加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科[询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……
询问工作与生完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……我办的是技术移民,大概2007年第四季度拿到的FN。第一次来这个论坛,我就直奔了我最关心的这个版块工作求职。因为我最最关心的是,我过去之后是否能够生存下去。 在坛子里大概转了转,看了大家的帖子,我才发现我可能连问都不知道从何处问起,大家说的事情我都不了解,我就随便说说我的困惑吧。 我现在32岁,准备是和和老婆孩子(现在一岁半)一起过去。说实话,现在越来越近了,我反而有些矛盾了。其中一个是老人的问题,这个属于没完没了的话题,在这里不多说了。另一个问题在于我过去之后,我们的三口之家的生存是否存在很大的困难 (我还是觉得我发问的言语听着都非常的不上路……大家忍住看下去,当然,想笑了就笑笑,呵呵)我是硕士学历,但是我听说这些学历去了之后也不会被承认的,和没有差不多。不过由于完全换了一个新的环境,我当初也没有指望去了之后学历、专业这些能一下子就用的上(也许永远都用不上了)。 我曾经问过在加拿大的师兄,他在今年上半年曾经和我通过电话,基本含义就是如果自己真的不挑挑拣拣,愿意为了生存从很多零工、体力活做起的话,生存应该是没有问题的。后来我有个女同学从加拿大回国探亲,跟我说的也是这个情况。 所以,我就想去了之后,首先要解决吃饭住宿这些生存问题,我想,吃苦的工作什么的我都可以去干。我知道开始很艰难,但是我不知道会不会到露宿街头食不果腹的地步? 再有一个问题,就是现在经济危机了,是否会出现真的是什么工作都找不到的情况呢?我好久没和我那两个朋友联系了,我不知道他们所说的“生存没有问题”这句话是否还成立? 看看论坛上的很多帖子,我觉得我这个帖子可能是从想法到问题都十分的幼稚不过我想这都不可怕,我就是希望有哪位好心的朋友给我来一个传道授业解惑?非常感谢! 我现在自己在北京(没有北京户口,老婆孩子在洛阳),对于出国移民的想法和困惑都是闷头瞎想了很久,今天上来问问。也许我的想法和问题的基础根本都是错的,没关系,可以颠覆之后再给我讲解一下,多谢了! 祝国外的朋友们新年、新春快乐!我不知道明年春节会不会是最近几年我在国内的最后一个春节……
FN:200709;S2:201002;Caips:67分;SELDEC:4 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2008-12-22#2 回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……给你个建议,你用google搜索一下简历的模板,你的英文简历完全不符合这里的格式,中文简历就不需要了
回复: 询问工作与生完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……工作经验最重要,学历无所谓了。公司要的是能来了就立刻能干活的,包括英语和工作经验,不是学历高但什么也不会干,英语也不好的。加拿大俗称大家拿,无数难民,无收入的人政府都养着呢,露宿街头食不果腹的事情绝对不可能发生的。国内的简历一般来说可是肯定不对。你这两个用中文做文件名,我看不到,但是猜想内容和格式都不对。真的现在就对找工作很感兴趣,请天天研究这两个网站www.workopolis.comwww.monster.ca里面有招聘职位,简历如何写,如何去应对面试的几乎所有内容。如果连续研究半年以上,对于在加拿大如何找工作一定会比较有心得的。
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……楼上说的对,先看看别人简历怎么写的,然后再改自己的简历。简历的含金量要高。比如你现在的工作经历,一个page就足够了。“文字能力很强(百度搜索“洛阳胡凯”可以得到众多本人文章)”,你在国外找工作,不要指望应聘单位的HR去百度进行搜索。当然了,如果是打labor工,简历再好,也派不上用场的。btw, People Liberation Army最好不要提,别给自己找麻烦。生存么,这个很多人都回答过了,加拿大饿是饿不死人的,很多本地人靠救济、乞讨为生,中国人很少,因为中华民族勤劳勇敢么。就算是打工,很多人若干年后也能有车甚至买房。所以,还是看自己的。很多人来之前说自己什么苦都能吃,到了之后,才能理解什么叫做吃苦。simply that's not just an expression.anyway, good luck,
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……the background not bad.please remove the family status / sex.
