加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.


Students, new Canadians to get free pass to ROMLast Updated: Monday, April 21, 2008 | 11:00 AM ET Comments4Recommend9CBC News Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum is giving away $1.3-million in free tickets.The program gives new Canadians a free family pass after their citizenship ceremony and makes the ROM free to post-secondary students on Tuesdays.On Sunday, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the plan, which he said will reduce barriers for those who might not otherwise get a chance to visit the museum."You're opening up the ROM to families that might otherwise not have had the chance to visit," McGuinty said."And on top of that, now every Tuesday, the doors will be open to post-secondary students."That free access for college and university students begins April 22."They can experience history lifted off the pages of their textbooks in full, 3-D living colour. So I want to thank you for providing the opportunity for families to enjoy time together and for providing the opportunity for young people especially to see, study and touch our shared history," McGuinty said.The plan is being supported by the United Way of Greater Toronto, which is distributing tickets to at-risk youth and people in low-income communities.The Institute for Canadian Citizenship is also participating, by giving free Cultural Access Passes to new Canadians.The Cultural Access Pass provides entry to a group of Toronto-area museums, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Gardiner Museum, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, the Textile Museum of Canada, the Ontario Science Centre and the ROM.Author and philosopher John Ralston Saul and his wife, former governor general Adrienne Clarkson, co-chairs of the institute, introduced the one-year family passes earlier this year.In March, the AGO announced it would have a free admission period for high school students when it re-opens in the fall.The ROM also reduces barriers to access through:Free admission to all visitors every Wednesday afternoon between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Half-price Friday nights.An arts pass program administered through the Toronto Public Libraries.Donation of tickets to charitable organizations.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了! 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2008-04-21#2 回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.good

回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.又要借学生证了?

回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.又要借学生证了?点击展开...

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了! 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 zzz 0$(VIP 0) 14,9412008-04-21#5 回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.享受不到~

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]享受不到~点击展开... Free admission to all visitors every Wednesday afternoon between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 别总让我提醒,见到我就是该加纷纷的时候了! 超赞 赏 mayflower 0$(VIP 0) 2,2722008-04-21#7 回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.谢谢onestory

回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22. Free admission to all visitors every Wednesday afternoon between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. 点击展开...时间太短了,还是在周三。还是做学生好呀。

泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 超赞 赏 zzz 0$(VIP 0) 14,9412008-04-21#9 回复: ROM free access for college and university students begins April 22.时间太短了~

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