加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~


我是今年要去萨大上生物的本科学生自己的最大的梦想就是学医 当医生我仅仅知道学医很难而且需要本地学生我想知道医学院的具体情况~有没有师兄师姐介绍下 我嘞雅思7 再加上要去那边读本科 凭着勤奋努力 希望能实现自己的小理想~先谢谢大家咯~! 假若实在不太清楚的~也可以随便说说那边医生的情况~资格证的考取情况~无论内科外科都ok的~~

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~没有人气啊~

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~要当医生还是留国内吧。加拿大机会很微小。

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~医学院国际学生招的很少,竞争是国内学生的20倍。进医学院的前提条件: 1,大学本科成绩GPA要高于3.8。实际录取多数都在3.9以上。2,MCAT 应该在36以上,且但科不低于10.3,有最少3封推荐信 以上三条缺一不可。至于"资格证的考取情况~无论内科外科"等等,都是后话了。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养医学院国际学生招的很少,竞争是国内学生的20倍。进医学院的前提条件: 1,大学本科成绩GPA要高于3.8。实际录取多数都在3.9以上。2,MCAT 应该在36以上,且但科不低于10.3,有最少3封推荐信 以上三条缺一不可。至于"资格证的考取情况~无论内科外科"等等,都是后话了。点击展开...谢谢您~!您说的GPA是4分制还是5分制啊?还有就是关于移民的事儿了,医学院必须要当地的学生嘛~假若我在萨大上本科,想考它的医学院,只能在第5年考咯?还是说第五年移民第六年考呢?主要是这个时间和过程我一直弄不明白,我也想提前了解下~我会努力的!!谢谢您!

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~要当医生还是留国内吧。加拿大机会很微小。点击展开...国内没关系,有点儿黑暗!

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~国内没关系,有点儿黑暗!点击展开...在国内如果没有关系就要靠真本事了。在国外有关系也要靠真本事。你大一才到这边来,半点准备都没有,连移民也没搞好,怎么跟本地土生土长的人争夺。就算挤上了医学院也未必能够MATCHING的上。生物这个学科本来就业面就很窄,LZ三思吧。

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~在国内如果没有关系就要靠真本事了。在国外有关系也要靠真本事。你大一才到这边来,半点准备都没有,连移民也没搞好,怎么跟本地土生土长的人争夺。就算挤上了医学院也未必能够MATCHING的上。生物这个学科本来就业面就很窄,LZ三思吧。点击展开...生物是现在就业面很大的专业了,你说的也许是纯生物理论的那种专业吧?生物技术,生物医药,生物工程都是国内新的产业,相关的人才也不多,国内的大学中生物的水平也不太高。所以我和我家人都觉得这个专业适合。就算不向医学那边发展,也可以有比较多的机会和选择。别说我太黑暗,我同学的父母亲戚也有做医生的做政府机关的,有真本事的很多,可在外地,关系重要是真的。

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~生物是现在就业面很大的专业了,你说的也许是纯生物理论的那种专业吧?生物技术,生物医药,生物工程都是国内新的产业,相关的人才也不多,国内的大学中生物的水平也不太高。所以我和我家人都觉得这个专业适合。就算不向医学那边发展,也可以有比较多的机会和选择。别说我太黑暗,我同学的父母亲戚也有做医生的做政府机关的,有真本事的很多,可在外地,关系重要是真的。点击展开...国外想生物技术这种都是国内读医的人出国转科去念的。我不知道对比起那些人你有多少竞争力。我不是学生物的也不想多打击你了。你可以去TAISHA那边的生物医学看看有多少人在叹气不知道以后除了博士后和呆实验室能干啥。至于考医科的方面,就算你想考,那边有美加考医科试,录取率,MATCHING的过程都有比较全面的资料,你可以去慢慢研究一下。还是那句话,像你这种情况或者国内医生想过来继续当医生的是比较难,但是如果成绩过硬,年纪够轻,能够承受失败的后果,其实搏一搏没啥关系。再难的也有人成功过。

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~国外想生物技术这种都是国内读医的人出国转科去念的。我不知道对比起那些人你有多少竞争力。我不是学生物的也不想多打击你了。你可以去TAISHA那边的生物医学看看有多少人在叹气不知道以后除了博士后和呆实验室能干啥。至于考医科的方面,就算你想考,那边有美加考医科试,录取率,MATCHING的过程都有比较全面的资料,你可以去慢慢研究一下。还是那句话,像你这种情况或者国内医生想过来继续当医生的是比较难,但是如果成绩过硬,年纪够轻,能够承受失败的后果,其实搏一搏没啥关系。再难的也有人成功过。点击展开...恩,谢谢你,我会努力的~趁着年轻~

