加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求教学医事宜
如题:PR 加拿大高中毕业,希望未来成为一名医生,求教前辈:目前该申请哪些学校,哪类专业,才能实现这个愿望。请有此经验的前辈不吝赐教,多谢!!!
回复: 求教学医事宜不知道这个,最好找那些已经在这边医学院读书的人问一下,他们大部分是在这边长大的二代移民。 记得大约一年多前,看到一个帖子,发帖子的人说他的女儿已经被医学院录取了。你找一下这个帖子。 这个帖子可能是发在卡尔加里的板块中,你可先在这个板块中找一下。
网络电话:http://forum.iask.ca/[email protected] 超赞 赏 N nobody 0$(VIP 0) 7872011-08-21#3 回复: 求教学医事宜In Canada or U.S. You can't enroll in medical school directly after gradute from high school. You must at least get Bacholar degree first (4-5 years undergraduate study). There is no limitation for the major of bacholar degree but some medical related field such as biology, pharmacology would be better. The medical school generally ask GPA above 4.0 in your undergraduate study. They also prefer some related (healthcare) working experience or volunteer experience. The followings are Canadian Universities that have doctor of medical program. You can go their websites directly to get the admission requirement. University Memorial University of Newfoundland Dalhousie University Université Laval Université de Sherbrooke Université de Montréal McGill University University of Ottawa Queen's University Northern Ontario School of Medicine University of Toronto McMaster University University of Western Ontario University of Manitoba University of Saskatchewan University of Alberta University of Calgary University of British Columbia Good luck!
回复: 求教学医事宜感谢楼上二位的回复,我去各网站找找看。Thank you for your time!
回复: 求教学医事宜给你小纸条了 加油!!!如题:PR 加拿大高中毕业,希望未来成为一名医生,求教前辈:目前该申请哪些学校,哪类专业,才能实现这个愿望。请有此经验的前辈不吝赐教,多谢!!!点击展开...
回复: 求教学医事宜不正确!安省有4所大学接受3年级的学生,我儿子去年进入多大医学院就只在多大完成3年的学业,没有学士学位。gpa也不一定是4.0,多大医学院平均是3.9。 美国的医学院除了顶尖的外,比加拿大的好考,加拿大是公费医疗不愁病人,而且医学院有国家的大投入,只要考上就读得了和美国每年8-10万的学费不一样。In Canada or U.S. You can't enroll in medical school directly after gradute from high school. You must at least get Bacholar degree first (4-5 years undergraduate study). There is no limitation for the major of bacholar degree but some medical related field such as biology, pharmacology would be better. The medical school generally ask GPA above 4.0 in your undergraduate study. They also prefer some related (healthcare) working experience or volunteer experience. The followings are Canadian Universities that have doctor of medical program. You can go their websites directly to get the admission requirement. University Memorial University of Newfoundland Dalhousie University Université Laval Université de Sherbrooke Université de Montréal McGill University University of Ottawa Queen's University Northern Ontario School of Medicine University of Toronto McMaster University University of Western Ontario University of Manitoba University of Saskatchewan University of Alberta University of Calgary University of British Columbia Good luck!点击展开...
回复: 求教学医事宜不正确!安省有4所大学接受3年级的学生,我儿子去年进入多大医学院就只在多大完成3年的学业,没有学士学位。gpa也不一定是4.0,多大医学院平均是3.9。 美国的医学院除了顶尖的外,比加拿大的好考,加拿大是公费医疗不愁病人,而且医学院有国家的大投入,只要考上就读得了和美国每年8-10万的学费不一样。点击展开... Hi Jenny, My understanding is that the students could apply for medical school when they have at least 3 years of study towards a canadian bachelor's degree in any discipline. However, they should have the bachelor's degree before the day they enroll in the program. Since it almost take one year from application to enroll. Do you mean that studying medical school in Canada can also apply scholarship or financial assistant from government? My friend had told me that medical student must pay all expends (40000-50000 per year) by themself in Canada. I am tring to collect as many information as possible now because my daughter is interesting in Medical School. It would be great appreciated if you can update my information.
回复: 求教学医事宜你得到了错误信息。1。首先安省(因为我儿子申请的)的4所大学接受2年级的学生申请,他们完成3年的大学就可以直接入读医学院。去年大概全国有10+学生就是3年级后进去多大的(多大每年大概有1-2人是3年级后,进入多大医学院学习)他们都没有大学的学位。当然,这比较困难,在申请的过程中处于相对的劣势,对他们的GPA要求更高,可是其它方面的要求和别人还是一致的。除了分数高,还得有方方面面的综合能力,否则你过不了45分钟-1小时的面试。2。 费用低,我研究过美国的医学院,象排名第一的JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 要一笔40万,UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 要20几万放到特别的账号保证4年的学费。多大的学费今年是2.04万,每个学生可从政府得到1万多的贷款,以后只还7300,另外还可以从医学联合会得到几千元,学费就差不多了(平均好像是15000以上),暑期再工作一下就够了,我儿子暑期可挣1万多点,自己维持生活没问题。而且他们可从任何一个加拿大银行得到20万的低息贷款,所以在加拿大只要你考取了,就不会因为经济原因读不下来,也不会像美国人欠一屁股的债。Hi Jenny, My understanding is that the students could apply for medical school when they have at least 3 years of study towards a canadian bachelor's degree in any discipline. However, they should have the bachelor's degree before the day they enroll in the program. Since it almost take one year from application to enroll. Do you mean that studying medical school in Canada can also apply scholarship or financial assistant from government? My friend had told me that medical student must pay all expends (40000-50000 per year) by themself in Canada. I am tring to collect as many information as possible now because my daughter is interesting in Medical School. It would be great appreciated if you can update my information.点击展开...
回复: 求教学医事宜11111
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