加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗已移民加国一年多了,想读个LLM回国。可是看了加拿大法律专业排名前十五的University,托福要求几乎全是100分,倍受打击所以想打听一下college的情况,托福要求是不是会低一些。请家园的朋友赐教不胜感激!点击展开...是没有法学院的,不是中国,阿狗阿毛的垃圾大学都有法律专业.
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗多伦多有个做假证的听说做的不错,lz可以去问问。
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗I just came across a fairly useful website (LLM GUIDE - http://www.llm-guide.com/canada) for those interested in pursuing an LL.M. (Master of Laws). For those of you who are unititiated, a Master of Laws allows you to teach in law school. Many consider it the equivalent of a Ph.D., as some consider the LL.B. equivalent to graduate school (i.e. the MBA). In any case, you might find it to be interesting reading, whether you are serious about considering an LL.M. or not.
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗no offense, 坦白讲,托福考不到100,上了也是受罪.
Carpe Diem I just came across a fairly useful website (LLM GUIDE - http://www.llm-guide.com/canada) for those interested in pursuing an LL.M. (Master of Laws). For those of you who are unititiated, a Master of Laws allows you to teach in law school. Many consider it the equivalent of a Ph.D., as some consider the LL.B. equivalent to graduate school (i.e. the MBA). In any case, you might find it to be interesting reading, whether you are serious about considering an LL.M. or not.点击展开... Thank you very much!
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗no offense, 坦白讲,托福考不到100,上了也是受罪.点击展开... 也有道理不过我有同学考了92,被美国一个比较不错的法学院录取了,现在也挺不错的。
回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗你要是愿意考虑美国的法学院,看看西雅图的UW吧,托福不看口语,其他三项加起来够70分就行.它是公立大学,学费相对便宜.念完了还能考NY的Bar.LLM在很多美国法学院基本属于创收项目,给外国律师创造考美国Bar的机会,招很多外国学生,一些third tier的学校要求很松,比较容易念.而加拿大的法学院比较传统,只在加拿大念LLM是拿不到律师牌的,大部分人是希望自己在某个专门法领域进一步发展,或希望进入学术界才念的.所以要求更严格.
Carpe Diem 超赞 赏 wondering 0$(VIP 0) 2,1082009-01-14#9 回复: 加拿大有授予LLM学位的college吗PS: 布什他哥推荐的网站非常好,我以前申请学校也是从那里得到好多有用的信息.
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