加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IT Administrator - Part Time (1 Year Contract) with opportunity to extend


IT Administrator - Part Time (1 Year Contract) with opportunity to extend Hong Fook Mental Health Association is a community organization serving the Greater Toronto area. We provide leadership in promoting the mental health of people in the Cambodian, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese communities. Hong Fook helps people keep mentally healthy and manage mental illness. We achieve our mission through service, education, advocacy and research in a supportive environment. Our service framework is based on a Whole Person, and is built on the core values of Equity, Diversity, Cultural Competence, Empowerment, Capacity Building, Community Participation, Self Help and Mutual Support. Position: IT Administrator - Part Time (1 Year Contract) with opportunity to extend Hong Fook Mental Health Association is seeking an individual responsible for acquisition, installation and maintenance of all aspects of out IT network including servers, desktop systems, communications hardware/software and office systems. The individual will be the primary contact for all issues concerning computers and IT networks, and will also be responsible for providing Help Desk support, delivering IT training to the staff, and providing recommendations regarding IT upgrade and purchasing. Job Responsibilities: •Provide hardware and software deployments including servers, networking equipment, workstations, laptops and audio visual equipment•Network administration (including backup, security management, user account management, e-mail systems including e-mail web server, internet access, office systems and applications support)•Supports server, network and desktop hardware, software and applications•Act as database administrator and manage migration of all electronic data and software in collaboration with external database provider•Roll out hardware and software to ensure optimal deployment of resources•Plan, implement, and support the network and computing infrastructure plan•Respond and follow up on technical issues from staff, students and volunteers•Conduct periodic audits of equipment and take corrective actions when necessary•Maintain a current and effective website utilizing current technology to meet the latest web standards; implementing staff and committee requests for website pages; consulting with outside IT contractors regarding improvements and enhanced content for the website•Provide training and orientation to new users of existing technologySkills & Qualifications:•College diploma or university degree in the field of computer science and 2 years work experience •Demonstrated knowledge of Windows servers •Demonstrated knowledge of setting up remote access for users•High level of competence with Microsoft Office products (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint), desktop publishing, website design and internet application•Working technical knowledge of database administration and database management standards•Knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws.•Proven analytical and problem solving skills •Effective verbal, presentation and listening communications skills•Detail-orientated and ability to multitask•Stress and time management skills•Must be able to work independently as well as in a team environment•Ability to work with a range of people within a multicultural environment•Experience working in non-profit and/or community health care sector is preferred Working Conditions:•Part-time at 22.5 hours per week•Work from Hong Fook’s multiple locations within the City of Toronto Qualified applicants may apply with a resume and cover letter to:Jenny Le at [email protected] or by fax at 416-493-2214 Hong Fook Mental Health Association is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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