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~谢谢您~!您说的GPA是4分制还是5分制啊?还有就是关于移民的事儿了,医学院必须要当地的学生嘛~假若我在萨大上本科,想考它的医学院,只能在第5年考咯?还是说第五年移民第六年考呢?主要是这个时间和过程我一直弄不明白,我也想提前了解下~我会努力的!!谢谢您!点击展开...GPA当然是3.8/4。 你首先要知道哪个医学院收国际学生。据我所知,University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine 以往不招收国际学生。如果你要以本地学生身份申请,当然要有移民身份之后才行。取决于什么时候拿到身份。 正常报考医学院都是第4年开始(有的学校收3年级毕业生,可以在3年级报考)。 还有,以国际学生身份读医学院,你要准保足够的学费。大约每年4~5万加元以上。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养GPA当然是3.8/4。 你首先要知道哪个医学院收国际学生。据我所知,University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine 以往不招收国际学生。如果你要以本地学生身份申请,当然要有移民身份之后才行。取决于什么时候拿到身份。 正常报考医学院都是第4年开始(有的学校收3年级毕业生,可以在3年级报考)。 还有,以国际学生身份读医学院,你要准保足够的学费。大约每年4~5万加元以上。点击展开...我听论坛上的其他人说,萨大的医学院的入学考试是写一篇文章,其他的录取标准,我不知道为什么电脑为什么打不开它的网页,是被和谐了还是怎么~比如http://www.medicine.usask.ca/education/admissions 您能打开的话能不能复制给我呢?关于移民的话,有没有可能在第二年或者第三年申请呢?

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~"萨大的医学院的入学考试是写一篇文章" is not for MD.Here you are:All applicants must meet both Sections A and B (below) of the following Academic Requirements to apply for admission: <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Prerequisite/MCAT requirement one of the three options must be met - see Section A below Two full year requirement, also known as the competitive average for admission see Section B belowA. Prerequisite/MCAT Requirements for the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, may be met in any one of the following 3 ways. Note: All Out-of-Province applicants must apply under Section 3 (MCAT Only) academic requirement unless prerequisites are taken at the U of S or U of R, but not yet qualify under the Saskatchewan residency definition. Aboriginal applicants attending non-Saskatchewan universities please see Section I.B above regarding options for academic requirements. 1. Old Admission Requirements Prerequisites & MCAT (Saskatchewan residents only) who have written the MCAT between April, 2006 and September, 2008 will have the option to apply under the old admissions requirements prerequisite or equivalent prerequisite courses at any institution (outlined in following table) with a minimum average of 70% and minimum MCAT scores obtained in one sitting of 8 and N (with either one 7 or M being permitted). These requirements are being phased out and will only be accepted for one more year (fall 2011 entry) as long as the MCAT was written prior to September 2008 and remains current within 5 years of application. Note: The new requirements may be used if preferred. 2. Prerequisites Only Requirement. All prerequisites must be taken at the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina within the last 5 years (since September 2005 and complete prior to April 2011 for application to enter fall, 2011) and meet a minimum overall average of 78% with no individual prerequisite below 60%. Note: Applicants applying under the prerequisite only requirement (waiving the MCAT) must be aware of the possibility of prerequisites expiring after 5 years for future application. Students are permitted to substitute higher level, more recent courses requiring original prerequisites as requirements in the prerequisite average to either increase the average or keep the prerequisites current within the last 5 years. Higher level courses must be equal in credit value to the prerequisite being replaced (i.e., a 6-credit prerequisite course will require either a higher level 6-credit course or two 3-credit courses). Students with credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) credits should review the University’s website for prerequisite equivalencies - http://explore.usask.ca/admission/transfer/. These courses will be allowed under the “Prerequisites Only” policy and will be viewed as taken during the first year of university (not last year of secondary school) for the purpose of prerequisite consideration. 3. MCAT Only Requirement. Minimum MCAT requirements are accumulated score of 26 in the Biological Science, Physical Science, and Verbal Reasoning Sections (with no section below 8) and N in the Writing Sample Section. Scores must be obtained in one sitting prior to the application deadline and current within the last 5 years (earliest accepted scores for 2011 entry are April 2006). The maximum number of times an applicant may take the MCAT is 5 times (additional sittings will not be accepted unless preapproved in writing by the Admissions Office, College of Medicine). While prerequisites are not mandatory for students applying under the “MCAT Only” requirement, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete equivalent/similar courses (particularly the biochemistry courses) to ensure readiness for the basic sciences covered in the first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum. Registration for the MCAT is online at www.aamc.org/mcat. Prerequisites These courses are mandatory for applicants applying under Section 1 or 2, and may be taken as part of full years of study or not. ALL PREREQUISITES, OR THEIR HIGHER LEVEL EQUIVALENTS, MUST BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 30, 2011

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养我关于移民的话,有没有可能在第二年或者第三年申请呢?点击展开...省提名移民的事不清楚。但我想最基本的也得大学毕业吧? 如果是联邦加拿大经验移民,大学毕业后还要有2年相关工作经验。办理过程也要将近一年。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养省提名移民的事不清楚。但我想最基本的也得大学毕业吧? 如果是联邦加拿大经验移民,大学毕业后还要有2年相关工作经验。办理过程也要将近一年。点击展开...是这样啊~恩 还是先把本科读完~

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~是这样啊~恩 还是先把本科读完~点击展开...有没有人知道关于药剂师的内容呢?关于他的大学流程 特别是就业~、?