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。 超赞 赏 数码猪头 0$(VIP 0) 1772008-12-22#6 回复: 询问工作与生完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……另一个问题在于我过去之后,我们的三口之家的生存是否存在很大的困难 总会有困难,是不是很大的困难看个人自己的能力。 (我还是觉得我发问的言语听着都非常的不上路……大家忍住看下去,当然,想笑了就笑笑,呵呵)我是硕士学历,但是我听说这些学历去了之后也不会被承认的,和没有差不多。不过由于完全换了一个新的环境,我当初也没有指望去了之后学历、专业这些能一下子就用的上(也许永远都用不上了)。 我曾经问过在加拿大的师兄,他在今年上半年曾经和我通过电话,基本含义就是如果自己真的不挑挑拣拣,愿意为了生存从很多零工、体力活做起的话,生存应该是没有问题的。后来我有个女同学从加拿大回国探亲,跟我说的也是这个情况。 所以,我就想去了之后,首先要解决吃饭住宿这些生存问题,我想,吃苦的工作什么的我都可以去干。我知道开始很艰难,但是我不知道会不会到露宿街头食不果腹的地步?不会。 再有一个问题,就是现在经济危机了,是否会出现真的是什么工作都找不到的情况呢?雷波工总是会有的。我好久没和我那两个朋友联系了,我不知道他们所说的“生存没有问题”这句话是否还成立?只要你有工作的能力,这个就成立。 看看论坛上的很多帖子,我觉得我这个帖子可能是从想法到问题都十分的幼稚不过我想这都不可怕,我就是希望有哪位好心的朋友给我来一个传道授业解惑?非常感谢!这个坛子是个问问题的好地方,要解决你的问题,答案还是在你的心中。 我现在自己在北京(没有北京户口,老婆孩子在洛阳),对于出国移民的想法和困惑都是闷头瞎想了很久,今天上来问问。也许我的想法和问题的基础根本都是错的,没关系,可以颠覆之后再给我讲解一下,多谢了! 另外,贴上我的个人简历,我也不知道具体目的是什么,有兴趣的朋友可以看看,也许能够指导一下,谢谢! 祝国外的朋友们新年、新春快乐!我不知道明年春节会不会是最近几年我在国内的最后一个春节……[/quote]
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……哥们儿,把真实姓名还有个人信息隐藏吧。
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……简历格式完全不对的,要按照这里的习惯改才成.
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……1 生存绝对每问题。2 自信心需要提高。3 个人信息要保护。
某仁兄,年四十余。始从文,连考三年而不中。遂习武,练武场上发一矢,中鼓吏,逐之出。改学医,偶染小恙,自撰一良方,服之,卒。 超赞 赏 E elean82 0$(VIP 0) 2152008-12-23#10 回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……lz 硕士专业和我本科基本一致,所有专业课里最喜欢统计了,等lz 登录千万别忘了说自己找到什么工作了,因为很想知道卫生统计专业在加国的有何发展,不行的话我就改念其它医学专业
6.21挂号信北京,9.2签发Fn,2009.1.7补料信 超赞 赏 洛 洛阳凯凯 0$(VIP 0) 762008-12-23#11 回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……非常感谢大家!我的简历是前两年在国内应聘时写得,就直接拿过来了,驴唇不对马嘴这一点我是想到了,谢谢各位的指点!我会多来这里和各位推荐的网站去学习的,多谢!总之,大家给我增加了信心!
FN:200709;S2:201002;Caips:67分;SELDEC:4 超赞 赏 A anna_lin1989 0$(VIP 0) 232008-12-25#12 回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……i was full of fear because of the finance crisis. thanks for telling me the situation in Canada now. my family is to land during the spring festival. i am filled with confidence even though i am a little too old.
