加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么
是养老得得吗? 我得为什么有OVER PAYMENT?
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 P ppcat 0$(VIP 0) 5832007-05-08#2 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么养老金
一个老的不能再老的程序员了 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132007-05-08#3 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么那和我的理解差不多,那为什么有OVER PAYMENT 呢?
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-05-08#4 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么先按你工资的比例扣,然后看你年收入,如果交的超过一定比例就是OVERPAYMENT 了。
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么报税后退税时会退给你
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么就是你PAYROLL里必须扣的之一,用来养加拿大老人的,咱们老的时候有没有谁都不知道,另一个扣的是EI,
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么The exempt is $3500, that means if your imcome lower than $3500,you don't need to pay CPP, you will get the overpayment back when you file you tax return. The maximum is $1861.20, the rate is 4.95%, the calculation is (your income-$3500)*4.95%, (if your income is lower than $41100). if your income is higher than $41100,.your CPP will be $1861.20. If you pay more than what you should pay, you will get the CPP overpayment back when you file your tax return. Am I professional?
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=73073&page=10 超赞 赏 B bruceyag 0$(VIP 0) 6,4182007-05-09#8 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么CPP有上限,如果你换公司,两个公司互不通气,可能就会超过上限了。不过退税时拿回来就行了。
坛子里有一些喜欢做新移民生意的RESP经纪,大家要小心他们的言行误导。详见拙作http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=241498The exempt is $3500, that means if your imcome lower than $3500,you don't need to pay CPP, you will get the overpayment back when you file you tax return. The maximum is $1861.20, the rate is 4.95%, the calculation is (your income-$3500)*4.95%, (if your income is lower than $41100). if your income is higher than $41100,.your CPP will be $1861.20. If you pay more than what you should pay, you will get the CPP overpayment back when you file your tax return. Am I professional?点击展开... The year's maximum pensionable earning is $43700 in 2007, basic exemption and premium rate are same as before. So the maximum CPP contribution is 1989.9 starts from 2007
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么The year's maximum pensionable earning is $43700 in 2007, basic exemption and premium rate are same as before. So the maximum CPP contribution is 1989.9 starts from 2007点击展开... Thanks! But what I said is based on his 2006 tax return about the Cpp overpayment.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=73073&page=10 超赞 赏 反馈:kind16 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132007-05-09#11 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么很专业啊,不过昨天我看FORM也看出来了,谢谢,加声望
和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-05-09#12 回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么學習。。。
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么就是你PAYROLL里必须扣的之一,用来养加拿大老人的,咱们老的时候有没有谁都不知道,另一个扣的是EI,点击展开...不好意思,我刚来不久,也想问这个问题,CPP和EI分别翻译成中文是什么呢?不论是哪个老板发工资都会扣的吗?望答复。谢谢。
回复: CPP - CANADA PENSION PLAN是什么哪里能查退休后能拿多少养老金?
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