加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!



回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!哪位好心人帮助解答一下啊,谢谢啊!

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!SAS和CFA是两个方向,并不是强强联手。如果你是OCP,加上SAS会好很多。如果你有经验,也是有可能入行的。如果你没有经验,就不大可能了。你登陆后,可以先试试一些有实习的program。或者直接读MBA,机会更大。

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!其他城市不知道, 但在温哥华, 能真正做关于金融分析本职工作的不多, 绝大部分还是在做客户服务服务-投资理财.而作投资理财的话, CFP就可以了.

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!今天终于看到有人回复了,不胜感激,谢谢大家!

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!SAS和CFA是两个方向,并不是强强联手。如果你是OCP,加上SAS会好很多。如果你有经验,也是有可能入行的。如果你没有经验,就不大可能了。你登陆后,可以先试试一些有实习的program。或者直接读MBA,机会更大。点击展开... 我69年出生,88年上大学,在国内数理统计本科、会计学硕士,2000年CPA,2002年GAMT740,2009年通过CFA3级,目前在国内一家信托公司任业务部门经理,像我这样的年龄和背景,去加国以后还可能、适合去读MBA或读其他的program吗?(不考虑学习能力,因为我自信学习能力是超强的),谢谢进一步指教!

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!其他城市不知道, 但在温哥华, 能真正做关于金融分析本职工作的不多, 绝大部分还是在做客户服务服务-投资理财.而作投资理财的话, CFP就可以了.点击展开... 代客投资理财一直也是我希望从事的一个方向(CFA考试里很多内容也是这方面的),我想在温哥华的有钱人特别是中国人应该很多吧,他们应该有理财的需求吧,不知去那里从事此类工作的前景如何,如可能,帮助介绍一下好码?再次感谢!

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!我69年出生,88年上大学,在国内数理统计本科、会计学硕士,2000年CPA,2002年GAMT740,2009年通过CFA3级,目前在国内一家信托公司任业务部门经理,像我这样的年龄和背景,去加国以后还可能、适合去读MBA或读其他的program吗?(不考虑学习能力,因为我自信学习能力是超强的),谢谢进一步指教!点击展开...你是CPA,应该可以直接找会计工作试试。如果要读MBA,就都申请一下Rotman和Schulich。Ivey不招工作6年以上的人,Queens比较偏远,不如多伦多的两个项目找工作有优势。Schulich肯定是接受你这个年龄的,Rotman还不确认,所以你两个都申请看看。金融首选是Rotman。如果有很强的金融背景,通过读MBA进入银行是个很好的渠道。因为银行一般喜欢招一些MBA做Internship,进入了Internship,基本上就很容易进银行了。CPA对于进入银行工作,也是有加分的。

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!楼主很厉害!以你这种背景在国内混肯定比在加拿大混得好

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!你是CPA,应该可以直接找会计工作试试。如果要读MBA,就都申请一下Rotman和Schulich。Ivey不招工作6年以上的人,Queens比较偏远,不如多伦多的两个项目找工作有优势。Schulich肯定是接受你这个年龄的,Rotman还不确认,所以你两个都申请看看。金融首选是Rotman。如果有很强的金融背景,通过读MBA进入银行是个很好的渠道。因为银行一般喜欢招一些MBA做Internship,进入了Internship,基本上就很容易进银行了。CPA对于进入银行工作,也是有加分的。点击展开...非常感谢您的指点,我会认真研究一下。不过,我只是通过了中国的CPA的全科考试,拿到的是合乎合格证书,没有加入会计师事务所,还不是执业会员,目前只是北京注册会计师协会的非执业会员(倒是也有证书),我估计这个在加国恐怕没什么用吧?谢谢啊!

