加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科香港新特首梁振英就职演说辞


Leung Chun-ying made an inaugural speech Sunday after being sworn in as the fourth-term chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)。  The following is the full text of Leung's inaugural speech:  Honourable President Hu, fellow people of Hong Kong, ladies and gentlemen,  Today, I humbly take office as the fourth-term Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. During my tenure, I will fulfill the trust placed in me by the Central Government and the people of Hong Kong with policy achievements。  I will spare no effort to carry out my election platform and lead Hong Kong in "seeking change while preserving stability". My goal is to develop the economy, improve people's livelihood, promote democracy and build a more prosperous, progressive and righteous society。  Our country has given us staunch support since Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Ample opportunities have emerged. Not only have these guided and spurred our city's development, they have also enabled us to contribute to the reform and opening-up of our nation. We will continue working tirelessly towards the betterment and prosperity of both our country and Hong Kong。  With the efforts of our entire community, we have successfully implemented the concept of "One country, two systems" and the principle of "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" with a high degree of autonomy over the past 15 years。  I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my predecessors, the Honourable Tung Chee-hwa and the Honourable Donald Tsang. Their relentless efforts have laid down a solid foundation for the successful implementation of "One country, two systems" in Hong Kong。  I would also like to thank the Election Committee members and the Hong Kong community, whose participation has brought substantive meaning to this election. I hope that the entire community will render their concerted effort in building the future of Hong Kong。  In touch with people  Since I declared my decision to stand for election for the Chief Executive, I have made over 100 district visits and reached out to over 10,000 people from different strata and sectors of society。  In the next five years, my team and I will continue to stay in close touch with the people, so as to narrow both the physical and psychological distances between the Government and the community. We will listen carefully to people's suggestions and ideas. We will respond to their views and needs in a pragmatic manner。  尊敬的胡主席、各位嘉宾、各位亲爱的香港市民:  今天,我怀着谦卑的心,就任中华人民共和国香港特别行政区行政长官。在我任内,我会以施政成效答谢中央政府和香港市民对我的信任。  我会全力以赴,实践我的竞选承诺,带领香港“稳中求变”,发展经济,改善民生,推进民主,建立更繁荣、更进步、更公义的社会。  回归以来,国家一直大力支持香港,庞大的机遇引导和推动着香港的发展;同时让香港为国家的改革开放作出贡献。未来,我们要继续为国家和香港的共同发展、共同繁荣,努力不懈。  回归十五年,香港得以成功落实“一国两制”、“港人治港”,高度自治,实在有赖全社会的努力。  在此我衷心感谢两位前任行政长官,董建华先生和曾荫权先生,他们为“一国两制”在香港特别行政区成功落实奠定了坚实的基础。  我也要感谢本届行政长官选举委员会委员和全体香港市民,他们的参与,为这场选举带来实质意义,我衷心希望全社会齐心一意,共建香港的未来。  走入民众  由我参选到当选这大半年间,我进行超过百次区访,亲身接触过一万位以上的不同阶层、不同行业的市民。  从今天开始,未来五年,我和管治团队将走入民众,拉近政府和市民的地理距离和心理距离。我们会虚心聆听大家的建议和意见,切实回应市民的所想所需。  In my election declaration, I stressed that "there is no need for a major reversal of policy. We only need an appropriately proactive government which seeks change while maintaining stability."  From today, we will turn words into deeds. We will focus our energy on addressing the major and pressing issues. To formulate effective policies and strategies, the preparatory task forces on Economic Development Commission, Financial Services Development Council and Commission on Poverty will commence operation today. They will address issues from a high-level perspective and with inter-departmental and cross-sector collaboration. We will ensure that both policy research and implementation deliver results。  Promoting economic development  Continued economic development is the foundation of Hong Kong's prosperity. The livelihoods of our people depend on it. Our business and financial sectors have been the major driving forces behind Hong Kong's economic development。  To promote sustained and robust economic development, the Government must assist investors and enterprises, large and small, to seize opportunities arising from our nation's and the world's economic growth. Economic diversification and thriving industries can improve our job market, provide better opportunities for upward mobility and contribute to a stronger middle class。  Our country has given Hong Kong strong backing in the National 12th Five-Year Plan. We must capitalise on the opportunities to consolidate and elevate Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre and help the shipping industry to restructure and upgrade。  We must also fully implement all economic and trade agreements signed with Mainland counterparts to expand job opportunities and development potential in the Mainland for Hong Kong people。  