs and tools• Previous experience being technical lead in a team oriented software development environment• Fundamental Linux system administration skillsApplication (Job ID 3886BR): Apply through Emory University’s career page: http://emory.hr.emory.edu/careers/index.html and search for the job postings under University Libraries or search for the title: Software Engineer, Sr.*********************************************************************************************************************Java/J2EE Programmer (Applications Developer Sr.)Position Description:A full-time Java/J2EE programmer who will assist in the development of robust, scalable digital repositories. These repositories will provide preservation, discovery and access services for the growing number of digitized and born digital resources hosted by the university libraries. The Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture (FEDORA ? http://www.fedora-commons.org/ ) will form the core for this digital repository infrastructure. The Repositories Programmer will coordinate these activities with the Repositories Lead Engineer, who has overall responsibility for the design and implementation of the infrastructure.Required Qualifications:Six years of information technology experience OR a bachelor's degree in and four years of related experience. Positions in this classification may require a knowledge of one or more programming languages and/or a knowledge of an application and application tools.Desired Qualifications:Must have strong technical skills, the ability and desire to stay abreast of new leading edge technology, and the ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of stakeholders.Highly desirable qualifications for this position include:• Substantial experience with web technologies, including Apache, Java, Java EE (e.g. JSF, Hibernate, Spring)• Solid Proficiency with HTML, XML, XSLT, XQuery, and CSS• Programming experience with Java, PHP, JavaScript, and web services for complex, multi-tier applications• Experience with object oriented design• Experience with relational databases• Experience with the Jakarta Lucene text search engine• Experience with the FEDORA digital repository software• Experience with open source programs and tools• Previous experience being technical lead in a team oriented software development environment• Fundamental Linux system administration skillsApplication (Job ID 3301BR): Apply through Emory University’s career page: http://emory.hr.emory.edu/careers/index.html and search for the job postings under University Libraries or search for the title: Applications Dev/Analyst, Sr*********************************************************************************************************************Java/J2EE Engineer (Software Engineer, Sr.)Position Description:A full-time senior Java/J2EE engineer who will design and develop a Rights Management System (RMS). The RMS is a series of back end and middleware components to manage and communicate rights information (copyright, permissions, restrictions on use of collections) associated with a variety of library digitized content to trusted enterprise applications.Required Qualifications:A bachelor's degree in computer science, math, engineering or a related field and three years of related experience in programming and software systems or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Knowledge of software development in a research institution context preferred.Highly Desired Qualifications:• Practical experience with object-oriented software engineering, including OOA, OOD, OOP• Strong Java/J2EE development experience (e.g. EJB2/3, Hibernate, Servlets)• Strong working knowledge of XML/XSL• Experience JMS and/or web services APIs• Well developed communication skills• Experience developing and maintaining large scale web applications, using one or more of the following tools: object oriented programming or web scripting languages; a relational database; a native XML database. Experience working with XML and XSLT. Well developed skills in communication, information gathering and problem solving.Other desirable qualifications for this position include:• Working knowledge of Linux or Unix• Working knowledge of Subversion or CVSApplication (Job ID 4167BR): Apply through Emory University’s career page: http://emory.hr.emory.edu/careers/index.html and search for the job postings under University Libraries or search for the title: Software Engineer, Sr.