加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科心理学博士?
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 I ILP 0$(VIP 0) 1212006-10-05#3 谢谢irene999,但是好像国内的硕士申请加博士也是可以的,只不过有些要补上一年硕士的课程。我主要不清楚心理学的就业状况,有没有知情人肯为我分析分析?
我跟你一样也是新人,也是去年开始办的,10月25日的FN,现在没有任何动静。不过我也对心理学特别感兴趣(我是法律硕士,在一所大学教法律,嗬嗬,我们还真多共同点哦!)我打算过去从心理学硕士重新读,所以在网上找了一些文章,也问了一下那边的朋友,得到的信息都是未来加拿大心理学是热门中的热门。我的朋友在卡尔加里,一听说我要申请心理学都说是现在申请人数最多的专业了,还有我自己曾经看到过一篇文章提到加拿大未来十大紧缺职业,排在首位的就是心理学。现在放心了吧?不过你动作好快,托福都已经考了,我还在准备考心理咨询师呢!我的msn:[email protected],希望和你多联系,要是申请成功别忘了传点经验给我。
同问,05/11/24的fn, 工作多年后辞职跨专业心理学硕士在读,以前的外企同事大多在加读了带奖学金的master后找到不错的工作,建议本人带着小孩还是直接念书最好,关键是联系的导师是否愿意收,master有研究型和应用型的两种,同事念的是应用型的,导师每月给一千元左右奖学金,加上学生贷款,生活不成问题。因为专业不同,没有可比性,心理学据说是热门,对语言要求很高,有的学校要求硕博连读,通常从硕士开始申请,一年之后转为博士,前后共四年时间拿到博士学位。 至于就业,估计医学方面的心理学形势比较好,其它方向的也不清楚。 有知道的请告知,谢谢!
FN:2005/11/24 , ME:2007/8/2 DM:2007/10/16, PL:2007/11/20 Landing:2008/7/18 Shanghai-Vancouver AC038 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2006-10-07#6 语言好就好找工作。否则什么士也没用。从另一角度来说,博士生只是教授廉价的劳动力,硕士只是个中间学位,是那些博士不想念了,提前毕业的就给个硕士,所以一般是直接申请博士好一点。另外,加拿大申请研究生是看本科专业,一般不接受跨专业申请。如果本科不是你要从事研究的专业,估计要从本科补起。
告诉大家一个信息,如果要查加拿大的心理学专业的学校情况,可以上CPA(Canadian Psychological Association)去查,学生里面的一个窗口,我今天才看到,不知耽误多少时间!
心理学在加拿大就业不怎么样,除了政府特别是牢改部门是有职位的.但薪水一般,而且要公民并通过背景调查.你看这政府刚登的广告就知道要双语,年薪$63,805 to $74,387Clinical PsychologistATTENTION: All information must be provided on-line. Do not fax or mail in hard copy documents as these will not be accepted.Department Name: Veterans Affairs CanadaLocation: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Classification: PS - 03 Salary: $63,805 to $74,387Closing Date: November 23, 2006 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: DVA06J-001474-000148Selection Process Number: 2006-DVA-SA-EA-250Employment Tenure: This is a temporary position until January 25, 2008. A pool of qualified candidates will be created following this process for temporary and/or permanent appointments.Vacancies: 1 Website: For further information on the department, please visit Veterans Affairs CanadaWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.Bilingual Imperative English French Reading Writing OralInteraction Reading Writing OralInteraction B B B B B B EducationUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration. Completion of a Master's degree in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, with a specialization in Clinical psychologyTo see the complete list of academic requirements, click here Occupational CertificationMember of the "Ordre des psychologues du Québec" or the equivalent in other Provinces or Territories of Canada.ExperienceExtensive and recent experience in adult clinical psychology and in psychopathology.Other Merit Criteria and Conditions of EmploymentOrganizational Needs which may apply for this position. Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, Persons in a visible minority group, Persons with disabilities The following merit criteria may be required for this position. Applicants should indicate in their application if they meet the merit criteria. Doctorate in clinical psychology. Experience working in interdisciplinary teams. Extensive and recent experience in assessing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder and problems associated with the stress of military operations. Experience in performing clinical psychological assessments of adults and preparing assessment reports for psychological diagnosis. Operational Requirements which may apply for this position. Occasionally travel to present to groups interested in St. Anne’s Centre’s services and clients. CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT: - Reliability Status Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.Additional Requirements / CommentsREASONABLE MEASURES OF ACCOMMODATION CAN BE TAKEN IN ORDER TO MEET EMPLOYEES' OR CANDIDATES' NEEDS, UNLESS REQUIREMENTS NECESSITATE UNDUE HARDSHIP.Information to be provided:When you apply, you must provide the following information or your application will be rejected:Your resumé. You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important MessagesATTENTION: All information must be provided on-line. Do not fax or mail in hard copy documents as these will not be accepted.Your resume must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
皇家警察部队内的高级职位双语要求CCC级就是母语者也很难达到.Psychologist and Manager of Health ServicesDepartment Name: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Civilian Staff) - International PeacekeepingLocation: Ottawa Classification: PS - 04 Salary: $71,784 to $83,886 (In addition, the incumbent will receive a yearly amount of $12,000. This terminable allowance does not form part of the salary.)Closing Date: November 10, 2006 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: RCM06J-001759-000424Selection Process Number: 2006-RCM-EA-FD-NCR-024Employment Tenure: Permanent positionVacancies: 1 Website: For further information on the department, please visit Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Civilian Staff) - International PeacekeepingWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.Bilingual Imperative English French Reading Writing OralInteraction Reading Writing OralInteraction C C C C C C The language requirements of the position MUST be met at the time of appointment.EducationUseful InformationPh.D. from a recognized university in counseling or clinical psychology.Occupational