加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科口语表达:Chinglish Vs American English


[FONT=宋体]日常口语中,中式思维常常阻碍我们说出地道的口语。很多[/FONT]Chinglish[FONT=宋体]并不是有错,但会让[/FONT]native speakers[FONT=宋体]很别扭。如果英语中本有惯用的说法,何不学习之?毕竟学习语言的目的是了解或融入对应的文化。[/FONT] Chinese Style My grandmother lived to eighty-five.7 ^( f" Q2 P- r3 u( YAmerican Style My grandmother lived to be eighty-five.6 u+ q& V- E' |- R Chinese Style I have a lot of work to be done.! N3 o! X4 A! Z1 sAmerican Style I have a lot of work to do. Chinese Style To drink too much is bad for one's health.American Style Drinking too much is bad for one's health.' N+ i- R5 X2 R8 P I7 S6 O' XChinese Style Today is hot.- i& w* m) B p9 b6 s4 u1 S* EAmerican Style It's hot today." {) D) X W) Q5 d8 d! I Chinese Style What is the total sum ?+ I* z$ S" n/ O. T: X5 x! KAmerican Style How much does it come to?v% q6 _# m9 O! ~1 Z, `Chinese Style Wait for your turn, please.American Style Wait your turn, please.2 e4 {7 {+ }9 E- N: cChinese Style What time is your watch.% Z" @1 L9 _% o5 n, ^- ?American Style What time is it by your watch.: v b% B$ B; a! d0 [$ @" s; oChinese Style I don't know what did he say.American Style I don't know what he said. Chinese Style What do you feel now ?& E1 Z1 k; a C) p, rAmerican Style How do you feel now ?" c" U" z+ ^: X. _) X( {4 S( h3 r: d Chinese Style What season do you like best ?American Style Which season do you like best ?, g5 x4 M3 A: q1 W Chinese Style Where is the capital of Australia.American Style What is the capital of Australia.; {! z$ E" ~4 ]" g6 a- ]' N5 z+ ^9 F+ M, b; W" [Chinese Style He has a wide shoulders.9 r* N& m+ k6 `( @1 f# aAmerican Style He has a broad shoulders.) E8 f2 X. \& Q) s; M*9 N% b3 T6 @: _# N6 h, YChinese Style I bought this book with 50 dollars.American Style I bought this book for 50 dollars.7 j7 c K- g4 w$ v$ y# S4 TChinese Style He played all yesterday without working.American Style He played all yesterday instead of working.8 M# H5 p5 ?' y4 XChinese Style Don't work too hard. Yes, I won't: |) T) y: ~ G$ R( {' e( fAmerican Style Don't work too hard. All right, I won't Chinese Style My father bought me a black small leather wallet yesterday.7 ~( k;American Style My father bought me a small black leather wallet yesterday. Chinese Style These thugs are quite capable to do really hasty things.American Style These thugs are quite capable of doing really hasty things.- \% X! Chinese Style If you determine to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.American Style If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard. Chinese Style My borther has been busy in preparing for his final examination.$ _&American Style My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination. x5 ?: Chinese Style The children were very dangerous as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.American Style The children were in great danger as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten. Chinese Style Mr. Teow arrived at the office lately this morning.American Style Mr. Teow arrived at the office late this morning. Chinese Style Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go too.American Style Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go either.# v+ H: a" U$ b4 m* ~; ?Chinese Style We have been waiting for half an hour. She has still not come.American Style We have been waiting for half an hour. She has not come yet. Chinese Style The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hardly to open it.American Style The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hard to open it.) n3 |8 P5 ^1 ?& O5 D" dChinese Style The sea was very rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.American Style The sea was so rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.!