加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由
现代人离婚已经不是什么新鲜事儿。但是有些离婚理由却让人大跌眼镜。今天,小编为你盘点全球十大离奇的离婚理由。 1.一个已结婚一年的男人同妻子离婚的理由是,由于妻子太害羞而无法进行正常的婚姻生活。 台南法院同意了一名已结婚一年的男子的离婚请求案,理由是他的妻子太害羞了而无法完成正常的婚姻生活。提出申请的男子姓陈,38岁是台南县的一名教师,由媒人介绍给另一名29岁的女教师。3个月后,他们便结婚了,但是林女士拒绝进行正常婚姻生活。新婚之夜,林女士穿着全身的衣服并包裹着一床棉被。当陈先生试图同睡时,她推开他,喊道“你真是荒谬”,第二天便回到了母亲家。 虽然通过媒人的调节,林女士最终签署了一份合同,同意履行婚姻义务,但只是为了生育,并且要求独睡,对此,她无论如何都不退步,因此,陈先生提出了离婚。林女士反对离婚,她声称在新婚之夜拒绝陈先生,只不过是因为她太累了,而且在生病。但是法官认为,林此后一年都未履行婚姻职责,因此裁定陈先生获得离婚许可,并要求林女士补偿陈新台币30万元作为购买公寓和对陈氏家族的精神赔偿。 1.The Man who divorced his wife for being “too shy” to consummate their marriage after a year! A Tainan court granted a man's request for divorce because his wife was "too shy" to consummate their marriage, after a year! The man surnamed Chen, a 38-year-old teacher from Tainan County was introduced to a woman surnamed Lin, 29, also a teacher, by a matchmaker。 After the couple dated for three months, they got married, but Lin refused to consummate the marriage. On the wedding night, Lin slept fully dressed and wrapped with a quilt. When Chen tried to sleep with her she pushed him away shouting: "You are ridiculous!", and returned to her mother's home the day next。 Through the matchmaker's mediation, Lin signed a contract agreeing to consummate the marriage but only for the purpose of procreation, and demanded to sleep separately. However, she did not live up to the pledge, cause Chen filed for divorce. Lin contested the divorce, claiming that she refused to consummate the marriage on the wedding night because she was too tired and was ill. But the judge said it was strange for Lin to refuse to consummate the marriage for one year, so he granted the divorce and ruled that Lin must compensate Chen NT$300,000 for buying an apartment, giving Lin's family a dowry and losing face because she did not consummate the marriage。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#2 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由2.一个已结婚30年的女人要求离婚,只因为他的丈夫试图偷看一眼她的脸。 2008年,一名沙特妇女提出离婚,只因为她的丈夫试图偷看一眼她的脸,在婚后30年的时候。这名沙特男子和他的妻子生活了30年从不曾看过她的脸。他五十岁的妻子始终保持着西南部Khamis Mushayt城附近的传统,在任何时候都掩饰着她的面目特征。一天晚上,丈夫难忍好奇,试图趁着妻子睡觉时掀开面纱,看一下她的脸。这是一个错误,他不可能有机会再重复,在他想先睹为快之前,他的妻子醒来并且愤怒的要求离婚。对于对妻子的背叛,丈夫表示了歉意,并承诺不会再这样做,但是妻子坚持要求离婚。这可能看上去很奇怪,不过,在沙特,像本案这样妻子对丈夫永远保持容貌神秘的现象并不少见。 2. The Woman who requested divorce because her husband tried to sneak one look at her face after 30 years of marriage A Saudi woman asked for divorce in 2008 because her husband tried to sneak one look at her face after 30 years of marriage. A Saudi Arabian man lived with his wife for 30 years without setting eyes on her face. His 50-year-old wife followed the tradition of her native village near the south-western city of Khamis Mushayt and kept her features veiled at all times。 One night the husband was overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. It was an error he is unlikely to be given a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and decided to demand a divorce。 The betrayed wife said her husband apologized and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce. It may seem odd, but cases of Saudi husbands with wives forever shrouded in mystery are not uncommon。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#3 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由3. 一个女人在她的鹦鹉开始重复说出“离婚”和“耐心”时要求离婚。 2001年,一名中国妇女向丈夫提出离婚诉讼,理由是她的丈夫在一次不慎失言后,家里的宠物八哥开始不断重复他的话。据《新民晚报》报道,这名妇女最先开始怀疑是在她探亲一个月后,回到家中,鸟儿开始重复这两个词,而她认为这是鸟儿在丈夫同秘密情人的电话中学到的。她说,像是“离婚”、“我爱你”和 “忍耐”这几个词已经越来越频繁,而且还掺杂着懒散的呢喃。她带着她的案件和她的鸟到当地的律师事务所咨询,希望它可以出庭作证指认丈夫。但是律师对鸟类的证词可以影响法院判决一事并不乐观。