加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment
帮忙看看这是什么东东: Thanks so much for taking this assignment. Much appreciated. Here are the details that we spoke about. Conference: The Power With-in with Anthony RobinsClient Name: Get Motivated Job Description: The event is called The Power With-in with Anthony Robin. Working at their Resource Table to ensure forms are filled out correctly, helping with forms, point people in the right direction (certain presentations are going on in different areas and different times), perhaps some registration. Just all in all assisting with all aspects of the conference.
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment帮忙看看这是什么东东: Thanks so much for taking this assignment. Much appreciated. Here are the details that we spoke about. Conference: The Power With-in with Anthony RobinsClient Name: Get Motivated Job Description: The event is called The Power With-in with Anthony Robin. Working at their Resource Table to ensure forms are filled out correctly, helping with forms, point people in the right direction (certain presentations are going on in different areas and different times), perhaps some registration. Just all in all assisting with all aspects of the conference.点击展开...那你为啥不用ONLINE TRANSLATOR 你就可知道个大概.
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment我可以给你翻译,但这对你没帮助.特别是工作,你还把工作EMAIL拿出来翻译?不是笑话吧.
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment就是让你开会的时候做前台接待,帮人填表格、登记、做引导什么的。
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment让你去帮忙去。
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment让你去帮忙去。点击展开...这等于没讲.
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment就是让你开会的时候做前台接待,帮人填表格、登记、做引导什么的。点击展开...我想她也知道.她要的是确切的一字一句的翻译.
回复: Accountemps给了一个一天的assignment谢谢大家!明天就去帮忙了.
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