@4 p+ ~1 ^ ^3 ]- ]Chinese Style You should describe what has happened detailly.American Style You should describe what has happened in detail.2 X: H) W" T8 G' NChinese Style I received a letter from my sister two days before. H N" X+ J+ }; r! ?9 A0 _5 VAmerican Style I received a letter from my sister two days ago./ s u( D( {8 w% d: `" S Chinese Style The driver, as well as four passengers, were injured in the head-on collision.: I3 l. H, {3 w2 i+American Style The driver, as well as four passengers, was injured in the head-on collision. Chinese Style More than one convict were sentenced to death.American Style More than one convict was sentenced to death.; j! l" E- ]4 t4 uL6 o4 h6 z, R4Chinese Style Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that has ever existed in our school.0 Q {, t% [/American Style Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that have ever existed in our school. Chinese Style Five hundred miles are a long distance.American Style Five hundred miles is a long distance. Chinese Style The quality of these products is more superior than that of the others.American Style The quality of these products is superior to that of the others. Chinese Style My younger brother is taller than me.American Style My younger brother is taller than I.0 F$ y# ^! i9 |

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 反馈:sunstarmoon 故乡的云Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 56,3882011-08-12#2 回复: 口语表达:Chinglish Vs American English[FONT=宋体]日常口语中,中式思维常常阻碍我们说出地道的口语。很多[/FONT]Chinglish[FONT=宋体]并不是有错,但会让[/FONT]native speakers[FONT=宋体]很别扭。如果英语中本有惯用的说法,何不学习之?毕竟学习语言的目的是了解或融入对应的文化。[/FONT] Chinese Style Leave your hand from the end of the wire.- `American Style Let go of the end of the wire. Chinese Style How many Chinese letters do you know ?+ A; U8 T$ p3 aAmerican Style How many Chinese characters do you know ? Chinese Style He is fighting for his life.American Style He is fighting for his bread.: B( n% `& Y2 B Chinese Style I have no house to live.8 j# _4 I$ o) h) _American Style I have no house to live in.2 Q* w1 R, t7 s% k/ \2 D Chinese Style What a dirty face ! Look at the mirror.! L' u2 J9 ?1 g! `* f& {% W) UAmerican Style What a dirty face ! Look in the mirror.) n) R/ m5 K. n) P" j, J Chinese Style He made a world record.$ g$ L- f' v, g; MAmerican Style He set a world record. j( {4 j, b2 P" C Chinese Style Her marriage was happy.American Style Her married life was happy.2 _6 k" N1 U; o, Z3 {' Q& F Chinese Style They didn't understand my mind.7 w9 C8 J9 m7 M1 G9 _. h9 C4 Y6 \: mAmerican Style They didn't understand what I was thinking.& c6 c' D1 I9 `2 {Chinese Style This is where you mistake.American Style This is where you are mistaken.( F5 v" w: E# J' `h1 \4 X8 qChinese Style My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.American Style My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.Chinese Style We moved house to Johor last month.American Style We moved to Johor last month." d6 `+ _5 W6 q Chinese Style He is our common friend.( M* s) V- X4 X3 j! n2 cAmerican Style He is our mutual friend.Chinese Style It was my first time to go abroad.American Style It was the first time I had gone abroad.Chinese Style Is this seat empty.American Style Is this seat taken." T" ?( K7 @7 R2 x. v8 @ Chinese Style This is the key of my room.& J- F j y" N7 q; {3 s M+ cAmerican Style This is the key to my room. Chinese Style I am going to take a two-year course of English.American Style I am going to take a two-year course in English.; Chinese Style It's a novel of three volumes.# D' R4 Q; ?5 k3 g1 `American Style It's a novel in three volumes.[FONT=宋体]4 f[/FONT][FONT=宋体]( U/ l# y- @3 q" _3 d+ J, Q[/FONT]Chinese Style He is a student of Harvard University.American Style He is a student at Harvard University.[FONT=宋体]9 M[/FONT][FONT=宋体]% x: B; m# g0 {[/FONT]Chinese Style He had a child of his former wife.[FONT=宋体]8 M[/FONT][FONT=宋体]. E; }9 w0 \5 Q! O' ?6 l[/FONT][FONT=宋体]American Style He had a child by his former wife.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Chinese Style I saw it on the newspapers.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]American Style I read ( saw ) it in the newspapers.