加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科High value of examination material for USMLE Step 1 and 2, also for MCCEE, QE part1.


I graduated from Shanghai Medical University(now FuDan) and lived in Canada for many years, after being advised and encouraged by my medical university classmate who has already been a family physician in Canada, I started to prepared the MCC test and took Ontario IMG School courses, I made friends with several Iran IMG ,two of them recently matched in the program, who told me many useful exam materials , I also got to meet few previous interviewer who told me very precious advices. High marks, good listening /speaking skills ,good healthcare working experience and the key points for matching. confidence ,useful resources and right ways will lead you to the success.I spent two years collecting all necessary MCC examination materials, for personal reason, I withdraw my Canadian doctor pursuing, here I want to transfer these useful test materials for MCCEE, QE part1 and some also for USMLE STEP 1,2,3. [/font]Below are the lists of these materials, if you are interest pls contact me at [email protected]. Kaplan USMLE Step 2 Lectures(Video)(including step1&3)2.IMG school written exams preparation course for MCC(Recording) http://www.ontarioimgschool.com/3.The former IMG review lectures run by U of T(Recording)The IMG review lectures were run by U of T's Continuing Medical Education program and were open to all foreign medical graduates. The University of Toronto's International Medical Graduate (IMG) review lectures offered a boost to foreign physicians seeking to qualify to practice in Canada. The 100-hour lecture series offered a review of 23 key medical topics, such as cardiology, medical ethics, infectious disease and obstetrics. The sessions, identical to those taught to fourth-year undergraduate medical students, assist foreign medical graduates in preparing for the Medical Council of Canada qualifying exam.4. McGill MCC review Video courses5.previous real MCCEE /MCCQE questions and University of Toronto practice6. Kaplan lecture Notes CK (2008-2009).pdf7. Kaplan lecture Notes Question book8. First Aid USMLE Step 2 CK.pdf9. First Aid Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf10. Lang Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf11. First Aid USMLE Step one.pdf12. Kaplan Q bank13. Radiology for MCCEE and PART 114. ColourAtlas

回复: High value of examination material for USMLE Step 1 and 2, also for MCCEE, QE part1.I graduated from Shanghai Medical University(now FuDan) and lived in Canada for many years, after being advised and encouraged by my medical university classmate who has already been a family physician in Canada, I started to prepared the MCC test and took Ontario IMG School courses, I made friends with several Iran IMG ,two of them recently matched in the program, who told me many useful exam materials , I also got to meet few previous interviewer who told me very precious advices. High marks, good listening /speaking skills ,good healthcare working experience and the key points for matching. confidence ,useful resources and right ways will lead you to the success.I spent two years collecting all necessary MCC examination materials, for personal reason, I withdraw my Canadian doctor pursuing, here I want to transfer these useful test materials for MCCEE, QE part1 and some also for USMLE STEP 1,2,3. [/font]Below are the lists of these materials, if you are interest pls contact me at [email protected]. Kaplan USMLE Step 2 Lectures(Video)(including step1&3)2.IMG school written exams preparation course for MCC(Recording) http://www.ontarioimgschool.com/3.The former IMG review lectures run by U of T(Recording)The IMG review lectures were run by U of T's Continuing Medical Education program and were open to all foreign medical graduates. The University of Toronto's International Medical Graduate (IMG) review lectures offered a boost to foreign physicians seeking to qualify to practice in Canada. The 100-hour lecture series offered a review of 23 key medical topics, such as cardiology, medical ethics, infectious disease and obstetrics. The sessions, identical to those taught to fourth-year undergraduate medical students, assist foreign medical graduates in preparing for the Medical Council of Canada qualifying exam.4. McGill MCC review Video courses5.previous real MCCEE /MCCQE questions and University of Toronto practice6. Kaplan lecture Notes CK (2008-2009).pdf7. Kaplan lecture Notes Question book8. First Aid USMLE Step 2 CK.pdf9. First Aid Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf10. Lang Question book USMLE Step 2.pdf11. First Aid USMLE Step one.pdf12. Kaplan Q bank13. Radiology for MCCEE and PART 114. ColourAtlas[/quote]

回复: High value of examination material for USMLE Step 1 and 2, also for MCCEE, QE part1.so useful ,I will mail you

回复: High value of examination material for USMLE Step 1 and 2, also for MCCEE, QE part1.Thank you. I have mailed to you.Is it necessary to go to IMG school for MCCEE?

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