CertificationRegistration for autonomous practice as a psychologist in Ontario or as per the Mutual Recognition Agreement, access to registration as a psychologist in Ontario on the basis of a doctoral degree and at least five (5) years of autonomous practice as a psychologist in another province or territory.ExperienceExtensive experience in providing a full range of psychological services, including diagnostics, psychotherapy, crisis intervention and stress management for adult populations.Experience in conducting fitness for duty or personnel selection evaluations.Experience in working with public safety and emergency services, military or foreign services personnel.Experience in managing health related or EAP (Employee Assistance) programs.Experience in conducting research (surveys, qualitative or quantitative analyses).Experience in taking a multidisciplinary approach including other health professionals and employee assistance specialists.Experience in conducting psychologically oriented presentations, seminars or workshops.Other Merit Criteria and Conditions of EmploymentASSET QUALIFICATIONS:Medical background such as nursing, medical technician, paramedics, health psychology, hospital or medical clinical experience, travel medicine, etc.Experience in evaluating programs.CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT:Willingness to respond to critical situations if required after hours.Willingness to travel internationally and nationally.Willingness to obtain a Top Secret Security Clearance.Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.Additional Requirements / CommentsMedical certificate required at time of employment for travel in mission areas.Proof of education and certification must be submitted at the interview.Reference checks will be made.Information to be provided:When you apply, you must provide the following information or your application will be rejected:Your resumé. You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important MessagesOnly on-line applications are accepted. If you do not have Internet access in your home or through friends, relatives or neighbours, here are some suggested locations: campus career centres, libraries, community centres, Internet cafés, Canada/Student Employment Centres, and Public Service Commission (PSC) regional offices. You may also call 1-800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232), or TTY 1-800-926-9105, for information on the nearest public Internet access location.Persons with a disability preventing them from applying on-line should contact us at 1-800-645-5605.Your resume must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Franais | Contact us | Help | Search | Canada Site Site Map | Your Opinion | Did You Know? Your Location | Home JOP | My Jobs | Listing of Current Opportunities How to Apply | After you Apply --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FN:2005/11/24 , ME:2007/8/2 DM:2007/10/16, PL:2007/11/20 Landing:2008/7/18 Shanghai-Vancouver AC038 超赞 赏 crystal_clear 0$(VIP 0) 6,3882006-11-10#14 纯理论的心理学与心理医生干的心理治疗不太一样.与病人谈话并进行辅导的心理医生都是有Medical Doctor的学历, 这个职业真是很有市场需求, 偶们教会的两个心理医生都是多大毕业的MD, 约个appointment要排六个月.多大的心理学专业学生, 好些是其他热门专业进不去, 最后都改了心理学.
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada 纯理论的心理学与心理医生干的心理治疗不太一样. 与病人谈话并进行辅导的心理医生都是有Medical Doctor的学历, 这个职业真是很有市场需求, 偶们教会的两个心理医生都是多大毕业的MD, 约个appointment要排六个月. 多大的心理学专业学生, 好些是其他热门专业进不去, 最后都改了心理学.点击展开...
sannorm 说:6. If you want to provide consulting service for new immigrants, you'd better to provide them the FACTS!点击展开...Sorry, I am here not to provide any consulting service. Just some informations based on my Canadian experience.
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada Sorry, I am here not to provide any consulting service. Just some informations based on my Canadian experience.点击展开...
By the way,provide any consulting service = provide reference (academic English term, professional term, or Library term) = provide information. I didn't mean you collect money from this kind of services or kind of information, whatever.anyway, I have no interest in arguing with you on this topic. I quit.Sorry, I am here not to provide any consulting service. Just some informations based on my Canadian experience.点击展开...
sannorm 说:The department of Psychology in U. of Toronto never provided MD degree and has no authority to provide MD degree. In addition, this department doesn't offer clinical psychology program that means the graduate must get extra credits from other program if he or she wants to be a clinical psychologst.Please provide correct information. 点击展开... U of T has Faculty of Medicine which offers Undergraduate Medical Education (M.D.) program. The doctors I mentioned gratuated from U of T, Faculty of Medicine. The best three universities which offer MD program in Ontario are U of T, McGill University and McMaster University. Correct me if I am wrong.
一天省一块钱, 你可以改变一个孩子的一生… 请点击-- > Compassion Canada By the way,provide any consulting service = provide reference (academic English term, professional term, or Library term)= provide information. I didn't mean you collect money from this kind of services or kind of information, whatever.anyway, I have no interest in arguing with you on this topic. I quit.点击展开...provide information not equal to provide any consulting service period no further questions.
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