加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科在加拿大当中文教师的条件。
如题啊。想了解以下。有没有知道的人们给点信息啊!!需要考什么证吗?就好像当咱们中国这边英语培训机构的外教一样的。还有学历要求之类的。。。。 大家交流下啊~~~
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。关注
――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 超赞 赏 反馈:Thumbelina 小洁子 0$(VIP 0) 8242007-08-05#3 回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。关注中......
生活若不是现在,又在何时? 超赞 赏 B beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-08-05#4 回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。教小学,中学,大学?在什么样的学校?否则不好回答.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。2008,你就一起回答了吧。什么大.中.小、老、中、青什么的。我搬板凳等着呢、
企鹅GG和企鹅MM去约会,企鹅MM还没有到约会的地点,企鹅GG就一直在左看看,右看看...左看看,右看看...企鹅MM来了后看见企鹅GG这个样子,怒了! 一巴掌呼了过去骂道:“你以为你TMD在登陆QQ啊!” 2008,你就一起回答了吧。什么大.中.小、老、中、青什么的。 我搬板凳等着呢、点击展开... 这个太多了.打中文很累.总的来讲,你要去大学教中文,有两类.一是做学问,一般要北美大学东亚系PHD,或北大中文系PHD,外语要和NATIVE一般,可找到大学ASSISTANT以上的职位. Assistant Professor - East Asian Religions Joint appointment with Department of East Asian Studies and the Interdisciplinary Program in Religious StudiesCompetition No. - A10012363 Closing Date - Will remain open until filled.The Interdisciplinary Program in Religious Studies in the Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of entry-level Assistant Professor in the area of East Asian Religions. Period, specific region, research focus, and disciplinary specialization are open. Applicants should have, or be close to completing, a Ph.D. in an appropriate field. The successful candidate will be able to handle primary source materials in their original language(s) and have knowledge of the theoretical discourses that define the disciplinary practices of Religious Studies.The successful candidate will offer undergraduate courses on East Asia's variety of communities and their religious traditions and practices, participate in a growing graduate program in Religious Studies, and contribute teaching and service to the position's home department, the Department of East Asian Studies in the Faculty of Arts. The normal teaching load is two courses per term. Candidates should send a letter of application together with a CV, samples of published research or unpublished scholarly writing, and a teaching dossier (if available) to Dr. Willi Braun, Director, Program in Religious Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, 1-17 Humanities Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E5. Applicants must also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the Director. Consideration of applications will begin November 18, 2007 and continue until an appointment is made. The effective date of employment will be July 1, 2008. Established in 1908, and located in the city of Edmonton, the University of Alberta (http://www.ualberta.ca/) serves over 36,000 students in more than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs; the Faculty of Arts (http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/) is the oldest and most diverse faculty on campus. The Program in Religious Studies (www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/rs/) is a vibrant interdisciplinary unit with a strong record for teaching, research, and service. For further information about the position, or the Program of Religious Studies, please contact the Director by email at [email protected]. For further information about the Department of East Asian Studies see http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/~eastasia/ 还一类是在东亚系教中文,如有国内中文系硕士以上,或北美东亚系硕士以上,有中国对外汉语教学证书,外语好,可找到在大学教中文的职位.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。中学小学一般没中文课.教书的可能性不大.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。一般中文学校只是周末上课.那是容易找的,看你自己了.上一节课10块钱.在经济上帮不了你大忙.不能作为职业.作为职业的话只有在大学工作.做和中国文化有关的研究或教汉语.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN CHINESEColgate University. The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures invites applicants for a one-year position in Chinese at the level of Visiting Assistant Professor, beginning August, 2007. A Ph.D. in hand and college-level teaching in the United States are preferred; native or near native command of both Chinese and English are required. The area of specialization is open; the teaching load is five courses per year. Salary and benefits are competitive. Please send application and dossier or three letters of reference to: Chinese Search Committee, Department of EALL, Colgate University, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346. Review of applications will begin immediately. We expect to conduct the first round of interviews at the Association for Asian Studies meeting in Boston March 24-25, 2007. Colgate is an AA/EOE. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Developing and sustaining a diverse faculty and staff further the university’s educational mission.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE & JAPANESE LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS/LITERATURE/CULTUREVassar College continues to seek applications for a one-year visiting position in Chinese (or the combination of Chinese & Japanese) Language and Linguistics/Literature/Culture. Vassar College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. The position teaches five courses in 2007-2008: approximately four language courses and one in linguistics/literature/culture. Taught in English, the content course(s) can be either on applied linguistics in the context of Asian languages or on Chinese/Japanese culture. PhD in hand or near completion; native or near native fluency in Chinese (or Chinese & Japanese) and English; college teaching experience required; a degree in language pedagogy is desirable. Position begins August 2007. Send application letter, CV, and three recommendation letters to: Wenwei Du, Chair, Chinese & Japanese Department, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 or email application materials to chinese&japanese@vassar.edu.