加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.
Border Services OfficerThis selection process will be used to staff only the locations noted in the Important Messages section of this notice.Department Name: Canada Border Services AgencyLocations: Various Locations Classification: FB - 03 Salary: $51,718 to $55,724 (**Salary under review**)Closing Date: March 31, 2009 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: BSF08J-009040-000008Selection Process Number: 08-BSF-EA-NBSO-0002Vacancies: Numerous positions across Canada. Website: For further information on the department, please visit Canada Border Services AgencyCitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must indicate in their application their working ability for the following language requirement: Various language requirements and/or profiles Bilingual Imperative ? BBB/BBB (English and French); or English EssentialEducationUseful InformationSuccessful completion of two years* of an acceptable post-secondary educational program. ORAn acceptable combination of education (minimum high school diploma), training and/or experience relevant to the position may serve as an alternative to the minimum post secondary education as stated above. *This means that a person who has graduated with a 2 year college diploma or a person who has completed at least 2 years in the same 3 or 4 year program at a university or college would be accepted. Candidates with foreign educational credentials are required to provide proof of Canadian equivalency. You must consult the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials at www.cicic.ca for further information. Proof of education can be required at any stage of the process.ExperienceExperience in at least two (2) of the following: ・ Interpreting, enforcing or applying governing authorities (i.e.: rules, legislation, procedures, etc.); OR・ Gathering information in an investigative setting or pressure situation; OR・ Experience in processing import, export or travel documentation; OR・ Dealing with people in conflict situations (including working with the public).**Your résumé and your answers to the questionnaire must clearly demonstrate how you meet the experience criteria.**Breadth and depth of experience and education relevant to the position could be considered as an asset.ASSESSMENT CRITERIASuccessful completion of the Border Services Officer Test, Version 1C. The Border Services Officer Test will assess the Ability to solve problems using reasoning. You must achieve a pass mark of 585 out of 900 points (65%). Test results from the former Customs Inspector Test (CIT) Versions 1C and 2A are considered valid for this assessment process. Only candidates who achieve a pass mark on these exams will be considered further in this assessment process. You will find more information regarding this test at the following site: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/job-emploi/bso-asf/bsot-tasf-eng.pdf. The following competencies will be assessed locally at an oral interview and/or reference checks as Stage One of the assessment process: ・ Professionalism ・ Enforcement Orientation ・ Effective Interactive Communication ・ Dependability The following elements will be assessed at the CBSA Learning Centre in Rigaud, Quebec, at Stage Two of the assessment process as detailed in the Additional Requirements/Comments section: ・ Analytical Thinking ・ Decisiveness ・ Inspection Techniques ・ Information Seeking Skills ・ Dealing with Difficult Situations ・ Self-Confidence ・ Client Service Orientation ・ Supporting CBSA Values ・ Legislation, Policies and Procedures・ CBSA Business Systems ・ Officer Powers ・ Control & Defensive Tactics Failure to meet any of the above requirements will result in the Candidate being eliminated from this assessment process.Other Merit Criteria and Conditions of EmploymentOrganizational Needs which may apply for this position. Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, womenThe following merit criteria may be required for this position. Applicants should indicate in their application if they meet the merit criteria. Other Languages: Ability to communicate in one or more of the following languages may be required: Cantonese, Mandarin, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Polish, Arabic, or any other language based on operational needs.CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: ・Obtain and maintain a Secret security clearance. ・Obtain and maintain Airport Restricted Access for positions located at airports. ・To have successfully completed the Canadian firearms safety course and the Canadian restricted firearms safety course. ・Possess and maintain a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) for firearms. (Please note that it takes several weeks to obtain this license.) ・Possess and maintain the Standard First Aid Certification (according to the Canada Labour Code, Part II, Canada Occupational Health & Safety Regulations, Part XVI). ・Undergo a medical examination for isolated posts. ・Possess and maintain a valid unrestricted driver’s license. ・Obtain a re-certification in Control & Defensive Tactics as per CBSA guidelines. ・Meet and maintain a physical standard to safely perform the functions of a Border Services Officer. ・Willingness to accept deployments or a series of work assignments within the District or Region. ・The duties of a Border Services Officer will require you to carry a firearm. As such, you agree to qualify and re-certify in its use and maintenance as well as other restricted and prohibited weapons. You also agree to meet and maintain any medical, behavioural, psychological, and physical requirements (including the vision and hearing standards required to carry a duty firearm), as prescribed and required by the CBSA. ・Work various shifts on rotation, weekends and statutory holidays. ・Wear and maintain a uniform and required protective clothing and job-related equipment such as Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray and a baton as per CBSA standards. ・Work overtime as required.・Willingness to operate a government vehicle. ・Travel as required. Please note that you must continue to meet the Conditions of Employment while you occupy the Border Services Officer position. You may be required to meet Asset Qualifications, Operational Requirements and/or Organizational Needs based on the requirements of the region or the position being staffed.Experience QuestionnaireYou will be required to complete an online experience questionnaire when you apply. View the experience statements.Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.Additional Requirements / CommentsThis process is being conducted to staff positions of various tenures (Temporary, Permanent, Full time, Part time and Seasonal). Job offers will be based on staffing needs during the validity period of this pool. The pool resulting from this advertised process will be used to staff positions in Canada in the various Regions of the CBSA as listed in the Important Messages section.All qualifications are essential and candidates are required to achieve a satisfactory score in each qualification. Should a Candidate fail to achieve a satisfactory score on any of these qualifications, strengths in other areas cannot compensate for the lack of success in that area and the Candidate will be deemed unsuccessful in this assessment process.Applicants who have previously taken the Border Services Officer Test (formerly Customs Inspector Test ? CIT) and received a passing mark should provide their test score, including the test date as part of their application. Scores from the CIT/BSOT 1C and 2A will be accepted.Top down consideration of scores may be used in the process.Stage One of Assessment - in Region.Assessment conducted locally may include a written test, one or two interviews and reference checks. Candidates from outside the Public Service will be required to pay their own expenses for travel related to this advertisement. Candidates will be required to pay their own expenses related to meeting other conditions of employment (such as First Aid Certification, Possession and Acquisition License, driver's license, Physical Abilities Questionnaire) that are not provided as part of the training and assessment in Rigaud, Quebec.Stage Two of Assessment - in Rigaud, Quebec.Candidates who are successful in Stage One of Assessment will be sent to the CBSA Learning Centre in Rigaud, Quebec, for Stage Two of Assessment. The evaluation currently consists of a 9-week training and assessment period. However, with the introduction of firearms, this training period may be longer to accommodate the firearms training. Please note that this is not the Firearms Safety Certification.During Stage Two, the following conditions will apply:? Non-public servants will be provided with a $125.00 weekly allowance. There will be NO salary paid beyond this allowance until candidates successfully complete all of the required assessment and training and receive an offer of employment. ? Candidates will be reimbursed for one trip from home to the Border Services Learning Centre in Rigaud, Quebec, and one trip from the Learning Centre to home at the end of their training.? The CBSA will provide accommodation and meals free of charge to the Candidates at the Border Services Learning Centre. Anyone requiring special accommodation (e.g. dietary needs, etc.) should advise the CBSA as soon as possible prior to departing for Rigaud.Candidates must obtain the following prior to attendance at the Port of Entry Recruit Training (Stage Two):Security Clearance, Standard First Aid Certification, the Canadian Firearms Safety Certification, the Possession and Acquisition License, and the CBSA Approved Medical/Physical Assessment Certification (Physical Abilities Questionnaire).Candidates must have completed the on-line training prior to attendance at the Port of Entry Recruit Training.Notice of intent to apply will not be accepted.For Candidates who meet the qualifications of the position, a test will be administered.For Candidates who achieve a passing mark on the test, at least one interview will be administered.Reference checks may be sought.Acknowledgment of submission of applications may be verified within your Job Profile.We will only contact the candidates screened into the process.Information to be provided:You must provide the following information when submitting your application:Your résumé.You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment TenureInformation that is requested:Contact information for the following number of References: 2Important MessagesThis selection process will be used to staff Border Services Officer positions in the following named locations only. Note: Candidates are expected to be serious in their interest to work in these locations in order to ensure their ongoing consideration in the process. Work Locations to be staffed by this process:- British Columbia and the Yukon. - Alberta - Edmonton, Calgary and rural locations along the Canada/US border. - Saskatchewan - rural locations along the Canada/US border and Regina (part time only) and Saskatoon (part time only).- Manitoba ? rural locations along the Canada/US border.- Montérégie, QC*, Estrie, QC*, Chaudière-Apalaches, QC*, Bas St-Laurent, QC*.- Campobello, NB, St. Stephen Area, NB *, Edmundston Area, NB *,Woodstock Area, NB *, Fredericton Area, NB *, Fortune, NL *.- Northwestern Ontario District, including Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Rainy River, and Fort Frances.- Iqualuit. * The language profile for positions in these areas are Bilingual Imperative BBB/BBB.We only accept online applications sent via the Internet site www.jobs.gc.ca.If you do not have Internet access in your home or through friends, relatives or neighbours, here are some suggested locations: campus career centres, libraries, community centres, Internet cafés, Canada/Student Employment Centres, and Public Service Commission (PSC) regional offices. You may also call 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232), or TTY 1-800-926-9105, for information on the nearest public Internet access location.Persons with a disability preventing them from applying on-line should contact us at 1-800-645-5605.The CBSA has implemented a new Occupational Group called the Frontière/Border (FB) and this position has been evaluated and rated against that group standard. This Standard is a classification tool designed to recognize and evaluate the specialized knowledge and expertise required to perform CBSA jobs that is directly involved in programs related to the management and operation of our nation's borders.Applicants must clearly demonstrate on their application that they meet the Education and Experience criteria as well as all other requirements. In addition, they must clearly demonstrate that they are within the area of selection. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of your application.Please note that you must select at least one work location in order to be considered in the process.Please note that the purpose of the questions related to Other Languages is to meet specific needs in some work locations and is not part of the Essential Qualifications of the position.Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.感谢分享,布什哥现在应该向政府要广告费啦,太好了.
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!感谢分享,布什哥现在应该向政府要广告费啦,太好了.点击展开...每个人都可以在政府网站开个帐号,把你的信息填好,RESUME和COVER LETTER, REFERENCE等.这样你可以经常进去看看哪些职位适合你,OPEN了没.
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.感谢布什哥指点,我这就去,顺便问问,外国人也行么?
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.真不容易啊,辛苦!赞一个!
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢! 超赞 赏 沈 沈浪 0$(VIP 0) 752009-04-05#7 回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.呵呵,谢谢啦,听说5月份万锦还有一个多伦多市警的现场招募会,针对华人开设,现场体检,可是网上就是查不到,楼主听说过么?谢谢有心人。
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.布什他哥人那?消失了?
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.布什他哥人那?消失了?点击展开...潜水看热闹。
回复: 边防服务官员招聘,学历要求不高.大家可以试试.潜水看热闹。点击展开... 还以为你又改名字叫别的拉. 别老消失了,多发点帖子,好多人都喜欢看你发的帖子拉.
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