这位妻子提出离婚,但是理由很奇怪,很显然,证鸟在中国的法庭中很难被接受。 3. The Woman who got divorced after her parrot started repeating "Divorce" and "Be Patient" In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions. According to the Xinmin Evening News, the woman first suspected something was amiss when the bird began repeating words apparently picked up from her husband's secret telephone calls to his lover after she returned from a month-long visit to her parents. She said words such as "divorce", "I love you", and "be patient" had become an increasingly frequent feature of the feathered telltale's idle twitterings。 She took her case -- along with the bird -- to a local law office for consultation, hoping it would testify in court against her husband; lawyers however told her they were not optimistic that the bird's testimony would sway the court. The wife filed for divorce but, for some bizarre reason, evidence from a bird was apparently not admissible in Chinese courts。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#4 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由4.结婚60年的81岁丈夫深陷“情人门” 83岁的德国老太要与结婚了60年的丈夫离婚,原因是他在工作时被抓到同情人发生性关系。Georg Meister30岁时在工作中认识了他的情人。事件发生源于,他们在一个中心办事处匆匆相会时忘记了拉窗帘。他的妻子Ruth被告知,她的丈夫已经从自己家中搬到了仅有两个大门之隔的情人家中去住了。这对夫妻是在60年前,盟军的炸弹落在波恩的时候认识的,到现在已经有了三个孩子。 4. The 81-year-old husband who got caught with his mistress after 60 years An 83-year-old German woman, divorced her 81-year-old husband after 60 years of marriage because he was caught having sex with his mistress at work. Georg Meister met his lover, 30 years younger, at work. The affair was exposed when they forgot to pull the curtains while having a 'quickie' in one of the centre's offices. His wife Ruth who was told about her husband's antics threw him out of their home and he moved in with his younger lover who lives just two doors down the road. The divorce court heard the couple had met over 60 years ago as Allied bombs fell on Bonn and have since raised three children together。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#5 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由5.女子同丈夫离婚只因为他太爱干净了 2009年4月,一名德国妇女提出与丈夫离婚,因为她受够了丈夫用一切时间做清洁。这位妻子在丈夫时时都在打扫、整理和重新安排家具中度过了15年的婚姻生活,但是,当这位丈夫因为住所的墙脏了,而决定推倒重建时,她的忍耐力终于被击垮了。 5. The Wife who divorced her man for cleaning too much In April 2009, a German woman divorced her husband because she was “fed up” with him cleaning everything all the time. The wife got through 15 years of marriage putting up with the man’s penchant for doing household chores, tidying up and rearranging the furniture, but she ran out of patience when he knocked down and rebuilt a wall at their home when it got dirty。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#6 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由6.丈夫抛弃了谎报年龄的夫人 广西壮族自治区林县,一名谎报了年龄的罗姓女子在十年的婚姻生活后被丈夫抛弃。当岑提出结婚时罗已经30岁,但是她谎称自己只有24岁,2007年,意识到妻子的欺骗后,岑提出了离婚诉讼,并希望法庭可以批准他的请求 6. The Husband who dumped his lady over lie about her age A woman surnamed Luo, who lied about her age, was dumped by her husband after 10 years of marriage in Shanglin County, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Luo, who was 30 when husband-to-be Cen asked her to marry him, told him she was just 24. In 2007, Cen filed for divorce after realizing he had been duped and the court granted his wish。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#7 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由7.女人因为无法忍受和婆婆吃饭而提出离婚 2005年,一名罗马尼亚女子提出离婚,是因为她无法忍受每天同婆婆共进午餐。这名22岁的女子结婚只有10个月,她称婆婆使她的生活变成了噩梦。来自 Vrancea,Focsani的Elena T对法官说,每天同婆婆吃一天中最重要的午饭,已经毁掉了她的婚姻。法官要求Elena夫人重新考虑她的请求,并建议她如果想同丈夫离婚,最好找到一个更好的理由。 