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……楼主这个专业似乎不错。这里医院需要需要信息管理人员,在医院里工作,关键是英语水平如何?这里College有你类似行业的文凭课程,你最好来后去读一下(可以贷款),大约2年可以完成,工作好像是做医院的信息资料统计管理等职位,而且这个职位需求好像不少,你背景也很强,如果有这里文凭应该能找到工作。我映像中以前有认识一个人,他的妻子就是读这个College的文凭,找到工作,起薪薪水差不多是4.5万左右。在加拿大,刚开始大家都不容易,但要基本生存很容易,吃饭费用很便宜,去打个工,加上政府牛奶金,维持基本生活没问题。两人打工,买车买房也是可以的,当然不能太好的车和房了。关键一点,打工只能是过度,千万不要一头栽到打工里,出不来。
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……建议你读图书馆信息专业。可选定你的职业方向是医学图书馆员,起薪也较高。你的简历可参照网上北美librarian的格式。注意最近的职位用现在时态,其他用过去时。http://www.mlanet.org/career/
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……你也可读医学统计专业。
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……千万不要去做labor,那样浪费你的时间,消磨你的意志,让你失去信心。建议先读书,看了你的简历,觉得你的英文需要时间提高,估计短期内你找不到专业工作。医学统计很吃香,但你没这边医院的经验。所以读书是较好的选择。科纳政府贷款和补助,生活不应有问题。
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……Mary Manager13 Castaway DriveSomerset, NJ [email protected] OBJECTIVE To obtain senior librarian position in an academic, college level setting. SUMMARYExperienced librarian specialist with extensive organization and management skills. Diverse exposure within my chosen field, including management of technical resource library, purchasing and organization of volumes for high school level libraries and web site development and management. Technically proficient with various Microsoft programs including Office Suite, FrontPage, and MS Publisher. Equally adept with Apple hardware and software application. EXPERIENCE Anderson University Library, Bound Brook, NJ January 2000 to PresentReference Librarian - Provided reference, circulation, collection and media support as business librarian. Helped construct library web site: http://www.bookdot.edu/. Served as primary library liaison to Graduate School of Business. Managed library technical support services and various workshops for new student orientation. Library of New Wakefield, New Wakefield, DE May 1998 to January 2000Reference Librarian ? Supervised library student workers. Provided reference / catalogue support. Technical support specialist for on line library resources. Maintained database of over 100,000 titles, including standard volumes, audio books, periodicals and articles. Assisted in purchasing decisions for new volumes. Responsible for opening and closing of library. Livingston University, Piscataway, NJ April 1998 to May 2000Academic Librarian - Head of Circulation in busy college library. Extensive use of campus-wide LAN, (Local Area Network). Supervised computer laboratory and trained co-workers in search techniques. Created campus library newsletter with weekly circulation of 1,500+. Assisted with retrospective conversion of 40,000-volume collection.EDUCATION Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ May 1998Master of Library Science Lafayette University, Pittsburgh, PA May 1995 Bachelor of Arts, English PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society for Information Science (ASIS) American Library Association National Writers Union
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……Ronald Forester22 North 22nd StreetWest New York, NJ [email protected] OBJECTIVE Obtain senior librarian position within secondary education setting. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS ・ Experienced manager with prior staffing, training and auditing duties. ・ Varied exposure to library science including academic and technical librarian skills. ・ Thoroughly familiar with reference skills and inventory management procedures. ACCOMPLISHMENTS ・ Promoted three times in one year period to senior level reference guide at Mason Dixon Library, Yuma, Arizona. ・ Awarded “Librarian of Year” from Somerset County Freeholders Association. ・ Acted as consultant to prison construction management firm. New prison construction required implementation of prison libraries in three county and two state prisons throughout New Jersey and Connecticut. Assignments required the creation of a “harmonious atmosphere”, selection of appropriate titles, and ongoing inventory management. Cited for excellence by prison officials at each institution. EXPERIENCE Reform Construction, Philadelphia, PA June 1998 to PresentConsultant / Library Administrator ? Acted as chief consultant for prison construction contractor. Responsible for design decisions and implementation of library space within various new