加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科大家看看我们能来加拿大做什么?
小弟在国内大学读的英语,现在在国内一家办理加拿大移民劳务的公司做签证申请,由于想出国来加工作,可苦于无一技之长,不知道来加拿大可以做些什么工作? 另外,我老婆在国内是中文导游,也想来加工作,不知道能找什么工作? 大家来看看,帮我支支招!谢谢了!
回复: 大家看看我们能来加拿大做什么?路过!
回复: 大家看看我们能来加拿大做什么?We are looking for individuals interested in working as live in caregivers / nanny for Canadian families. Selected individuals will be sponsored under the Live in Caregiver Program and will be able to work in Canada within 4 to 6 months (time to process the application at the Canadian Embassy).Interested candidates should email the following information to [email protected]:- name, date of birth, gender- information about education and work experience- pictures of yourselfContact information:Canadian CaregiverEmail: [email protected]: one.canadian.caregiverYahoo Messenger: canadian.caregiver
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