Support for pillar industries  We also need to formulate industry policy to promote and support the pillar industries that are essential to our economic development, including supporting Hong Kong enterprises operating outside Hong Kong and new industries with growth potential。  We fully recognise the contribution to our economy by Hong Kong businesses operating in the Mainland and will continue to support their restructuring and upgrading。  For our economy to flourish, we must ensure that issues relating to our population and livelihood are properly addressed。  The quality of our society depends on the quality of our people, which in turn depends on the quality of education. My Government will carry out long-term planning on population policy to improve our population structure and the quality of our people. This will sustain steady development of our society and economy, create a bright future for individuals and nurture outstanding talents for society。  To this end, education policies must be devised from a professional perspective, taking a student-oriented approach to enable students to equip themselves well and achieve their full potential。  我在参选宣言中强调:香港“不需要政策大变,只要适度有为,稳中求变”。  今后,我们必须坐言起行,集中力量应对重大和迫切的问题。为了制定有效的策略和政策,“扶贫委员会”、“经济发展委员会”和“金融发展局”的筹备小组,今天正式开始工作,要从高层次、跨部门、跨界别处理相关问题,务求在政策研究和落实两个方面做得到位。  促进经济发展  经济持续发展是香港繁荣的根基,是市民生活的依靠。工商金融界一直是香港经济发展的主要动力,对香港贡献巨大。  要促进持续和高速的经济发展,政府必须协助香港大小投资者和企业,把握国家和全球的经济发展机遇,开拓空间,争取经济多元发展,兴旺百业,让市民优质就业,共享繁荣,增加市民向上流动的机会,使中产阶层不断壮大。  我们要善用国家在“十二五”规划给予香港的支持,巩固和提升国际金融和贸易中心地位,推动航运业转型升级。  我们也要落实与内地签署的各项经贸协议,扩大香港人在内地的就业和发展空间。  支援支柱产业  同时,我们要制定产业政策,促进和支援对香港经济发展有重要作用的支柱产业,包括境外的港资企业,以及有潜力的新兴产业。  我们要重视在内地发展的港商对本地经济的贡献,持续支持内地港商转型升级。  经济要有所发展,人口问题和民生问题也要妥善处理。  社会的素质取决于人的素质,人的素质取决于教育的素质。本届政府将规划长远人口政策,优化人口结构和人力资源,推动社会和经济平稳发展,为个人创造美好未来,为社会培育优秀人才。  为此,教育政策要从专业出发,以学生为本,让学生“学有所成,学以致用”。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492012-07-02#2 回复: 香港新特首梁振英就职演说辞Home ownership key  It is a common aspiration for people to own their own home. Housing tops the list of livelihood issues that are of public concern. I believe that housing issues should be tackled through planning and supply. We need to provide more public housing and assist low-income groups to secure flats。  Public-housing resources should be allocated in a fair and reasonable way to increase circulation.We need to increase land supply appropriately to maintain a stable property market and assist middle-income families to buy their own homes。  To enhance the sense of belonging in our society and promote social mobility, we will also encourage home purchase. We will formulate a long-term housing strategy, improve district planning and set up a land reserve to respond swiftly to changes in market. This will enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and improve the quality of life for our people。  Families are our pillars and a key element for social stability. We need to foster family harmony and support the underprivileged. It is our social responsibility to ensure that the elderly are honoured for their special place in the family, loved in the way they have loved us and respected for their life-long contributions. Special attention should be given to those who need financial assistance to meet their basic needs。  Young people represent the future of our society. Youth policy should be formulated from a developmental perspective, creating a favourable environment for new generations to unleash their potential, vitality and creativity。  Shared wealth  As a generally affluent society, Hong Kong has all the necessary prerequisites to satisfy the basic needs of the people. Everyone in our community should be able to share in the fruits of our economic development。  I will set up the Commission on Poverty as early as possible to review, study and systematically address the issues relating to poverty among the elderly, the working poor, cross-generational poverty, poverty affecting new immigrants and ethnic minorities, and regional poverty。  We will also actively promote twin-track provision of medical services by the public and private sectors, so that medical services are accessible to all, regardless of wealth。  The 7 million Hong Kong people are one family. We will work to make Hong Kong a more livable city. We will encourage energy saving and pollution reduction. We will also further promote awareness of greening and conservation and play a role in protecting our natural environment。  The Government remains committed to respecting the freedom of religion. We will also endeavour to enhance our cultural literacy and encourage creativity。  安居乐业是市民的心愿,房屋是社会最关切的问题。我深信:要从规划和供应入手,加建公屋,协助基层上楼。  公平合理分配公共房屋资源,增加流通;适当增加土地供应,促进楼市稳定发展,协助中产置业。  鼓励自置居所,提升市民的归属感,促进向上流动。我们必须制定长远房屋策略,完善地区规划,建立土地储备,迅速回应市场和社会对土地需求的变化,以提升香港的竞争力,并且逐步提高香港人的生活素质。  家庭是每个人的支柱,是社会稳定的重要元素。我们要建立和谐家庭,支援弱势社群;同时要宣扬敬老、爱老、护老精神,实现“老有所依、老有所养、老有所居”,尤其着重照顾贫困长者的经济需要。  青少年是香港的未来,我们要从发展的角度,制定青少年政策,让每个新一代的香港人都能发挥潜力、活力和创造力。  