加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景
对Environmental Assessment and Restoration /Renewable Resource Management这类专业蛮感兴趣的,college里面有2年的diploma课程,不知就业前景方面如何?希望知道的前辈们/同学们能不吝指教。先谢了!
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景Which college? Have you gotten the offer?
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景Which college? Have you gotten the offer?点击展开...Lethbridge College,在South Alberta.还没有申请,我是想通过留学来实现移民.
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景As far as I know, the major that you are interested in is not common to most of Chinese immigrants. I heard this first time actually. Most people are interested in IT, accountant, nurse, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, paralegal, logistics, etc. If you have great interests in it. You really need someone who know this specific area well to come out and give you suggestions. Good luck!
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景As far as I know, the major that you are interested in is not common to most of Chinese immigrants. I heard this first time actually. Most people are interested in IT, accountant, nurse, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, paralegal, logistics, etc. If you have great interests in it. You really need someone who know this specific area well to come out and give you suggestions. Good luck!点击展开...其实我在国内本科读的是法律,工作也是一直是法律方面的,留学选择法律方向的比较自然,例如: paralegal / legal administrative assistant. 但我担心这类专业的就业前景, 尤其是对于一个英语还不精通的外国人. 我考虑过曼省Winnipeg红河学院的legal administrative assistant专业,一年的certificate课程,短平快,毕业后可申请曼省MPNP移民,但很担心毕业后找不到工作,白读。
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景其实我在国内本科读的是法律,工作也是一直是法律方面的,留学选择法律方向的比较自然,例如: paralegal / legal administrative assistant. 但我担心这类专业的就业前景, 尤其是对于一个英语还不精通的外国人. 我考虑过曼省Winnipeg红河学院的legal administrative assistant专业,一年的certificate课程,短平快,毕业后可申请曼省MPNP移民,但很担心毕业后找不到工作,白读。点击展开... You are absolutely right. You have to consider the employment situation before you choose what you are going to study. Otherwise, not only waste time but also waste much money. However, if you are still young, I highly recommend that you choose the one you love most and that do not consider too much about the employment factor because nobody can tell the exact situation of what would happen many years later. Young people could afford much time to handle everything. It is good for them to choose what they like, instead of what they rely on only for surviving regardless of personal interests.
回复: 求教:Environmental Assessment and Restoration就业前景You are absolutely right. You have to consider the employment situation before you choose what you are going to study. Otherwise, not only waste time but also waste much money. However, if you are still young, I highly recommend that you choose the one you love most and that do not consider too much about the employment factor because nobody can tell the exact situation of what would happen many years later. Young people could afford much time to handle everything. It is good for them to choose what they like, instead of what they rely on only for surviving regardless of personal interests.点击展开...Thanks Fairview! BTW, are you in Canada right now? What do you do?
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