加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!
请教关于HEC MONTREAL D.E.S.S. en gestion de la chane logistique的问题!请教了解情况的同志,我想上请教关于HEC MONTREAL D.E.S.S. en gestion de la chane logistique。但因为刚刚来,只能报冬季班,想请教如果上冬季班,它的课程安排是先读后半部分的课程还是和秋季班的课程一样正常的课程顺序?他的所有的课程是不是冬季夏季都开啊?另外请教申请时有什么条件,推荐信是必需的吗?课程中的英语法语考试难吗?希望不吝赐教,非常感谢!
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!顶
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!顶
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!同问~你咋不直接去问学校呢?
每一天! 超赞 赏 米 米心~~ 0$(VIP 0) 832009-08-04#5 回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!呵呵~明白你为啥不直接上学校网站去查了,全是法语,晕死我了~http://www.hec.ca/programmes_formations/certificats/offerts/operations_logistique/index.html也罢也罢~今天我得空帮你在google translator上翻译成英文了~不过我很怀疑这个program是用法语读的,我已经发email帮你去问学校了~我就在HEC Montreasl读master,所以帮你问问~表忘了给我加分哦~For the student who wishes to become familiar with the theories and practices of the latest operations management and logistics. This certificate of 30 credits will help you gain access to interesting positions in production planning and inventory and quality control. Compulsory course 1 Course Operations Management and Production Options Course minimum 6 Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Analysis and improvement of operational systems Fundamentals of Total Quality Purchasing Management Inventory management and distribution Transport management Environmental management of operations and logistics Strategic management of supply and logistics ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification Planning and production control ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management Total quality in service companiesElective courses (maximum 1 course of 3 credits)Language courses a course in Business English a course in Spanish for Business Other courses an optional course of this certificate a course in another certificate Suggestions: Understand and use the integrated software management Management of commercial distribution Entry strategies in foreign markets An unusual feature of this certificate Some certificate courses are offered in campus and Longueuil campus Ville-de-Laval. Tips to make your course selection The student has an interest in the course of operations management and production from the beginning of his program because it is a prerequisite for several other courses in this certificate. Registration in ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management requires that you have a laptop meeting the minimum requirements of the School. For those who feel the need of preparation for university. Planning your year: The courses are spread over three quarters of an academic year. Each year in June, the School publishes schedules of the year. Plan your course selection taking into account of course offerings for the coming quarters without a conflict of schedule and review. Prerequisite: Before you register for a course, check in Zone course if the course has a prerequisite. If so, this means that, before enrolling in desired courses, students must first have successfully completed the courses mentioned. If the prerequisite is identified as concomitant (Co) is that it is a course that must be taken before or simultaneously with the course concerned. Zone courses, information on prerequisites is right under the title "Requirements". Mutually exclusive courses: Make sure before choosing a course that is not mutually exclusive. This means of course with the same title or different titles, but that cover similar areas of study. One of these courses could contribute to obtaining a certificate. Elective courses: If you want to take a course in another university, you must request authorization from the program director before enrolling in the course. This authorization will be granted to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 5 courses at HEC Montreal and who justify the relevance to his career. The authorization will be refused if an equivalent course is offered at HEC Montreal. For a course offered in another university, please complete a study permit non-residential on the Web (CREPUQ). Logistics Modules Short-term training that can acquire or develop practical skills on a specific theme. They may be included in the certificate program. + Supply (15 credits) Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Strategic management of supply and logistics ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification + Logistics Management (15 credits) Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Transport management Strategic management of supply and logistics ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management + Management Operations in the services sector (15 credits) Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Analysis and improvement of operational systems Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Total quality in service companies + Planning and controlling production and inventory (12 credits) Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Planning and production control + Total Quality (15 credits) Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Fundamentals of Total Quality Operations Management and Production ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification Total quality in service companies View all modules
每一天! 超赞 赏 反馈:onestory 米 米心~~ 0$(VIP 0) 832009-08-05#6 回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!学校的回复回来了,全法语program,LZ看自己的法语程度吧~我是做物流这一行的,最近找工作看很多公司是PMAC as an asset,就是说最好有。我已经申请了多伦多的PMAC membership,然后再考证吧,反正有比没有强~
每一天! 超赞 赏 反馈:妙恋 M masscn 0$(VIP 0) 432009-08-19#7 回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!我8月30号开始上课,专业就是这个,的确全部是法语授课,报名随时可以报吧,关于课程设置的情况是有些课程并不是每个SESSION都有,比如夏季的话可能设置要少很多,所以选课的时候要注意一下分配时间,把这几门不同的课程分为几个不同的SESSION选完,我是准备分3个SESSIONS读完,一起最少选10门课,我的计划是秋季和冬季是每学期4门课,夏季准备2门,因为只有4门课才能拿PRET ET BOURSE,基本就这些了吧。
战斗在加拿大华人互动社区http://www.revecanada.comQQ群:35579929欢迎你的加入 超赞 赏 反馈:onestory H helenesun 0$(VIP 0) 102009-09-08#8 回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!都是热心人啊,呵呵,谢谢哈。怎么给楼上的热心人加分呢