香港社会整体富裕,所有市民都应享有基本生活保障,也应享有经济发展的得益。  我将尽快设立“扶贫委员会”,全面检视、研究和系统地处理老年、在职、跨代、新移民(微博)、少数族裔和区域性贫穷等问题。  我们也要积极推动公私营医疗的双轨发展,让香港人不论贫富,都病有所医。  七百万香港人是一家,我会将香港建设成宜居的城市,推动市民节能减排,加强绿色和保育意识,同时保护香港的自然美景。  在非物质生活方面,政府将一如以往尊重宗教自由,进一步提升文化素质,鼓励创意。  Pledges to be honoured  I will honour the pledges I have made -- to uphold justice, protect the rights of the people, safeguard the rule of law, clean government, freedom and democracy which are among the core values of Hong Kong, and take an inclusive approach towards different opinions and views。  I will do my utmost to safeguard human rights and make sure that press freedom and the independence of the media are respected。  I will promote the development of a democratic political system in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and the relevant decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。  I will further develop the political appointment and accountability system to enhance the efficiency of the Government。  I will also build a service-oriented government, establish partnership with the people and encourage public engagement to draw energy from every corner of our community。  'One country, two systems' upheld  The new-term Government will continue to uphold the concept of 'One country, two systems' and the principle of 'Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong' with a high degree of autonomy。  While safeguarding the interests of our country and Hong Kong, we should properly address the relationship between 'One country' and 'two systems'. We will also strengthen unity and cohesion between different sectors of our society。  Effective policy implementation hinges on effective governance. The relationship between the legislature and the executive is an integral part of governance. For bills to be passed and policies endorsed, we need the support of the Legislative Council as well as the community at large。  It is my hope that my Government will strengthen communication and co-operation with the Legislative Council. With one heart and one vision, we will work for the well-being of our people。  我必定恪守承诺:维护公义,保障市民权益;维护法治、廉洁、自由、民主等香港核心价值,包容各种立场和意见;同时以身作则,廉洁自持,建立“行之正道”和诚信的政府。我会尽力保护每位市民的权利,并尊重新闻自由,维护媒体的独立性。  我会按《基本法》的规定和全国人大(微博)常委会的有关决定,推动民主政制发展;进一步优化政治任命和问责制,提高政府效率;同时建立服务型政府,与市民建立伙伴关系,鼓励公民参与,凝聚力量,推动社会共融。  本届政府会继往开来,落实“一国两制”、“港人治港”,保持高度自治;维护国家和香港的利益,处理好“一国”和“两制”之间的关系;加强团结社会各界,凝聚民心。  要有效施政,就要有效管治。行政立法关系是管治的重要一环,通过法例、落实政策,都必须得到立法会和社会的广泛支持,我希望今后和立法会加强沟通合作,齐心一意为香港。  Reinforcing solidarity  The 18 districts of Hong Kong each have their own strengths and characteristics. We will actively support the functions of the District Councils through resource allocation and policy formulation. This will enable community issues to be resolved and local opportunities seized at the district level。  In my election platform, I shared with everyone my vision that "Hong Kong is our home". To build this home, we need to reinforce solidarity and amass collective wisdom。  I believe in the power of the people. I believe in the synergy that comes from unifying different sectors of the community and the many different trades and businesses。  Standing for election was a humbling experience. It made me realise my own shortcomings and helped me appreciate the collective wisdom of our society. What's more, it helped me better understand the importance of accepting media and public scrutiny。  Our community faces many challenges. We need to stand united, face difficulties with fortitude and determination, and respond to different views with an inclusive attitude。  Seeking consensus  I believe that we can resolve the conflicts that exist in our society and the clashes that may arise from different values or political ideologies. We need to listen, and be inclusive and patient in seeking a consensus。  Today I am being sworn into office together with principal officials of the fourth-term Government and members of the Executive Council. I trust that my team will work together harmoniously and dedicate themselves to serving the community。  With one heart and one vision, we should be able to build Hong Kong into an ideal home for us all -- a home where children grow up healthy, young people make their dreams come true, those in the prime of life bring out the best in themselves and the elderly enjoy a decent life。  With our concerted efforts, Hong Kong, this Pearl of the Orient, will shine even more brightly。  Thank you。  香港十八区各具特色,各自有可以发挥的优势,我们会从资源和政策两方面加以配合,积极发挥区议会的作用,让地区问题在地区解决,地区机遇由地区掌握。  我在选举政纲中提出“家是香港”的愿景。要建好这个家,我们必须加强团结,凝聚智慧。我相信市民的力量,我也知道团结社会各界、各行业的重要。参与选举是一个令人谦卑的过程,让我认识到自己的不足,体会到社会的集体智慧,更知道接受市民和传媒监察的重要。  香港社会面对不少挑战,我们要齐心一意,迎难而上,认真应付困难,包容并协调分歧,化解社会矛盾;对于价值观和政治立场多元化带来的不同意见,我们要多聆听,多包容,努力寻求共识。  胡主席、各位嘉宾、各位亲爱的香港市民,今天我和第四届政府的主要官员和行政会议成员宣誓就职,我相信我们的团队必定能够互相砥砺,并肩合作,尽心尽力为香港市民服务。我深信,只要我们齐心一意,必定能够将香港打造成为儿童茁壮成长、青年实现理想、壮年人一展所长、长者安享晚年、七百万市民安居乐业的理想家园。在我们共同努力下,香港这颗“东方之珠”必定能够光芒再现,更形璀璨!谢谢各位!

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