加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?
收到一个图书馆专业的offer, 当时报这个专业就是觉得读起来可能比较轻松, 以后在图书馆工作肯定也不会累, 但是怀疑这个工作工资不会高, 请教知道的同志, 在图书馆工作年薪由多少呀?先谢谢!
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]收到一个图书馆专业的offer, 当时报这个专业就是觉得读起来可能比较轻松, 以后在图书馆工作肯定也不会累, 但是怀疑这个工作工资不会高, 请教知道的同志, 在图书馆工作年薪由多少呀?先谢谢!点击展开...和扫厕所差不多.开个玩笑.
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?收到一个图书馆专业的offer, 当时报这个专业就是觉得读起来可能比较轻松, 以后在图书馆工作肯定也不会累, 但是怀疑这个工作工资不会高, 请教知道的同志, 在图书馆工作年薪由多少呀?先谢谢!点击展开...要看你是读MLIS还是DIPLOMA
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?各地差别很大,公共和学术研究差别很大.研究型图书馆的收入可以是公共的几倍.取决于机构.法律医学图书馆收入也颇好.大学工作5年以上的SENIOR LIBRARIAN一般在8-10万左右(取决于你的起薪).http://www.livingin-canada.com/salaries-for-librarians.html
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?Canadian Law Librarian Salary Survey The Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL) has published its 2006 Compensation Survey on the CALL website.This survey was principally edited by Gary H. Pon, law librarian at the Nunavut Court of Justice in Iqaluit on Baffin Island.161 or 46.4% of eligible CALL members responded to a detailed online survey from August 8 to September 18, 2006.Among the major findings:those earning more than $70,000 jumped to 41.6% (33.3% in the last survey in 2003) library directors’ or managers’ salaries average $83,750 librarian managers and librarians who are themselves supervised by professionals average $63,500 to $63,929 librarians with no supervisory responsibilities average $56,667 law librarians working in academic librarians had higher average salaries ($83,333) than their counterparts in other library types: librarians working in government ($70,568), law society ($68,235), law firms ($64,243), courthouse libraries ($55,000) years of experience made a huge differencethe gender gap remains All figures are of course in Canadian dollars.
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?2000年的数据UTFA Negotiating Newsletter #3 - December 13, 2000 On Thursday, December 7, UTFA Council endorsed the following salary and benefit proposals, most of which would take effect on July 1, 2002 for a period of one year. Below are the proposals followed by a brief statement of the reasoning behind each one.Proposals For UTFA – U of T AgreementSPECIAL PROPOSALContract Academic Staff PoliciesIn order to recognize the unique position of the members of contract academic staff at the University of Toronto and the nature of the employment related issues confronting them, UTFA proposes the following: That a committee be struck with representation from UTFA and from the University in order to consider issues of importance to contract academic staff and to develop appropriate policies and clear terms and conditions of employment for this group of academic staff and report by the end of January, 2001. A. COMPENSATIONSALARY10% ATBSALARY SCALENotes:The first figures in each category are those that are scheduled to take effect for 2001-2002 as per a 1.5% across-the-board increase.The senior salary categories take into account the across-the-board (ATB) increases not attributed to them over the past eight (8) years which were received by the other appointment categories.The minimum for Assistant Professor be increased from $41,006 to $51,257.The maximum for Assistant Professor be increased from $69,629 to $87,036.The clinical maximum for Assistant Professor be increased from $85,118 to $106,397.The Professorial Senior Salary Category be increased from $114,323 to $142,903.The Professorial Breakpoint be increased from $97,846 to $122,307.The minimum for Lecturer/Senior Lecturer be increased from $34,408 to $43,010.The Lecturer/Senior Lecturer and/or Tutor/Senior Tutor Senior Salary Category be increased from $87,159 to $108,949.The Lecturer/Senior Lecturer and/or Tutor/Senior Tutor Breakpoint be increased from $76,632 to $95,790.The Senior Research Associate Breakpoint be increased from $52,678 to $65,847.The Librarian IV minimum be increased from $50,750 to $63,437.The Librarian III minimum be increased from $44,558 to $55,698.The Librarian II minimum be increased from $38,570 to $48,212.The Librarian I minimum be