[/FONT]7 {7 S; Y8 T, K5 X6 v% m Chinese Style He is a liar, and you are one too.6 W) O# d2 z8 X% N# |American Style He is a liar, and you are too.9 B/ P4 g7 F- m2 e+ `8 }Chinese Style Open page 20 of your books.American Style Open your books to page 20. N' _, T$ O/ R) c Chinese Style Our Chinese students are diligent.American Style We Chinese students are diligent.$ z, T6 Z! w; H uChinese Style Don't make the office out of order.5 \, g9 Q2 \- W* s8 ^% {American Style Don't leave the office in a mess.3 V9 n; [) j) i- Y: K1 M, ]2 b. @. j$ m$ C8 C1 C) e$ DChinese Style I like to paint this door to black.American Style I'd like to paint this door black. Chinese Style I have a Chinese pen friend.1 i% o) _/ I: j! J7 U3 K( {5 {+ jAmerican Style I have a Chinese pen pal. Chinese Style Give me a phone.American Style Give me a phone call.Chinese Style Is there any place for me in the car.+ }) A! l4 S* p& ]American Style Is there any room for me in the car. H. x1 c7 P5 n7 I1 DChinese Style Let's play together.American Style Why don't you come over ?: f. 8 ]# u5 Q8 HChinese Style She is pure.$ |$ X$ J+ F0 E7 |: M& yAmerican Style She is naive. F& Chinese Style History repeats.; I5 {7 q4 T3 WAmerican Style History repeats itself. Chinese Style I make a rule of going to bed early and get up early.) J+ x& J3 }/ gAmerican Style I make a rule to keep early hours.9 [! c5 k5 o) O2 I7 \ Chinese Style I went to the sea.American Style I went to the beach.Chinese Style The door was shut when I returned home.! i/ @1 p% x" s7 f% m7 O+American Style The door was closed when I returned home.Chinese Style There're a lot of sparrows stopping on the telephone lines.American Style There're a lot of sparrows sitting on the telephone lines.$ x, d9 \. v% q+ J% t9 ]3 Chinese Style He hit me strongly.% R$ H! s# Y6 s3 vAmerican Style He hit me hard. Chinese Style My pay cannot support my living.& ~3 S6 ^3 P6 S6 a, o5 Y( dAmerican Style My pay is not enough to live on. Chinese Style My mother likes to drink thick tea.American Style My mother likes her tea strong.Chinese Style I think it will not rain tomorrow.American Style I don't think it will rain tomorrow.$

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 故乡的云Moderator 0$(VIP 0) 56,3882011-08-12#3 回复: 口语表达:Chinglish Vs American English[FONT=宋体]日常口语中,中式思维常常阻碍我们说出地道的口语。很多[/FONT]Chinglish[FONT=宋体]并不是有错,但会让[/FONT]native speakers[FONT=宋体]很别扭。如果英语中本有惯用的说法,何不学习之?毕竟学习语言的目的是了解或融入对应的文化。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] Chinese Style Your coat is broken.American Style Your coat is torn.9 I$ A; k# A* |& B7 A0 e! k​ Chinese Style Let me help you to do your work.American Style Let me help you with your work.) }8 @( |$ z/ q5 m* Y1 \​ Chinese Style May I borrow your phone.) S4 k8 S1 x$ YAmerican Style May I use your phone.1 g. l+ Z+ Z& W! x, P) }7 D7 O! j* n' ]0 K7 d* F+ B' M: D5 HChinese Style Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Yes, certainly.' T& D$ F6 A qAmerican Style Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Of course not.. z/ c9 l# ~! ~6 ]( O. w- o; ZChinese Style He becomes better.; W! G5 G9 U8 M# j# }! nAmerican Style He got better.! b o2 B8 t( |# q/ W/ \- [' _! R0 i3 ?Chinese Style I recommend you to take a long vacation.: Z; e& q2 e/ ?* e: ?American Style I recommend that you take a long vacation.0 |+ V5 L6 o5 ?, O2 i7 m& L7 v/ Q- M; v5 w- `+ y5 B​ Chinese Style It was still bright outside.; J5 Q% B* [+ _* S# PAmerican Style It was still light outside.' L* @4 t) I) b l# A0 N7 ​Chinese Style The hall can seat two hundred people.! D. y8 M! q E! j0 N! F5 NAmerican Style The hall seats two hundred people.​ Chinese Style Anywhere will do.American Style Any place will do.: a/ j/ v0 |; x! d) R% b( z6 s1 EChinese Style Wait here please, I'll come back in a minute.2 @1 D# Z0 w+ j! YAmerican Style Wait here please, I'll be back in a minute.& f7 i t) s- M, m% ^8 K( C s* u( \: t: A3 L, @5 M6 i5 M* L8 HChinese Style I am uncomfortable.American Style I don't feel well.