加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗
我认识的朋友说那个学校在私立当中还算可以的,所以我想问问,这个学校真的还行吗,要是可以的话,我打算去报个酒店管理的课程去读,或者读office associate. 真的很感谢大家能多给我一点这学校的信息了,不甚感激...
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗我有两个朋友读这个学校的LPN。你可以去找个COUNSELLOR问问,有会说国语的。
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗我认识的朋友说那个学校在私立当中还算可以的,所以我想问问,这个学校真的还行吗,要是可以的话,我打算去报个酒店管理的课程去读,或者读office associate. 真的很感谢大家能多给我一点这学校的信息了,不甚感激...点击展开...鬼扯吧,加拿大公立学校比私立的强的多。
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗我也打听过了,好象不错
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗私立学校里面还是不错的,规模也比较大。[email protected]
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗有在这个学校学过LPN的筒子吗?大家来聊聊。大家给我发消息。
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗有在这个学校学过LPN的筒子吗?大家来聊聊。大家给我发消息。[/quote 你准备在这个学校读LPN?点击展开...
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗我有两个朋友读这个学校的LPN。你可以去找个COUNSELLOR问问,有会说国语的。点击展开...在这个学校读lpn,有什么入学条件吗?谢谢!
回复: 温哥华vancouver career college,有人了解吗去哪里也不能去这个学校。看看过来人的评价:Vancouver Career College: This school i would not recommend to anyone. It is a rip off a con school they do not change lives through education they destroy them. This school will do anything for their bottom line. Having attended this school very briefly I learnt quickly at the different levels of corruption. People whom can’t pass a basic entrance exam are helped to pass, just to get them to enrol l, so the rep can make their commission. They are then signed up for more expensive and longer programs and once they have started and start to have difficulties they are told that they are just nervous they will do fine just continue and once their 3 months are up they tell you that you need to maybe look at a less difficult program something sorter. Sorter programs mean less money but not for you because you have already been there for 3 months and one of the contracts that they get you to sign states that after a certain period of time they don’t have to pay you back. So your stuck paying an atrocious amount for a program that you never really wanted to do but because of student loans its better than nothing. Nothing is organized the director doesn’t care what is going on they are more concerned about lunch and cig brakes and when they can leave to go to the pub. Advice stay away if you don’t want to be in debt
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