*********************************************************************************************************************Senior Systems Administrator, part time (Operating Systems Analyst, Administrator, Sr.)Position Description:A part-time senior systems administrator (20 hours per week). The professional in this position will be responsible for optimizing, maintaining, supporting, monitoring, and troubleshooting operating systems, digital preservation software and distributed digital preservation networks of MetaArchive cooperative (http://MetaArchive.org), a component of the National Digital Preservation program (http://www.digitalpreservation.gov). This position will program exclusively with open source development tools, and contributes to project planning and project system design.Required Qualifications:Five years of operating systems analysis/administration experience OR a bachelor’s degree and three years of operating systems analysis/administration experience.Desired Qualifications:Thorough knowledge of Red Hat Linux system administration, specifically including SELinux, LVM, and authoring kickstart files. Expertise with firewall configuration and port filtering. Knowledge of Apache server configuration, including SSL configuration. Familiarity with shell scripting languages. Must be able to deal with Intel-based server hardware maintenance and configuration of RAID systems. Must have strong communication skills, verbally and in writing.Other Desired Qualifications:Basic knowledge of programming languages including Java and PHP. Administrative experience with the Drupal content management system.Application (Job ID 3799BR): Apply through Emory University’s career page: http://emory.hr.emory.edu/careers/index.html and search for the job postings under University Libraries or search for the title: Operating Sys Analyst/Admin, Sr*********************************************************************************************************************Benefits:Excellent benefits package available. For further details visit the Human Resources web page at http://emory.hr.emory.edu/eu/benefits/index.html.Work Environment:Emory University is recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts college, superb professional schools, and one of the leading health care systems in the Southeast. Emory is enriched by the legacy and energy of Atlanta, whose downtown area is just 15 minutes away. Emory’s future is being guided by an ambitious strategic plan and implementation will transform its campus and positively influence local and global communities.The Libraries of Emory University include the General Libraries and Libraries for health sciences, law, theology, business and Oxford College. Holdings of the five Emory Libraries total approximately 3.1 million volumes. The libraries also provide access to thousands of electronic information resources, including more than 20,000 e-journal titles.The Woodruff Library’s Center for Library and Information Resources (CLAIR), provides an integrated service environment. It brings together technology specialists and librarians in a facility that includes a learning commons, e-classrooms, a distance learning classroom, Emory’s Center for Interactive Teaching, the Heilbrun Music and Media Library, the Electronic Data Center, group study rooms, comfortable study space with data connections, and Jazzman’s Cafe. Wireless access is available throughout the building and in the Matheson Reading Room in Candler Library.The Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library contains modern literary manuscript archives, notable African American collections, University archives, and other major manuscript and rare book holdings acquired for research and teaching. The Emory Libraries are members of the Association of Research Libraries, OCLC, the Center for Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Digital Library Federation.var callCount = 0;function rmvScroll( msg ){if ( ++callCount > 10 ) { msg.style.visibility = "visible"; }if ( callCount < 50 && ! imgsDone( msg ) ) {setTimeout( function() { rmvScroll( msg ); }, 200 );return;}var delta = msg.offsetHeight - msg.clientHeight;var newWidth = 0;var newHeight = 0;delta = ( isNaN( delta )? 1 : delta + 1 );if ( msg.scrollHeight > msg.clientHeight ) {newHeight = msg.scrollHeight + delta;}delta = msg.offsetWidth - msg.clientWidth;delta = ( isNaN( delta )? 1 : delta + 1 );if ( msg.scrollWidth > msg.clientWidth ) {newWidth = msg.scrollWidth + delta;}msg.style.overflow = "visible";msg.style.visibility = "visible";if ( newWidth > 0 || newHeight > 0 ) {var ssxyzzy = document.getElementById( "ssxyzzy" );var cssAttribs = ['#' + msg.id + '{'];if ( newWidth > 0 ) cssAttribs.push( 'width:' + newWidth + 'px;' );if ( newHeight > 0 ) cssAttribs.push( ' height:' + newHeight + 'px;' );cssAttribs.push( '}' );try {ssxyzzy.sheet.deleteRule( 0 );ssxyzzy.sheet.insertRule( cssAttribs.join(""), 0 );} catch( e ){}}}function imgsDone( msg )// for Firefox, we need to scan for images that haven't set their width yet{var imgList = msg.getElementsByTagName( "IMG" );var len = ((imgList == null)? 0 : imgList.length);for ( var i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {var theImg = imgList;if ( ! theImg.complete && "undefined" != typeof theImg.naturalWidth && theImg.naturalWidth == 0 ) {return false;}}return true;}var msg = document.getElementById( "message9011633955838702519631601874226444620538686" );if ( oBw.agt.match( /gecko/ ) == "gecko" ) { if ( msg && "undefined" != typeof msg ) { rmvScroll( msg ); }} else { msg.style.visibility = "visible"; }

回复: 给有加拿大国籍和懂Java/J2EE 的工作机会,赶快申请studying ~~

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