加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科3月7日雅思考试大作文解析


题目:The effects of longer life expectancy both on aging individual and on society   本文的Assignment 是问题类的措辞。这个题目是说寿命长对个人和社会有什么影响,其实某种程度上就是问各位年纪大的人对个人和社会有什么影响。   思路:   1. 对个人的影响  1) 向外看――对年轻人   观点:寿命变长――larger proportion of elders---render the youth disadvantaged in the workplace   论证:It can be observed that young people might be deprived of their opportunities to develop their abilities as more old people could mean that they have more chances to occupy essential social positions。   内部可以配搭实验法。   A group of researchers in the University of Suzhou conducted a research recently on white-collar workers aging from 25-35 in international companies, whose result revealed that three out five people expressed they could hardly get promoted to managerial posts owing to the large number of senior citizens who held supervisory positions。   2) 向外看――对家人   老年人可以活得更久――就可以更好地照顾他们的子女甚至是孙儿,对于家庭的幸福和稳定是很有好处的。   观点:Longer life span could contribute to the happiness and stability of a family。  论证:Longer life span gives rise to a growing number of aging population, who can actually attend to their own offspring who are either too busy to take care of themselves or too young to look after themselves. Offered the proper guidance and attendance from the older generation, the youth are more likely to focus on their own business。   内部可以配搭举例子使用。   Take China for example. Due to fierce competition in society, a majority of parents have to spend most of their time on their work, rendering their own children lonely and abandoned. In that case, grandparents of those children could at least mitigate this situation by giving priority to the younger generation。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-15#2 回复: 3月7日雅思考试大作文解析2 对于社会的影响   本质法:这是个信息化社会,更多需要的是经验和信息,而年纪较大的人无疑可以提供更多的资源和经验,有助于社会的成长和进步。   观点:Longer life span offers the working population more opportunities to contribute themselves to the accumulation of social wealth。   论证: In this information age characterized by experience, the old who enjoy more social and job experience could lend their hand to a great many junior workers by sharing their experience and resources。   内部可以配搭例子法或实验法使用。   例子:For example, senior salesmen in a company could recommend several return customers to junior salesmen and provide wise suggestions for them when they are confronted with difficulties。   Gradually, the whole company is expected to attain more wealth and to reward social members in return。   最后成文  开头段:两句话   1 转述原文   The issue of increasingly longer life span is of much contention to the general public。   2 提出文章要探讨的内容   Therefore, this essay aims to identify the possible effects that this change has brought to both individuals and society。   中间段:  建议写三段  两种处理方式:第一种先写两点对于个人的影响,再写对于社会的。  第二种先写寿命长对于个人和社会好的影响,再写坏的影响。   结尾段   1 总结文章影响   Therefore, although senior citizens might, to some extent, deprive the younger generation of their job opportunities, they tend to enlighten the whole society with their experience and care。   2 提出建议(主要针对年轻人)   Therefore, the youth are suggested to confront this situation. If they could not be offered the opportunities, it would prove that they were not so capable as the old generation, when the only way out was to learn from old people and try to gain more experiences。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 萧了皮镇宅之宝 辟邪驱鬼 0$(VIP 0) 2,4462010-03-16#3 回复: 3月7日雅思考试大作文解析多谢……

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