加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科问个统计的PROBABILITY问题
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题lz 的问题是什么呢?
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题好像一共打了162场,赢了75场,输了87场。在赢的75场中,进攻和防守都好的47场,进攻好防守不好赢了12场,防守好进攻不好赢了16场...可是问题是啥呢?
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题我分析不出那个MATRIX来,所以不会做啊.有没有高人给指点下.
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题,noboday can help me.
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题I try to solve it but hope I'm not misleading you. It seems that the logics within the questions are not sufficient for a good reasoning. Considering it's not a GMAT question, I'd like to reason it this way.
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题首先是我们根据题目已经知道的事实是:1,胜75,负872,47防好攻好,42防差攻差3,37只有攻好,其中12胜,25负4, 36只有防好,其中16胜,20负
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题75胜中,已经解释了12+16=28胜,剩下需要解释47胜87负重,已经解释了20+25=45负,剩下需要解释42负if we assume 当防好攻好的47场都胜了,防差攻差的42场都负了,这是一个理性的假设,但是不严谨。题目里没有给出其他的陈述,因此也只能这么认为了。
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题[FONT=宋体] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]进攻[/FONT][FONT=宋体]好[/FONT][FONT=宋体]差[/FONT][FONT=宋体]防守[/FONT][FONT=宋体]好[/FONT][FONT=宋体]+47[/FONT][FONT=宋体]+16[/FONT][FONT=宋体]-0[/FONT][FONT=宋体]-20[/FONT][FONT=宋体]差[/FONT][FONT=宋体]+12[/FONT][FONT=宋体]-0[/FONT][FONT=宋体]-25[/FONT][FONT=宋体]-45[/FONT] + represents winning games and - losing gamesThis matrix might not be the one you expect because it only puts some of the facts together. Your professor should have a better way to put things together.
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题I couldn't upload the spreadsheet table. Anyway, it doesn't hurt us solving this.
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题解题的思路就是《概率论》第一章的古典概型和条件概率,非常简单。lz随便翻一个国内的概率论看10分钟就行了。
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题a) What is the probability that the Blue Jays won given that neither theoffense nor defense performed adequately? P=0/42=0b) What is the probability that both the offense and defense performed adequately given that that Blue Jays won?p=47/75 c) What is the probability that both the offense and defense performed adequately given that that Blue Jays lost?p=0/87=0 d) What is the probability that neither the offense nor defense performed adequately given that that Blue Jays lost? p=42/87e) What is the probability that the Blue Jays lost and only the offense performed adequately?可以直接算,只有进攻好时输球的场次是25,总场次是162,因此p=25/162也可以用乘法公式,P(AB)=P(B/A)P(A)=25/87 * 87/162 f) What is the probability that the Blue Jays lost given that only the defense performed adequately? p=20/36g) What is the probability that only the offense performed adequately given that that Blue Jays won? p=12/75
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题Thanks.i have added your reputation. (sorry,in school,i can not type the Chinese)
回复: 问个统计的PROBABILITY问题i'm not sure the answers are right, but at least you have something to present in class. it doesn't have to be right. it's more important that you develop a sence of probability.
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