加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.
加拿大,俺媳妇!大中国,俺的娘! 超赞 赏 alberto 0$(VIP 0) 16,2612009-07-31#2 回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.什么公司的?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 互帮互助 0$(VIP 0) 6632009-07-31#3 回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.Done
加拿大,俺媳妇!大中国,俺的娘! 超赞 赏 C cavine747 0$(VIP 0) 582009-07-31#4 回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.pay的咋样捏?
回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.Done.
加拿大,俺媳妇!大中国,俺的娘! 超赞 赏 A annie_wang 0$(VIP 0) 122009-07-31#6 回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.Thanks
回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.您好!很感谢您提供的好消息。我先生的情况,比较符合这个工作的要求。应用数学硕士。多年的数据分析和数据挖掘经验。熟悉oracle等, 英语交流也行(我们来的时间短),.方便的话,请告知联系方式.十分感谢您的热心帮助! 我的联系方式:[email protected]点击展开...Pls check your email. I think English is No. 1 important--this could be hardly prepared in advance for face-to-face interview.
加拿大,俺媳妇!大中国,俺的娘! 超赞 赏 K kooris 0$(VIP 0) 4402009-07-31#8 回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.Could you please pm the contract information. I want to try.
回复: Job Opportunity: Anybody in areas of energy, mathematics or similar?.Could you please pm the contract information. I want to try.点击展开...I am not the employer, just help someone else to find several guys. I have no idea of the details of the contract--I guess you have to discuss it with the employer. PLease check your information box as to the position and contact.
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