加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科关于OSPA贷款的问题,希望知道的朋友的可以回答下
None of the above statements applies to me and I have not been a full-time student at a high school or postsecondary institution for at least 12 consecutive months on 2 or more occasions.When did you or will you last attend high school on a full-time basis?我填了 APRIL 4我填了这两个,提交表格后为什么 会出现,You cannot submit this application because the following information is missing and/or there are errors. Please review this page carefully, complete all items and then click on the "Last Step" tab to continue. * You cannot choose this status because you have not been out of high school for 2 years. Change status or high school date. * 之后我把上面的第一个改成None of the above statements applies to me. ,之后就要我填父母的情况 * What is father's (parent 1) TOTAL income as indicated on line 150 of his 2007 income tax return? If father (or parent 1) has not filed his 2007 income tax return, enter the amount he expects to report on line 150. Information on Pension Income Splitting is available on。。可是我是08年3月份才到加拿大的,怎么填我父母07年的收入情况呢????? 希望大家可以回答我,小 弟先谢谢了。。。顺便还有个问题,我先在申请贷款迟了吗?我现在已经开学1个月了
回复: 关于OSPA贷款的问题,希望知道的朋友的可以回答下怎么都没有人知道呢...???
回复: 关于OSPA贷款的问题,希望知道的朋友的可以回答下没人知道吗,还是我写的太草了,没人看的懂??
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计