construction maximum security facilities. Involved in all aspects of implementation including title selection and ordering, inventory management, and space design. Each construction project required specialized attention to education and reform, geared toward the classification of inmates at the facility. Cited for excellence by prison administrative officials on every project. Implemented literacy awareness programs and trained inmate tutors for ongoing education projects. Helped initiate hours and tutors for GED programs. Somerset County Library, Bernards, NJ May 1996 to May 1998Academic Librarian ? Responsible for reference inquires for classics and poetry titles. Implemented new African American Authors section. Managed reference desk with three workers. Responsible for internal stock audits and ongoing inventory management. Helped upgrade library computer systems and transfer database records to new system. Awarded “Librarian of Year” from Somerset County Freeholders Association. Del Barton Prep School, Buffalo, NY January 1992 to May 1996Reference Librarian ? Provided reference information for school library. Implemented various tutoring programs during tenure. Promoted to senior reference guide. Maintained inventory of current works. Required budgeting skills and internal cost auditing. Implemented cost efficiency measures. Position required heavy contact and cooperation with school teachers and administration officials. EDUCATION University of Maryland, Bertam, MD December 1992B.A. English, Computer Graphics Minor.
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……Toby Macintyre38 Mastiff DriveNelsons Corner, NJ [email protected] OBJECTIVE To work in multi media library environment while pursuing a Masters of Library Science Degree at Rutgers University. ACCOMPLISHMENTS ・ Designed technical reference database for School of Environmental Sciences Library, Livingston University, Piscataway, New Jersey. ・ Created award winning on line library newsletter, published bi-weekly, with primary target audience of upper classmen at Rutgers University. ・ Team member for stocking of new “Internet Business Wing” for Rutgers University main campus library. ・ Awarded employee of year from classicfiction.com, (an on line literary guide to works of renaissance fiction). Implemented web page modifications during tenure. Credited with improving site traffic from 200 hits daily to 1,000+. CAPABILITIES ・ Experienced reference librarian with real enthusiasm for people and learning. ・ Technical librarian skills including Internet abilities, desktop publishing, database development and internal auditing of various titles and stock. ・ Proficient educational web site content manager and marketer. ・ Flawless comprehension of English language. EXPERIENCE Classicfiction.com, Piscataway, NJ October 1999 to PresentWebmaster / Site Designer ? Created and launched web site from campus office with university funding. Site theme is renascence fiction and other works of great literature. Maintained database of on line inventory of various titles and authors. Specialized in Internet searches for hard to find titles. Coordinated various promotions between our site and campus library officials to increase awareness of educational literature and extra curricular learning opportunities. Bridgewater Library, Bridgewater, NJ May 1997 to September 1999Reference Librarian ? Reference desk research specialist. Helped locate in stock titles and order specialty titles. Assisted with technical instruction to library staff, relating to Internet searches and various computer related issues. Helped library users search on line catalogues such as DYNIX, CLSI and CD-ROM databases. Opened and closed library on weekends. Catalogued incoming serials. Specialty Books, Bound Brook, NJ April 1995 to May 1997Assistant Reference Specialist ? Responsible for general knowledge of inventory for computer book store. Helped manage stock of 5,000+ volumes. Assisted in maintenance of store web site, responding to on line inquiries for various titles and articles. EDUCATION Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ December 2000B.A. English, Art History Minor.GPA ? 3.8/3.9.
回复: [询问工作与生存]完全新手,问都不知道怎么问……可参考我提供的样板简历改写你的简历,盖好后发给我,我有空可帮你看看。另外如你想继续读书,可参考学习版图书馆专业就业指南
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层