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!呵呵~明白你为啥不直接上学校网站去查了,全是法语,晕死我了~ http://www.hec.ca/programmes_formations/certificats/offerts/operations_logistique/index.html 也罢也罢~今天我得空帮你在google translator上翻译成英文了~不过我很怀疑这个program是用法语读的,我已经发email帮你去问学校了~我就在HEC Montreasl读master,所以帮你问问~表忘了给我加分哦~ For the student who wishes to become familiar with the theories and practices of the latest operations management and logistics. This certificate of 30 credits will help you gain access to interesting positions in production planning and inventory and quality control. Compulsory course 1 Course Operations Management and Production Options Course minimum 6 Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Analysis and improvement of operational systems Fundamentals of Total Quality Purchasing Management Inventory management and distribution Transport management Environmental management of operations and logistics Strategic management of supply and logistics ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification Planning and production control ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management Total quality in service companies Elective courses (maximum 1 course of 3 credits)Language courses a course in Business English a course in Spanish for Business Other courses an optional course of this certificate a course in another certificate Suggestions: Understand and use the integrated software management Management of commercial distribution Entry strategies in foreign markets An unusual feature of this certificate Some certificate courses are offered in campus and Longueuil campus Ville-de-Laval. Tips to make your course selection The student has an interest in the course of operations management and production from the beginning of his program because it is a prerequisite for several other courses in this certificate. Registration in ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management requires that you have a laptop meeting the minimum requirements of the School. For those who feel the need of preparation for university. Planning your year: The courses are spread over three quarters of an academic year. Each year in June, the School publishes schedules of the year. Plan your course selection taking into account of course offerings for the coming quarters without a conflict of schedule and review. Prerequisite: Before you register for a course, check in Zone course if the course has a prerequisite. If so, this means that, before enrolling in desired courses, students must first have successfully completed the courses mentioned. If the prerequisite is identified as concomitant (Co) is that it is a course that must be taken before or simultaneously with the course concerned. Zone courses, information on prerequisites is right under the title "Requirements". Mutually exclusive courses: Make sure before choosing a course that is not mutually exclusive. This means of course with the same title or different titles, but that cover similar areas of study. One of these courses could contribute to obtaining a certificate. Elective courses: If you want to take a course in another university, you must request authorization from the program director before enrolling in the course. This authorization will be granted to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 5 courses at HEC Montreal and who justify the relevance to his career. The authorization will be refused if an equivalent course is offered at HEC Montreal. For a course offered in another university, please complete a study permit non-residential on the Web (CREPUQ). Logistics Modules Short-term training that can acquire or develop practical skills on a specific theme. They may be included in the certificate program. + Supply (15 credits) Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Strategic management of supply and logistics ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification + Logistics Management (15 credits) Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Transport management Strategic management of supply and logistics ERP systems (ERP) applied to the supply chain management + Management Operations in the services sector (15 credits) Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Analysis and improvement of operational systems Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Total quality in service companies + Planning and controlling production and inventory (12 credits) Purchasing Management Operations Management and Production Inventory management and distribution Planning and production control + Total Quality (15 credits) Continuous improvement and reengineering tools and practices Fundamentals of Total Quality Operations Management and Production ISO standards: concepts, implementation and certification Total quality in service companies View all modules点击展开...这真是个热心的好MM啊,可以认识一下你吗?
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!学校的回复回来了,全法语program,LZ看自己的法语程度吧~我是做物流这一行的,最近找工作看很多公司是PMAC as an asset,就是说最好有。我已经申请了多伦多的PMAC membership,然后再考证吧,反正有比没有强~点击展开...也想考,可以给个链接网址吗?
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!很感谢米心筒子, 我想申请的是D.E.S.S. en gestion de la chane logistique不是那个证书。 另外想请问您读的是什么专业业的地master阿您觉得D.E.S.S. 和master那个好啊
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!我想去读物流证书班的冬季班,打电话问学校就业情况,师资情况都被一口回绝了。因为我原来是做食品研发的,不想继续在实验室做。请问,这个证书毕业生的就业情况好吗,课程实用性强吗?了解这个证书班的人能不能多介绍些情况啊?诸如师资,课程难度等等
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!我也想去读个硕士
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!同样想转行到这个专业,关注中。。。。
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!顶!!!
回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!HEC的那个DESS EN GESTION DE LA CHAINE LOGISTIQUE 就业怎么样哦?有朋友谈一谈么? HEC还有一个学位:M. Sc. > Options > Logistique ,需要GMAT成绩,大家帮忙比较一下吧, MERCI.
09.07.07 递HK BIQ/09.09.04 CSQ/09.10.21 递BJ联邦/09.10.26 FN→14/10.02.05 →12/10.05.17 →5/10.05.28 港澳中心体检/10.06.08 →8/10.06.12 →12/10.09.20 →17/10.09.23 →13/10.09.24 →17/10.09.26 →visa 超赞 赏 墨菲 0$(VIP 0) 5782011-03-22#17 回复: 请教关于HEC MONTREAL物流与供应链管理证书的问题!后来还有同学在读吗?
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