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马上就要作为交换生远赴美国了,前两天收拾东西的时候,找到了以前考托福的复习资料,不想浪费掉,所以在网上与大家分享,希望对大家有所帮助,先发一部分好了,是考试时很实用,也是做阅读时很关键的哦! 阅读中遇到生词,对理解无大碍者可一跃而过。只有难以推测的生词才借助词典。但过多依赖词典会打断阅读思路,影响速度及理解,这就需要我们学会猜词,这好像也是我们从学习英语以来,一直在学习的一项技能。(注:可这并不是说平时阅读一旦涉及到生词便去猜测,如有条件使用词典,建议大家还是应该将不会的生词一一查明,并加以记忆。只有这样才能扩充我们的词汇量,提高阅读理解能力。但是对于考试意义就不一样了。) 说到猜词,其实有多种方法,下面介绍几种常用且准确性高的方法。 ★ 一、利用上下文线索猜测词义。 ▲ 1.根据同义、反义关系猜词。 案例:Today's teenagers seem to be more liberal in their ideas than their _______ grandparents. A. freethinking B. traditional C. old D. happy 分析:traditional与liberal意思相反,故选B。 ▲ 2.根据句意或段落文章的上、下文猜测词义。 案例:Klebold and Harris felt _______ and wanted to revenge against those who disliked playing together with them or laughed at them. A. discouraged B. ashamed C. tired D. separated 分析:根据下文的disliked playing together with them判断此处应为"感到孤立",故选D。阅读题参考样 The northern spotted owl is the only species whose survival has been definitively proven to depend on old growth. For at least a dozen other species, ranging from the marten to the pileated woodpecker, a reservoir of old growth habitat may also be essential. But using radio collars, researcher Eric Forsman followed foraging flights from owl nests in the broken tops of ancient Douglas first and fed the data into a computer. The computer-generated maps revealed an overwhelming preference for hunting in forests over two hundred years old, even if to do so the owls have to travel to the limits of their ranges, bypassing plenty of slightly younger forest en route to a kill. The owl needs old growth, and lots of it. But he probably won’t get it. (转自:秦苏珊英语中心)★ 二、利用构词法猜测词义。 此法包括利用前、后缀及合成词猜测词义。 ▲ 1. 用前、后缀猜测词义。 英语中的前缀、后缀构词颇多,并且特定的前缀、后缀往往表示特定的含义,把握住这一点,可起到“以不变应万变”的效果。 案例:He had been overworking and fell ill at last. 分析:overwork是由前缀over加动词构成,over有“超过,过于”之意,overwork意思是“工作过多,劳累过度”。再如,overburden负担过重,overcharge要价过高,overdo做得过分。 ● 英语中常用的前缀还有: mis-错误:misfortune不幸;mislead误导;mismanage处理不当 mid-中央:midnight半夜;midway半路 under-低于:underdone半生不熟的;underestimate低估 anti-反对:antibody抗体;anticyclone反气旋;antifreeze防冻剂 ● 下面划线单词为常见后缀派生词: 1) You must stop dreaming and face reality.(-ty为名词的标志) 2) The country is trying to popularize education. (-ize为及物动词的标志,再如realize, modernize) ▲ 2.利用合成词猜测词义。 案例:Family members take turns choosing a special activity for the evening, and everyone partakes in for fun. 分析:根据短语构成及上下文意思看,此处partakes in相当于takes part in。 ● 再如break out-outbreak(名词“爆发”),set out-outset(名词“起始”),come in-income(名词“收入”) 阅读题参考样 As early as 1968, a small group of researchers were applying modeling techniques to forest ecosystems. Ecosystems research is politically awkward; it considers nothing by itself. In the Douglas fir forests of the Cascades and the Coast Ranges the owl’s ecological role is to cull and keep healthy the population of small mammals that are its favorite foods, among them the fungus-eating California red-backed vole and the northern flying squirrel. ( 转自:秦苏珊英语中心) 以上介绍了几种猜测词义的方法,相信对大家积累词汇、理解文章意思会有所帮助。英语学习应日积月累,并时刻做有心人,发现规律,寻找技巧,提高英语水平,虽然是老调重弹,但是的确是真理啊。 希望大家可以考个好成绩,也希望我的这半年海外学习可以顺顺利利,大家都要加油哦!
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