加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?
刚拿到技术移民的ME,所以开始关心在加拿大的求学情况。 我是一所国内普通211大学的硕士,本科学的是机械电子专业,GPA 2.67;硕士计算机应用,GPA 3.27。有一篇国内核心期刊的中文paper,和一篇作为第二作者的国外会议paper(上了EI)。之后有5年工作经验,从事的都是软件开发工作。 G和T在5年前考过,最近准备再考一次,我的英语水平自认为还可以,超过学校的要求应该没问题,另外准备再考一个GRE Math. 我想问的是,我这样的条件申请一些顶尖学校(如UoT,McGill,UBC之类的)的计算机专业是否可行?我知道可能申请机械方向机会大些,但我本科GPA实在是不怎么样,那些学校最低要求都是3.0。如果不可行那改什么专业或者什么学校比较合适呢?
FN:2006-9-1 VO:WCY ME签发:2009-11-25 体检:2009-12-24补料:2010-1-18 划款收据: 2010-2-25小孩补体检 2010-3-3 MER: 2010-10-5PL:2010-11-1 2010-12-01登陆蒙城 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022010-02-01#2 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?新TOEF考过100分上U of T的Electrical & Computer Engineering的Master没有问题。
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022010-02-01#3 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?Electrical & Computer Engineering http://www.ece.utoronto.ca/The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers graduate courses and research opportunities in four programs of study. The Master of Applied Science and Doctor of Philosophy are research-based degree programs and require the completion of a thesis. The Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering in Telecommunicationsare course-based degree programs. Both the MEng and MEngTel programs may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.The Master of Applied Science program provides students with an opportunity to pursue advanced studies in the particular field of major interest and an opportunity to engage in research. The program requires full-time study for a minimum of one year, course work, and a thesis on a research project.The Master of Engineering program is designed to provide professional training beyond the undergraduate level and to accelerate careers with specialized engineering expertise needed in business, government, and industry. The degree requirements, consisting of courses and an optional MEng project, are structured to be completed in one year by a full-time student.
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022010-02-01#4 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?Admission RequirementsListed below are the minimum admission requirements set by the School of Graduate Studies. More details on these admission requirements can be found in the Admissions Guide (pdf). Many departments require a higher average.Master's Programs and Full-Time Special Studentsan appropriate four-year bachelor's degree with a final year average of at least mid-B from the University of Toronto or its equivalent another recognized university
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022010-02-01#5 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?English Facility RequirementIf your primary language is not English and you graduated from a non-Canadian university where the language of instruction and examination was not English, then you must demonstrate your facility in English using one of the following methods. This requirement should be met at the time you submit your application.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)International English Language Testing System (IELTS)The Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE)UofT School of Continuing Studies Academic Preparation Course
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 多多宝贝1323 0$(VIP 0) 8022010-02-01#6 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?ApplicationThe University of Toronto offers a web-based graduate application to make the process quick and simple for potential students. Before beginning the application, we advise applicants to carefully read the application instructions, requirements and deadlines for their chosen academic program provided on the program's web site. A link to the web-based form is available from the program's admission requirements page when you are ready to begin the application.
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 超赞 赏 0 006 0$(VIP 0) 2182010-02-01#7 回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?加拿大没有顶尖大学
回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?楼上是哪国顶尖大学毕业的?崇拜哦
回复: 我这样的条件能否申请顶尖大学的Master?好像我们学校的GPA算法和加拿大不太一样啊。我们学校 78--81 3.0加拿大 70--74 3.0我的平均分在74多一点,那不是就有3.0了。求解答
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