7. The Woman who demanded divorce because she just couldn't stand to have lunch with her mother-in-law A Romanian woman demanded a divorce in 2005 because she couldn't stand having lunch with her mother-in-law every day. The 22-year-old woman had been married for only 10 months when she claimed her life turned into a nightmare because of her mother-in-law。 Elena T. from Focsani, in Vrancea county, said to a judge that the presence of her mother-in-law at the most important meal of the day with her teasing remarks had ruined her marriage. The court asked Mrs. Elena to reconsider her demand, advising her to find a better reason if she wants to separate from her husband。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#8 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由8.因饲养流浪狗,妻子同丈夫结束50年的婚姻 已经结婚50年的罗马尼亚退休老人提出了离婚,只因为她厌倦了丈夫把退休金都用在了流浪狗身上。70岁的Eliza Barbu说,她丈夫从几年前就开始不停的给一对流浪狗食物,不过,随后,他喂养的流浪狗超过20个,一天三顿已经没有食物剩给他们了。她说,她不能接受的事实是,我们正在挨饿,而每星期,他要用他的全部退休金养活房子周围的狗。每周都有越来越多的狗到来,自从热爱动物的大独裁者Nicolae Ceausescu 宣布禁止杀掉流浪狗以来,罗马尼亚正面临着伴随其而来的各种问题。 8. The Woman who divorced her husband after 50 years for feeding stray dogs A Romanian pensioner has filed for divorce after 50 years because she is fed up with her husband spending their entire pension on stray dogs. Eliza Barbu, 70, from Focsani, said her husband Mircea had begun giving scraps of food a few years ago to a pair of stray dogs. But he then started feeding a pack of more than 20 strays three times a day, leaving no food for them. She said she couldn’t accept the fact that we are starving every week while he would use his entire pension to feed the dogs that gather around their house. More and more dogs come every week. Romanian cities have had a huge problem with packs of feral dogs ever since the country's animal loving dictator Nicolae Ceausescu refused to allow the killing of strays。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#9 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由9. 妻子离婚因为丈夫以跑步支持北京奥运 一名男子跑遍了整个中国只为支持2008年北京奥运会,但是他的妻子却要跟他离婚。Wang Yueting,56岁,安徽滁州人,卖掉了自己的房子为这次长跑筹集资金。用这些钱,他雇用了一个为他服务的六人小组和一辆面包车,车身被喷上了支持北京奥运的中英双语。他的妻子发誓如果他这样做就跟他离婚,但是他还是做了。他说,他只是以长跑证明奥林匹克精神。 9. The Wife who divorced her man for running to promote Beijing Olympics A man was divorced by his wife in 2008 for running across China to support the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Wang Yueting, 56, of Chuzhou city, Anhui province, sold his apartment to finance the run. He spent the money on a six-man support team and a van, on which he's had painted 'Support Beijing Olympics' in both English and Chinese. His wife promised to divorce him if he went ahead with the stunt, and so he did. According to him, he was just running to promote the Olympic spirit。
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492010-03-27#10 回复: 跌破眼镜:全球十大超?离婚理由10.一个性生活失败的男人被妻子抛弃 一个男人因为在性生活方面的失败被妻子提出离婚。当他告诉医生,自己无法在卧室中满足妻子的欲望,他的妻子对他的无能大为光火时,俄罗斯南部 Voronezh的医生为Grigory Toporov安装了这一特殊的假肢,他告诉妻子,自己得到了一个新的,但是妻子早已受够了他在床上的失败,仍然要求离婚。 10. The Man who faced divorce after his penis extension broke during sex A man was divorced by his wife after his penis extension snapped off during sex. Doctors in Voronezh, southern Russia, had fitted the special prosthetic when Grigory Toporov, 47, told them he didn't measure up to his wife's expectations in the bedroom. But she was horrified when the extension broke off during a wild sex session. He told his wife he would get a new one but she said she was fed up with his failures in bed and asked for a divorce。
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