increased from $35,525 to $44,406.The Librarian Senior Salary Category be increased from $89,340 to $111,675.The Librarian Breakpoint be increased from $74,145 to $92,682.STIPENDIARY RATEThe rate per full course be increased from $9,280 ($9,419) to $12,500 effective July 1, 2001. B. BENEFITSRESEARCH LEAVE COMPENSATIONThe first research leave after initial appointment be one year at 100% of salary and subsequent leaves be 90% of salary for one year or 100% for one-half year.REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSESThe amount of reimbursement for work-related expenses for full time faculty and librarians be increased from $250 per year to $1,000 per year. Those working part-time shall also have their reimbursement entitlement increased proportionally and pro-rated. Those teaching on a stipendiary basis one course or more shall be reimbursed for legitimate expenses incurred in the course of doing their job at 20% of the rate of full time faculty per course.MEDICAL AND DENTAL BENEFITSThe yearly maximum for Major Restorative Dental coverage be increased from $1,500 to $2,500.The yearly maximum for Psychological Services be increased from $2,000 to $2,500.The yearly maximum for Massage Therapy be increased from $500 to $1000 and that Physiotherapy by a licensed physiotherapist and/or chiropractor by a doctor of chiropractic medicine be alternatives to massage therapy in part or in total of the allowed amount.SALARY ANOMALY POLICYA joint committee shall be appointed to examine and revise the policy governing salary anomaly adjustments as well as the practices of the University concerning retention payments.This committee shall produce a report by no later than March 31, 2001.The University of Toronto Faculty Association reserves the right to add to, modify, amend or withdraw these proposals during negotiations.
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?事实上我拿到的是Library information Technician好像是图书馆里的技术工作, 是这样吗, 是不是找到什么样的工作才是最关键的?
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482008-04-06#8 回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?不好意思问一下MLIS是什么
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 J jeanpascalGuest 0$(VIP ) 2008-04-06#9 回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?Master Lib and Info Sci
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?事实上我拿到的是Library information Technician好像是图书馆里的技术工作, 是这样吗, 是不是找到什么样的工作才是最关键的?点击展开...那是做不了LIBRARIAN的.只能做一些PARAPROFESSIONAL的工作,也就是属于CLERICAL & TECHNICAL SUPPORT.在图书馆有两大类工作,一类就是前面的,还有一类是PROFESSIONAL &MANAGERIAL,上面列出的全是后一类人的收入.前一类是算时薪,就是在图书馆做累伯,不按年薪算的.在研究型图书馆,分5类时薪,最高可拿到30$/PER HOUR. Rate of Pay Labor Grade A B C D EMinimum Hourly Rate $13.81 $15.55 $17.39 $19.47 $21.82Maximum Hourly Rate $18.78 $21.14 $23.65 $26.48 $29.66公共的我不清楚.
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?给你一个好的网站.http://www.librarysupportstaff.com/libjobs.html
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?看了一下上面的网站,TECHNICIAN一般一年(2003年)收入在2万到4.5万,最高$59,200
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?谢谢, 请问哪个大学有MLIS , 我在多伦多大学的网站上没找到
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]谢谢, 请问哪个大学有MLIS , 我在多伦多大学的网站上没找到点击展开...http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/content/blogcategory/104/115/ http://www.fis.utoronto.ca/content/blogcategory/79/68/
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?Alphabetical List of Institutions with ALA-Accredited ProgramsAlabama, University of http://www.slis.ua.eduAlbany, State University of New York http://www.albany.edu/cci/informationstudies/index.shtmlAlberta, University of http://www.slis.ualberta.caArizona, University of http://www.sir.arizona.eduBritish Columbia, University of http://www.slais.ubc.caBuffalo, State University of New York (Conditional)http://www.gse.buffalo.edu/programs/lis/California - Los Angeles, University ofhttp://www.is.gseis.ucla.eduCatholic University of America (Conditional)http://slis.cua.eduClarion University of Pennsylvaniahttp://www.clarion.edu/libsciDalhousie Universityhttp://sim.management.dal.ca/Denver, University ofhttp://www.du.edu/LISDominican University (Conditional)http://www.gslis.dom.eduDrexel