- M4 a2 K/ x' T' _# S; A7 _5 DChinese Style Common students in US don't wear a uniform.- ]; _, Y4 G1 T! f) z1 h. \American Style The average students in US don't wear a uniform.​ Chinese Style His restaurant attracts lots of customers.American Style His restaurant attracts lots of guests.​ Chinese Style My friend Tony died in a traffic accident.American Style My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident.​ Chinese Style Different from me, she is proficient in English.0 B4 Z7 Q; e+ }- T. g! [! C2 LAmerican Style Unlike me, she is proficient in English.% I. e5 H. ?, RChinese Style Little children are difficult to understand that.5 q7 ~/ L: a5 p' I L# s& uAmerican Style It is difficult for children to understand that.​Chinese Style Don't step on the grass.2 e% k; v7 y0 u- y: @" oAmerican Style Keep off the grass.+ S# K, U3 u& D, y, a​ Chinese Style I get my salary twice a month." V1 G" |+ ~- n5 B3 A! X0 Q: ^ E- _American Style I get paid twice a month..9 M0 W5 x( z; O+ U" {/ D: }4 i$ j% J% q. A$ V: l7 fChinese Style Would you like a drink ?& w! h k* S8 a! a: N9 W0 z( }American Style Would you like something to drink ?​ Chinese Style I have no exercise talent.American Style I am not athletic. g0 y; a9 J) [​ Chinese Style Don't expect me too much.American Style Don't expect too much from (of ) me.​ Chinese Style I know his face.2 V4 M" k! |: M9 N: d6 D( K8 o! ?American Style I know him by sight.​ Chinese Style I forget my hat in the house.American Style I left my hat in the house.​ Chinese Style Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Lin, z. u7 z% v) \% G( p3 |$ H6 `6 DAmerican Style Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Lin" s& }4 Y9 e( @2 U​ Chinese Style The sun rises from the East.American Style The sun rises in the East.6 ], l4 o2 t( k/ U​ Chinese Style The thief got in from the window.American Style The thief got in through the window.​Chinese Style Let's begin from page 10.American Style Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.& M( L8 o* v& t. f) |( f8 j" s8 g% B" R) _, e2 YChinese Style Did you attend college ?American Style Did you go to college ?/ c+ u1 E% \& I+ oChinese Style I'll go there at three.American Style I'll be there at three., m# i' H' W* ]2 v9 |# H- {! `7 X. e% ^​ Chinese Style His temperature went down." t) w4 v: {+ J5 W/ S6 _American Style His temperature came down.1 Q1 `7 x4 y% m; H4 O0 G+ F1 ?" B" I* S# H8 zChinese Style Today's newspapers has his articles on Taiwan.' s$ a% G/ ~$ V! ]American Style Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan." ]5 y: D) U; Z* o# t$ L7 ^4 N7 v. vChinese Style You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.American Style You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.​ Chinese Style Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is.American Style Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.​+ O4 t# s/ b# u* o2 t* I6 K9 c5 g5 O8 \; T- b, s- m2 bChinese Style Most Westerners have high noses.American Style Most Westerners have long noses.​ Chinese Style How do you think about Taiwan.American Style What do you think about Taiwan.1 F6 p% {1 \) q7 t) C3 V( w9 P/ ?+ K( J0 W& c: \: jChinese Style I visited her ill mother in the hospital.2 m+ U; l( ]8 s' k' _9 VAmerican Style I visited her sick mother in the hospital.8 e% b7 ~" H; J3 ?6 B5 {7 M" z7 j Chinese Style There is a limit in my patience.; h1 ]6 E& ^) h0 e7 PAmerican Style There is a limit to my patience.! w* z! k5 M7 D% j) `9 M" ?1 n' d* P GChinese Style Is your house insured for fire ?7 ?. U2 x R& m& UAmerican Style Is your house insured against fire ? Chinese Style She was first prize.American Style She took first prize. Chinese Style Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it .American Style Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one. Chinese Style Keep the right.American Style Keep to the right.

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