加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Junior Web Developer,15,000 - 20,000, George Brown College


Position Summary This is an entry-level position for a passionate, motivated web developer and a tremendous opportunity to start your career. As the content management subject matter expert, you are responsible for the timely and accurate posting of approved content that supports the different departments of the SA using the secure sites including day-to-day/ongoing tasks, ad hoc and project or maintenance related work.General Responsibilities - Acts as the centre of expertise of existing content management tools and processes used to manage content that supports the secure site; recommends enhancements and improvements engaging team members in input and recommendations.- Responsible for the effective, timely and accurate management of day-to-day and ad hoc requests for new and revised content related to the secure sites.- Produce layouts using design assets provided from the designer. - Instruct and advocate the importance of standards-based web development within the organization and work with implementation- Ensure deliverables and practices meet the requirements of the SA- Remain current in accessible, standards-based web development, and identifying trends.- Contributes to, executes and implements the content management strategy ensuring an efficient and streamlined process is followed and documented.- Manages, coordinates and fulfills small initiatives and assignments on behalf of the SA team.- Supports the Communications team with managing day-to-day responsibilities and high priority issues.- Manages and maintains all approved content and design layout - Design / edit simple web-pages- Newsletter content publication- Maintenance of SA website and blogs- Report website statistics on regular basis Requirements Experience and knowledge required: - CSS- HTML/XHTML- JavaScript- SQL, & MySQL- PHP- WordPress (nice to have)- The ability to multitask.- An outgoing, positive and friendly personality- Excellent communication skills, both written & oral.- Excellent organizational and problem solving skills.- The ability to work in a team environment, take initiative and work independently.- Fluent in Microsoft Office. Please send cover letter and resume to: Maria QuianGeneral ManagerStudent Association of George Brown College Email: mquian@georgebrown.caFax: 416-415 4719

  ·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?



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