Universityhttp://www.ischool.drexel.eduEmporia State University (Conditional)http://slim.emporia.eduFlorida State Universityhttp://www.ci.fsu.eduHawaii, University ofhttp://www.hawaii.edu/lisIllinois, University ofhttp://www.lis.uiuc.eduIndiana Universityhttp://www.slis.indiana.eduIowa, University ofhttp://slis.uiowa.edu/~slisweb/Kent State Universityhttp://www.slis.kent.eduKentucky, University ofhttp://www.uky.edu/CIS/SLISLong Island Universityhttp://www.liu.edu/palmerLouisiana State Universityhttp://slis.lsu.eduMcGill Universityhttp://www.mcgill.ca/sis/Maryland, University ofhttp://www.clis.umd.eduMichigan, University ofhttp://www.si.umich.eduMissouri-Columbia, University ofhttp://sislt.missouri.eduMontreal, University ofhttp://www.ebsi.umontreal.caNorth Carolina - Chapel Hill, University ofhttp://sils.unc.eduNorth Carolina - Greensboro, University of (Conditional)http://lis.uncg.eduNorth Carolina Central Universityhttp://www.nccuslis.orgNorth Texas, University ofhttp://www.unt.edu/slisOklahoma, University ofhttp://www.ou.edu/cas/slisPittsburgh, University ofhttp://www.sis.pitt.eduPratt Institutehttp://www.pratt.edu/silsPuerto Rico, University ofhttp://egcti.upr.eduQueens College, City University of New Yorkhttp://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/GSLISRhode Island, University of (Conditional)http://www.uri.edu/artsci/lsc/Rutgers Universityhttp://www.scils.rutgers.eduSt. John's Universityhttp://www.stjohns.edu/libraryscienceSan Jose State Universityhttp://slisweb.sjsu.eduSimmons Collegehttp://www.simmons.edu/gslisSouth Carolina, University ofhttp://www.libsci.sc.eduSouth Florida, University ofhttp://www.cas.usf.edu/lisSouthern Connecticut State Universityhttp://www.southernct.edu/ilsSouthern Mississippi, University ofhttp://www.usm.edu/slisSyracuse Universityhttp://www.ist.syr.eduTennessee, University ofhttp://www.sis.utk.eduTexas - Austin, University ofhttp://www.ischool.utexas.eduTexas Woman's University (Conditional)http://www.twu.edu/cope/slisToronto, University ofhttp://www.fis.utoronto.caValdosta State Universityhttp://www.valdosta.edu/mlis/Washington, University ofhttp://www.ischool.washington.eduWayne State Universityhttp://www.lisp.wayne.eduWestern Ontario, University ofhttp://www.fims.uwo.ca/mlis/index.htmWisconsin - Madison, University ofhttp://www.slis.wisc.eduWisconsin - Milwaukee, University ofhttp://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SOIS/
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?MLIS北美一共有50所全美图书馆学会认证的学校,加拿大只有7所,标了红色.其他学校的读了没用.
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?Facility in the English language All incoming students must have a good command of English. All applicants educated outside Canada whose primary language is not English must demonstrate facility in the English language. This requirement is a condition of admission and must be met by the application deadline. The requirement may be satisfied using one of the following tests: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), accompanied by a Test of Written English (TWE) A minimum score of 600 (or 250 on computer-based test) is required for the TOEFL and 5.5 for the TWE. Required score for the new Internet-based Testing (iBT) is an overall score of 100/120 with a minimum of 27 for writing and 24 for speaking. Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)Minimum required score is 87. International English Language Testing System (IELTS)Minimum required score is 8.0. English Language Diagnosis & Assessment (ELDA)/Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE)See www.copetest.comMinimum required score is 6, with at least 3 in the writing portion. Last Updated ( Monday, 01 October 2007 )
回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?非常感谢
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 hnass 0$(VIP 0) 5132008-04-08#19 回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?感谢,收藏,努力的目标
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 许三生,立移民之志 超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482008-05-29#20 回复: 请教:图书馆专业毕业后年薪大概有多少呀?天哪!U o T 怎么没有一月份的program?!
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