加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科有没有在加做空中交通管制员或者飞行服务人员的通知啊?
如题,我35了,在国内倒是干过管制员,看了NAV CANADA的培训网站,上面倒是没说30多岁的人不可以去申请,但需要英语很好的人,我虽然在培训一下,指挥用语没啥问题,但能否通过面试呢?有经验的dx指点一下,谢谢。
回复: 有没有在加做空中交通管制员或者飞行服务人员的通知啊?You mean "air traffic controller"? Well, as long as I know it is a very challenging job, I mean the job itself is very stressful and the recruiting part is very tough as well. Applicants don't have to have the former training in order to get the position, but they do have to pass the training course which I believe is around two years. If get admitted into the training course, everything will be covered by the company, but only about 10% of the trainees can complete the course and there will be hands-on training for about a year or so afterwards. All the courses' tests both written and hands-on should be 100%. There is zero tolerance in terms of making mistakes. If your English is not your first language, even if you have related experience or training before you came to Canada, your chances of getting the job is very slim. That's my opinion. You can have a try but be prepared. Good luck!
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