加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科我这种情况可以读硕士吗?对方承认我的本科学历吗?
[FONT=宋体]势必要分离的,不是最爱[/FONT] 超赞 赏 Lily_Shen 0$(VIP 0) 1022008-03-26#2 回复: 我这种情况可以读硕士吗?对方承认我的本科学历吗?i think that you can try to contact the school directly to check the admission requirements via website or email or phone call or visit the school yourself...it is hard to say whether you can be accepted or not coz it all depends on which school you want to apply, the quality of your PS and RLs and maybe GRE?? please check the requirements online at first^^
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