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREThe Hamilton College Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures invites applications for a one-year position for the 2007-08 academic year in Chinese Language and Literature, at the Visiting Instructor or Visiting Assistant Professor level. Appointment begins July 1, 2007. Minimum qualifications include: native or near-native fluency in modern Mandarin Chinese and English, and experience and expertise in teaching Chinese language and literature (including film) at the undergraduate level. Ph.D. in hand in Chinese Literature, or related field, preferred. The selected candidate will teach five courses per year: two language courses and three literature and film courses. Hamilton provides competitive salaries and research support. Send letter of application, vita, and three letters of recommendation to the Chinese Language and Literature Search Committee, East Asian Languages and Literatures Department, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, NY 13323. Review of applications will begin on March 2, 2007 and continue until position is filled. Hamilton College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is committed to diversity in all areas of the campus community. Hamilton provides domestic partner benefits.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIVERSITY LECTURERSHIP IN CHINESE HISTORYOxford University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in Chinese History in association with Pembroke College. The appointment will run from l October 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter. The person appointed may be offered a tutorial fellowship at Pembroke College. The lecturer will be required to give lectures, classes, and tutorials in modern (including the twentieth century) and pre-modern Chinese history; to contribute to the co-ordination of teaching at all levels; and to carry out research, examine, supervise graduate students, and play a part in the administrative work of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Applicants should have a primary expertise in Chinese History. (S)he will have a research specialization in one or more areas of the field of Chinese history, and candidates who work on any period of Chinese history are encouraged to apply. The lecturer's duties include teaching within his/her own area of specialization, but also require competence to teach over the entire field, including both modern and pre-modern Chinese history, at undergraduate and graduate levels, although a highly specialized knowledge of all periods of Chinese history would not be expected. Applicants should hold, or expect to hold by the start of the appointment, a doctorate in History, Sinology, or a related relevant field and be able to provide evidence of their ability to teach Chinese History, including the use of original sources in Classical and Modern Chinese, at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Substantial publications, or evidence of forthcoming substantial publications, will also be an advantage. Further particulars, including details of how to apply, should be obtained from http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/fp/ or from the office of The Faculty Board Secretary, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, tel. 01865 288200; fax no. 01865-278190; e-mail [email protected]), to whom applications and references should be sent not later than Thursday 26 March 2007. GRADE 10a: Salary £38,019 - £51,095 p.a. Interviews will be held as early as possible thereafter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE LANGUAGE AND CULTUREThe Middlebury College Department of Chinese and the C. V. Starr Middlebury School in China seek a Visiting Assistant Professor for a two-year term position in Chinese language and culture, beginning September 2007. Qualifications: Ph.D. in hand or expected by August 2007 in Chinese language, literature, cultural studies or any related field of China studies; and native or near-native fluency in Mandarin and English. The successful candidate will teach at Middlebury College in the fall semester and January term of each year and at the C. V. Starr Middlebury School in Hangzhou in the spring semester of each year. Teaching responsibilities at Middlebury will include a course or courses in Mandarin Chinese (ranging from Beginning Chinese through Advanced Chinese) and may include one course in Chinese literature and/or culture taught in English. Teaching responsibilities in Hangzhou will include a course or courses in advanced Mandarin Chinese and may include a course in Chinese literature, culture, history, society, etc. taught in Chinese. Send letter of application with statement of research and teaching interests, evidence of experience teaching Mandarin, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, and three letters of recommendation, at least two of which must speak to teaching ability, especially language teaching ability, to: Thomas Moran, Chair, Chinese Department, 5005 Middlebury College, Middlebury VT 05753 ([email protected]). Review of complete applications will begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled. Middlebury College is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and it encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREThe Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Grand Valley State University, Michigan, invites applications for a visiting teaching position in Chinese beginning fall 2007, pending funding. Possible renewal for up to three years. M.A. or equivalent required; Ph.D. desirable. We seek candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching all levels of Chinese language courses at the college level, and welcome applications of candidates with an interest in one or more of the following: Pre-modern or modern Chinese literature, or Chinese linguistics. Native or near-native proficiency in Chinese necessary. The department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers nine languages and four majors and is expanding its Chinese offerings. The successful candidate will be expected to teach Chinese language at all levels and possibly teach a Chinese culture or literature course in English. Send letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, C.V., transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Curtis Smith, 2038 MAK, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Grand Valley State University, 1 Campus Dr. Allendale, MI 49401. Interviews will be held at the annual AAS meeting in Boston.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHINESE LANGUAGESimon’s Rock College of Bard, Division of Languages and Literature, invites applications for a one-semester, sabbatical replacement position in Chinese language for Fall 2007. Primary teaching duties will be Mandarin Chinese at the beginning and intermediate levels. Required: Ph.D. or ABD in Chinese literature, linguistics, or a related field; native or near-native fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English. To apply send a letter of application, CV, statement of teaching philosophy: Dr. Mileta Roe, Division Head, Languages and Literature, Simon’s Rock College of Bard, Great Barrington, MA, 01230, or by email to [email protected]. Have 3 letters of recommendation sent directly. Review of applications will begin March 16, 2007. Interviews at the AAS annual meeting in Boston, March 23-25, 2007.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------EAST ASIAN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIESThe East Asian Studies Center (EASC) at The Ohio State University invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position for the 2007-08 academic year. The stipend for 2007-08 is $40,000 plus benefits. This year’s focus will be on interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching about the nexus between China/Taiwan and Japan, South Korea, and North Korea from comparative political, economic, sociological or historical perspectives. Two courses offered will be taught in collaboration with the thriving Undergraduate International Studies Program, which offers majors in World Economy and Business, International Relations & Diplomacy, Security & Intelligence, Development Studies as well as in East Asian Studies. A third course can be offered in any appropriate department. All Ph.D. requirements must be fulfilled before Sept 1, 2007. Letter of interest, CV, teaching proposal for three undergraduate courses (1,500 words total), research proposal (1,500 words total), and 3 letters of reference should be sent to EASC Postdoctoral Researcher Position, East Asian Studies Center, 318 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Ave., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210; fax: (614) 247-4273; email: [email protected]; website: http://easc.osu.edu/. The deadline for the receipt of completed applications is February 28, 2007 with preliminary interviews taking place at the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting in Boston (March 22-25, 2007). OSU is an AA/EOE employer. For more information, see http://easc.osu.edu/contents/postdocs.html.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------EAST ASIAN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURESThe Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Oregon, Eugene, is conducting a search for a one-year position in pre-modern Japanese literature, culture and language at the visiting assistant professor level for the academic year 2007-2008. Requirements for the position include a Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline, native or near native fluency in Japanese and English, a strong commitment to excellence in scholarship, and dedication to undergraduate and graduate teaching in the applicant's research area. For a full job description, please see job announcement on the University of Oregon’s website. Candidates who promote and enhance diversity are strongly desired. Applications should include: an application letter, CV, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. Send application materials to: Japanese Search Committee, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1248. Review of applications will begin March 22, 2007. EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。Required: Ph.D. or ABD in Chinese literature, linguistics, or a related field; native or near-native fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。其实比读MBA还难.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。谢谢亲爱的2008!请收下点点SW,了表我绵薄的心意。
企鹅GG和企鹅MM去约会,企鹅MM还没有到约会的地点,企鹅GG就一直在左看看,右看看...左看看,右看看...企鹅MM来了后看见企鹅GG这个样子,怒了! 一巴掌呼了过去骂道:“你以为你TMD在登陆QQ啊!” 超赞 赏 爱 爱海涛涛 0$(VIP 0) 422007-08-07#13 回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。我还是不会加声望。。。。。不过还是谢谢北京2008
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。我还是不会加声望。。。。。不过还是谢谢北京2008点击展开...偶不在乎声望.只要你满意.
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。我有个朋友,英语很好, 在国内是学汉语应用语言学专业的硕士. 她有机会进加拿大的高校吗?
轻松一下 笑死你不赔命 冬访落基山 美图游记2008-7-29登陆。 我有个朋友,英语很好, 在国内是学汉语应用语言学专业的硕士. 她有机会进加拿大的高校吗?点击展开...我会说可以试一下。看到上面的广告了吗?如他接近NATIVE的水平话。另外找工作要他自己去发简历,上面的广告讲了人家的要求。
回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。thank you!
轻松一下 笑死你不赔命 冬访落基山 美图游记2008-7-29登陆。 超赞 赏 猪都笑了 0$(VIP 0) 1022009-10-18#18 回复: 在加拿大当中文教师的条件。有没有人给老外当中文家教・・・那样应该薪水会高点?
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