加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科关于选择电子方面专业,请前辈指点!


本人国内电子系通信本科毕业,申请研究生有难度。现在多准备申请college,不清楚电子方面的专业college毕业在加拿大的就业如何(近期或长远)?工资水平如何?考虑是否需要换专业。。。 看到 seneca 有三个关于电子方面的专业。不知哪个专业的方向更好呢?看到有本科学历的,这些专业可以减少一年的基础课程学习。 请了解电子专业的先辈指点下哈,不胜感激,给您加分分啦 Electronics Engineering Technician - Computers Program Code: ELCC Campus: NewnhamDuration: 4 Semesters (2 Years) Start Dates: Fall, WinterStart dates are subject to changeCredential Awarded: Ontario College DiplomaProgram DescriptionThis diploma program prepares students to work in the expanding field of digital electronics with applications to computer-based equipment in the electronic data processing and communications areas. Electronics Engineering Technology - CommunicationsProgram Code: ELMCampus: NewnhamDuration: 6 Semesters (3 Years) Start Dates: Fall, Winter, SpringStart dates are subject to changeCredential Awarded: Ontario College Advanced DiplomaProgram DescriptionThis program is designed to provide students with a broad background in analog/digital electronics, software development, and modern communications.The core portion of the program includes a comprehensive investigation of such areas as electronic circuitry, diagnostic techniques, applied mathematics, process control, and computer systems/networks. During the final year of the program special emphasis is placed on applying learned principles to the design and testing of projects in electronic communications. Advanced communication topics include digital and data communications, the characteristics of signals and transmission media, HDTV, satellite, microwave, PCS and cellular wireless systems, as well as broadband to the home.This program includes a high proportion of relevant hands-on laboratory work to ensure that the graduate appreciates the practical aspects of the global telecommunications system, and of electronic communications in general. Electronics Engineering Technology - Control SystemsProgram Code: ELNCampus: NewnhamDuration: 6 Semesters (3 Years) Start Dates: Fall, Winter, SpringStart dates are subject to changeCredential Awarded: Ontario College Advanced DiplomaProgram DescriptionThis program is designed to provide students with a broad background in instrumentation, process control, sequential control, data acquisition, servo control, event driven PC programming, PLC programming using modern industrial programming languages (IEC 61131-3), analog/digital electronics, AC and DC machines, industrial field bus and conventional networks, and power electronics.During the final year of the program, special emphasis is placed on applying learned principles to a project demonstrating computer control of a manufacturing process. The project involves the integration of PLC's, PC'S, a robot using field bus and ethernet technology and TCP/IP protocol. In addition instrumentation and control systems are studied with a view to understanding the effects of process static and dynamic characteristics on control strategy and controller tuning.

7.4递料――7.8签收――7.31担保DM――8.8IP――8.15日FN――8.16主动补护照――9.8变12――9.9变13――9.17大信封!给俺加声望哦,嘎嘎火箭班 团聚1群42141924(升级高级群,可进) 2群37529986 (人满) 团聚3群 74367143 (人满) 超赞 赏 xiaolangren 0$(VIP 0) 8182009-09-10#2 回复: 关于选择电子方面专业,请前辈指点!自己顶

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