回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!其实最简单的方式就是找一下相关职位的招聘信息,以此为模板来评估自己的情况。比如楼主所说的投资顾问,Financial Advisor/Investment Advisor,随便找一个求职网址搜索,比如说indeed.ca,可以得到一堆结果。以其中CIBC(加拿大帝国银行)的职位为例:Investment Advisor AssistantJob Number: J0611-0693Job Type: Full TimeCategory: BrokerageCity: West Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaJob Location: 100 Park RoyalPosting Date: June 17, 2011Expiry Date: June 24, 2011Business Unit Description:CIBC Wealth Management is focused on providing excellence in relationship-based advice, service and product solutions that meet our clients' needs. We have a comprehensive offer that addresses the full spectrum of wealth building clients, from self-directed investors to high net worth private wealth individuals to institutional clients.CIBC Wealth Management is comprised of three areas distribution, product and money management. Our distribution network includes our full-service brokerage, CIBC Wood Gundy, and CIBC Investor's Edge, our online brokerage. CIBC Wood Gundy offers in-depth investment expertise on a comprehensive range of investments including industry-leading managed solutions, securities (equities, bonds, trust units, mutual funds, alternative investments), as well as estate planning. CIBC Wood Gundy's extensively trained and accredited Investment Advisors help clients build and preserve their investment portfolios.Relevant Job Criteria:CIBC WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL APPLICANTS, HOWEVER, ONLY THOSE UNDER CONSIDERATION WILL BE CONTACTED- You must have prior legal authorization to work in the location for which you are applying.- Relocation assistance is not available with this opportunity.Career Overview:Purpose of Job:To assist Investment Advisor in managing existing investment portfolios and developing new business, by providing service directly to clients, including the provision of investment information, taking buy/ sell orders, and responding to account enquiries.Major Activities:1. Assist Investment Advisor in the performance of their duties and provide customer service:- Take buy/ sell orders from clients for stocks, bonds and other investment products, and write trade tickets.- Inform clients of maturing money market instruments and re-invest funds as requested.- Advise clients on matters relating to dividends and interest.- Notify clients of tender offers, redemptions, etc.- Request information and documentation from clients to open accounts.- Provide current price quotations to clients referring to quote services and trading desk personnel.- Check/ investigate buy/ sell orders and report back to clients.- Follow up on client trades to ensure proper settlement and delivery, informing appropriate departments to take action.- Investigate and resolve enquiries and complaints related to accounts and refer to the IA where appropriate.- Maintain daily records of trades, by client and by type of security.- Maintain current knowledge of client accounts by reviewing daily computer runs.- Contact clients whose accounts are under margin and follow up.- Relay information to the IA regarding new stock and bond issues and changes in trading activity.- Review incoming mail and telephone calls and respond as appropriate.- Greet client arriving for meetings.2. Perform general administrative tasks:- Keep appointment books/ agenda for Investment Advisor.- Order periodicals, journals and other literature for Investment Advisor.- Assemble and send investor information packages to clients upon request.- Receive cheques and securities for credit to client accounts.- Send cheques and arrange for registration and delivery of securities to clients.- Review client portfolios monthly to ensure records are in order.- Maintain client files.- Input data to automated spreadsheets and databases.- Compose letters to clients explaining current account status and proposed investment opportunities.- Monitor all pending registered plan transfers to ensure completion on a timely basis.- Enter buy/ sell order on automated system in absence of the Operator.Investment Advisor Assistant with RR status:- Advise clients of investment opportunities based on recommendations from the IA and Wood Gundy research reports.Requirements:Knowledge/ Skill Requirements:- Successful completion of the Canadian Securities Course and current Registered or Investment Representative status.- Knowledge of procedures related to buy/ sell offers form clients and completing trade tickets.- Current knowledge of daily market activities sufficient to provide/ explain information to clients.- Working knowledge of various quotation equipment and computer software including word processing, spreadsheet and industry specific software.- Excellent oral communication skills.- General knowledge of the financial industry.- Knowledge of Wood Gundy operations/ practices/ procedures regarding client accounts.- Current knowledge of compliance issues obtained from internal bulletins.- Organizational/ administrative skills required to perform activities with varying degrees of priority.- Basic understanding of investment portfolios.Contacts:- Credit, Operations and Compliance departments daily to obtain/ provide information.- Marketing/ Economics/ Research/ Library to request market and investment information.- Other Brokerage firms, Mutual Fund companies, Banks and Trust companies to obtain/ provide information.- Trading floor personnel on a daily basis to provide market and client information.- Existing and prospective clients on a continuous basis to provide investment information, take orders, and respond to enquiries.- lawyers and Accountants on behalf of clients to obtain/ provide information.Job Complexities/ Challenges:- Ensuring accuracy in accepting and placing buy/ sell orders from clients.- Responding to client enquiries regarding their accounts and investment information.- Responding to multiple information requests from clients and Investment Advisors.- Responding to changing priorities.Physical Demands/ Working Conditions:- Open concept work environment with exposure to noise, distractions and interruptions.- Visual attention to VDT screen.- Manual dexterity to operate a keyboard.Attributes:- Service oriented- Initiative- Efficient- Results oriented- Analytic/Systematic Thinker- AdaptableSkills:Business CommunicationCPH (Conduct and Practices Handbook)CSC - Canadian Securities CourseKnowledge of Derivative ProductsAgile/AdaptableAnalytic/Systematic ThinkingInitiativeResults OrientationService OrientationTesting ExecutionThorough多找几个这样的招聘信息分析一下也就清楚自己的目标和定位了。

煮饭侠 超赞 赏 X xchn818 -1$(VIP 0) 6,3252011-06-23#12 回复: CFA3级,如果再考个SAS证书,在家国会好找工作吗?谢谢!我恰好听过关于高端理财和Financial Advisor的介绍。这两个东西性质差不多,都属于前台的工作,工作的重心不是如何帮助客户理财,而是如何找到客户。理财方法并不复杂,无非是用公司的产品,根据客户的资金使用要求,风险和回报进行投资组合。工作技能要求不高,主要就是Chris提到的那个CSC了。考过CFA的人,准备一下,2周差不多通过CSC。两者不同的地方是前者对客户的资金有要求。比如我听的那次介绍,客户需要有$2m的资产。因为工作的重点是找客户,所以,对从业人员的重要要求是口才好,有很强的说服能力。后者基本没有底薪,所以淘汰率非常高,大概是第一年你挣不到5000(月薪)以上,你就该退出了,因为你不适合这个工作。当然,如果挣得很少,自己也要退出了,因为活不下去。对于后者,一旦度过第一年,以后收入会节节上升,因为会积累大量客户资源(公司把客户资源视同为你的个人财产)。前者的工作机会很少,后者很多,工作都和金融关系小,和性格关系大。

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