加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科抛砖引玉,学习英语
我没上过大学,也没怎么系统地学习过英语.现在在办理投资移民手续,从家园深刻地理解了英语的重要性, 所以也开始重新复习初,高中的英语. 33岁的人时间和精力都不比过去, 总希望能找到一些方法,正确地提高自己的水平. 通过这段时间的学习,我感觉阅读和听力是可以自己培养的, 主要在于词汇的积累和语感的形成. 难点在于英语的运用,说英语确实需要环境,就算每天对着镜子说也是不知所云.更难的在于写,因为现在没有老师会给你修改作业了. 我尝试了很多办法,比如找英文笔友, 但是现在外国骗子也实在是很多. 经常收到各个国家公主或律师的来信,要和我分享遗产. 昨天,我忽然想到了家园,处于同样境地的人更容易相互理解. 所以我用自己仅有的水平写了以下的东西,希望水平高的朋友能够帮助我们改进英文水平.人人为我,我为人人. 我是抱着这样的理想离开这个国家的. 我也会尽我所能来帮助需要帮助的人.As everybody know that English have four basic skills. There are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Most Chinese people’ s listening and reading are better than speaking and writing, so I always think about how to improve speaking and writing especialy in writing. I am 33 years old and I haven’t enough time to learn from full-time classes and in the part-time classes , teachers don’t modify your exercises. I had found a website called “ find penpal” and I resigtered . Recently I have recived a lot of letter which from all kinds of deceiver. Last night, I found the Canadameet might be the best place to practice. There are many nice guys who help each other. So please help me and people just like me, pick up the wrong grammar and words. In return for this, I will try to help others in my way.
回复: 抛砖引玉,学习英语我没上过大学,也没怎么系统地学习过英语.现在在办理投资移民手续,从家园深刻地理解了英语的重要性, 所以也开始重新复习初,高中的英语. 33岁的人时间和精力都不比过去, 总希望能找到一些方法,正确地提高自己的水平. 通过这段时间的学习,我感觉阅读和听力是可以自己培养的, 主要在于词汇的积累和语感的形成. 难点在于英语的运用,说英语确实需要环境,就算每天对着镜子说也是不知所云.更难的在于写,因为现在没有老师会给你修改作业了. 我尝试了很多办法,比如找英文笔友, 但是现在外国骗子也实在是很多. 经常收到各个国家公主或律师的来信,要和我分享遗产. 昨天,我忽然想到了家园,处于同样境地的人更容易相互理解. 所以我用自己仅有的水平写了以下的东西,希望水平高的朋友能够帮助我们改进英文水平.人人为我,我为人人. 我是抱着这样的理想离开这个国家的. 我也会尽我所能来帮助需要帮助的人.As everybody knows that English have four basic skills. There are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Most Chinese people’ s listening and reading are better than speaking and writing, so I always think about how to improve speaking and writing especialy in writing. I am 33 years old and I haven’t enough time to learn from full-time classes and in the part-time classes , teachers don’t modify your exercises. I had found a website called “ find penpal” and I resigtered . Recently I have recived a lot of letter which from all kinds of deceiver. Last night, I found the Canadameet might be the best place to practice. There are many nice guys who help each other. So please help me and people just like me, pick up the wrong grammar and words. In return for this, I will try to help others in my way. 点击展开... As everybody knows that English has four basic skills, namely, they are : listening, speaking, reading and writing. Most Chinese people’ s listening and reading skills are better than their speaking and writing skills, so I always think about how to improve my speaking and writing especialy in writing. I am already 33 years old and I do not have enough time to take either full-time or part-time courses. I found a website called “ find penpal” and I resigtered . Recently I have recived a lot of letter which from all kinds of deceivers?. Last night, I found the Canadameet might be the best place to approach. There are many nice guys who help each other. So please help me and people just like me, point out the wrong grammar and words. In return for this, I will try to help others in my way
回复: 抛砖引玉,学习英语谢谢啊,不过应该怎么样加声望或送鲜花呢
回复: 抛砖引玉,学习英语经常收到各个国家公主或律师的来信,要和我分享遗产.估计LZ有很多钱,呵呵。
Make sure you are enjoying them instead of them controlling you.经常收到各个国家公主或律师的来信,要和我分享遗产. 估计LZ有很多钱,呵呵。点击展开... 都是埃塞俄比亚和塞拉利昂的公主,说自己的爸爸或老公死在各种不同的意外事故和疾病。然后告诉我人种没问题,关键是有爱,有爱就能和她分钱
回复: 抛砖引玉,学习英语A couple who are my friends have bought a villa for four years. They spent a large sum of money to adorn it. But they were busy working, so they often didn’t go to the house even once a month. Recently, they hired a yong man to take care the house. Somebody say that the young man was lucky, because he lived in such a large morden house without piad any money and got 2000 yuan a month. The more lucky thing is he do have nothing to do everday. The couple often sigh from the deep inside when we told about it. ‘What are we working for?’ ‘What is our life?’ I think many people would have same questions of their own lives. Do you have your own answer?
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