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~这种情况比我要好,我还是在国内拿的医学PhD,刚移民过来,想在这边继续当医生,考MEECC太难match。所以也想从考这里的医学院重新开始,更是无比艰难,现在想找个postdoctoral 都找不到

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~这种情况比我要好,我还是在国内拿的医学PhD,刚移民过来,想在这边继续当医生,考MEECC太难match。所以也想从考这里的医学院重新开始,更是无比艰难,现在想找个postdoctoral 都找不到点击展开...不过你还好啦~你起码都学过一遍了~只不过学英文版的而已啦~难match是什么意思呢?

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~"萨大的医学院的入学考试是写一篇文章" is not for MD.Here you are:All applicants must meet both Sections A and B (below) of the following Academic Requirements to apply for admission: <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Prerequisite/MCAT requirement one of the three options must be met - see Section A belowTwo full year requirement, also known as the competitive average for admission see Section B belowA. Prerequisite/MCAT Requirements for the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, may be met in any one of the following 3 ways. Note: All Out-of-Province applicants must apply under Section 3 (MCAT Only) academic requirement unless prerequisites are taken at the U of S or U of R, but not yet qualify under the Saskatchewan residency definition. Aboriginal applicants attending non-Saskatchewan universities please see Section I.B above regarding options for academic requirements. 1. Old Admission Requirements Prerequisites & MCAT (Saskatchewan residents only) who have written the MCAT between April, 2006 and September, 2008 will have the option to apply under the old admissions requirements prerequisite or equivalent prerequisite courses at any institution (outlined in following table) with a minimum average of 70% and minimum MCAT scores obtained in one sitting of 8 and N (with either one 7 or M being permitted). These requirements are being phased out and will only be accepted for one more year (fall 2011 entry) as long as the MCAT was written prior to September 2008 and remains current within 5 years of application. Note: The new requirements may be used if preferred. 2. Prerequisites Only Requirement. All prerequisites must be taken at the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina within the last 5 years (since September 2005 and complete prior to April 2011 for application to enter fall, 2011) and meet a minimum overall average of 78% with no individual prerequisite below 60%. Note: Applicants applying under the prerequisite only requirement (waiving the MCAT) must be aware of the possibility of prerequisites expiring after 5 years for future application. Students are permitted to substitute higher level, more recent courses requiring original prerequisites as requirements in the prerequisite average to either increase the average or keep the prerequisites current within the last 5 years. Higher level courses must be equal in credit value to the prerequisite being replaced (i.e., a 6-credit prerequisite course will require either a higher level 6-credit course or two 3-credit courses). Students with credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) credits should review the University’s website for prerequisite equivalencies - http://explore.usask.ca/admission/transfer/. These courses will be allowed under the “Prerequisites Only” policy and will be viewed as taken during the first year of university (not last year of secondary school) for the purpose of prerequisite consideration. 3. MCAT Only Requirement. Minimum MCAT requirements are accumulated score of 26 in the Biological Science, Physical Science, and Verbal Reasoning Sections (with no section below 8) and N in the Writing Sample Section. Scores must be obtained in one sitting prior to the application deadline and current within the last 5 years (earliest accepted scores for 2011 entry are April 2006). The maximum number of times an applicant may take the MCAT is 5 times (additional sittings will not be accepted unless preapproved in writing by the Admissions Office, College of Medicine). While prerequisites are not mandatory for students applying under the “MCAT Only” requirement, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete equivalent/similar courses (particularly the biochemistry courses) to ensure readiness for the basic sciences covered in the first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum. Registration for the MCAT is online at www.aamc.org/mcat. Prerequisites These courses are mandatory for applicants applying under Section 1 or 2, and may be taken as part of full years of study or not. ALL PREREQUISITES, OR THEIR HIGHER LEVEL EQUIVALENTS, MUST BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 30, 2011点击展开... 4. Application can be made by individuals who have been in three years of full time study at the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina directly preceding the date of entry being sought.这个是学校网上写的residency and citizenship 可这和必须要移民矛盾啊?~怎么回事儿~?

回复: 加拿大学医情况~有可能吗?(不排除移民可能)求介绍!!~4. Application can be made by individuals who have been in three years of full time study at the University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina directly preceding the date of entry being sought.这个是学校网上写的residency and citizenship 可这和必须要移民矛盾啊?~怎么回事儿~?点击展开...这个意思是医学院也招收University of Saskatchewan or University of Regina 的三年级学生。 但之前的residency and citizenship 是必要条件。

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