加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请大家帮助翻译一下,many thanks
[FONT=宋体]you had written a 't' but crossed it only with a stroke on the left of the vertical stem, which didn't even reach it in fact, that would indicate a procrastinating character, someone who puts things off until tomorrow. Inefficiency can be identified by a 't' where there are two vertical strokes in the stem, reaching up to a rounded point, and then crossed right through. Mmm, what else can I say? A thick cross on the left of the stem, tapering to a point on the right of the stem, tells me that the writer is a sarcastic kind of person. Another thing is that a very practical sort of person always crosses his 't' halfway down the letter, whereas a 't' crossed high up the stem shows a dreamer.[/FONT]
回复: 请大家帮助翻译一下,many thanks好象是说你写的't',横的那一笔没有碰到竖的那一笔, 由此他分析了不同笔迹的不同性格...
回复: 请大家帮助翻译一下,many thanks假如你写了个t, 那一横只在l 的左边,没有穿过l到右边,显示你是个办事拖拉的人,常把今天的事拖到明天;办事效率低的人,他写的t有在转弯前有两划l,那一横则横穿l;而如果那一横由左至右呈现由粗及细,显示此人喜讽刺;还有一种判断,实用主义者的t, 其一横总在l 的下半部分,而梦想家的那一横总在l 的上半部分。呵呵,翻得不准确,大概是这个意思吧。
在蓝天白云的季节里登陆 超赞 赏 pourquoi 0$(VIP 0) 3552008-11-21#4 回复: 请大家帮助翻译一下,many thanks楼上正解,以前我也听老美跟我说过这个。
回复: 请大家帮助翻译一下,many thanksTHANKS
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