加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)
本人VISITOR 签证登录,非PR,非移民。现在准备找个地方学习英语,不知道什么学校好。希望大家给多提宝贵意见。 目前,网上搜了几个学校,因为不了解,所以根本不知道好不好,这里的朋友如果有了解以下这几个学校的,希望和我交流一下。如果有准备报名的朋友大家更是可以多交流了。 1.http://www.vec.ca/english/1/2.http://www.canada-english.com/3.http://eli.ubc.ca/index.html4.http://www.vcc.bc.ca/
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)UBC太贵,不建议去。。。VEC比较破,不建议去。。。Canadian College是野鸡学校,千万别去~VCC可以考虑。。。同时还有Langara,远点的还有Kwantlen。。。
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List 超赞 赏 J jinqianzhu 0$(VIP 0) 332009-01-11#3 回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)非常感谢回复啊!非常地
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)去书馆、教堂啊都有免费的课
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)只能花钱去COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY读.用INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 的价格读.我老公以前读U 的时候,碰见一个台湾来的MM,专门来加拿大读语言的.具体事情你要问学校,问我们是得不到100%的答案的.
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)多谢坛子里的热心人,你的意见我都收了,心里觉得很温暖!
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)VISITOR 签证是不能读书的,要补办student authorization.才可能去学校读书。
回复: 求助语言学习问题,大家热心给意见吧!多谢啦:)Canadian Student Visa All overseas students are required to obtain a Student Authorization and Visa before going to Canada for studies. Students must also meet the requirements of the Canadian Immigration Act and Regulations. Under normal circumstances, allow at least two months for your visa to be processed.Visa and Student Authorization ProcedureSubmit the completed application kit to the immigration section of the Canadian High commission. Please note that all the documents submitted, must be either original or photocopies notarized and witnessed by a notary public or a magistrate or the Canadian Immigration Officer, and be accompanied by a duplicate copy.Documents required Completed Student Application form. Completed Supplementary Questionnaire for students and postdoctoral researchers. Official letter of acceptance from Canadian university, college or Technical Institute. Certificate of Acceptance from the province of Quebec (Only if you plan to study in province of Quebec) TOEFL/IELTS scores if applicable Passport, valid for at least one year from the planned date of entry to Canada, plus valid passports of any accompanying dependants. Bank Draft for the applicable visa processing fees Proof of FundsEvery applicant must demonstrate that they have sufficient financial resources available to them to pay tuition fees, maintain him/herself and dependants who go to Canada, and to pay return transportation costs without engaging in employment in Canada. For example, students without accompanying dependants must demonstrate that they have at least $10,000 Cdn plus the cost of tuition for a twelve-month period, plus the cost of transportation to and fro from Canada. Canadian $10,000 is the base amount considered adequate to cover all costs, other than tuition, for one person for a twelve-month period. Some educational institutions require that more funds be available; if the local cost of living is higher than average, more money may also be required.After the Completed application forms along with the documents are submitted;INTERVIEW - An interview with a Canadian Visa Officer may be required. If this is the case, you will be advised in writing of the time and place for the interview.MEDICAL EXAMINATION - The Canadian high commission will issue medical instructions. Students and accompanying dependants must pass a medical examination.If the student and accompanying dependants are found to be in good health and there are no other concerns with the application, the Visa and Student Authorization will be issued.
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