加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件


RT.原文出自:CanadaBussinessOntariohttp://www.cobsc.org/en/ml/chinese_simplified.cfm======== 广告宜忌 (Advertising Do's and Don'ts) [PDF - 279 KB] 空支票控制 (Bad Cheque Control) [PDF - 271 KB] 商业计划书指南 (Business Plan Guide) [PDF - 402 KB] 公司收购 (Buying a Business) [PDF - 438 KB] 您的概念或发明能否叫您致富? (Can You Make Money With Your Idea or Invention?) [PDF - 485 KB] 利润观察核对清单 (Checklist for Profit Watching) [PDF - 402 KB] 经商起步核对清单 (Checklists for Going Into Business) [PDF - 297 KB] 主持企业会议技巧 (Conducting Effective Meetings) [PDF - 413 KB] 信用与收款 (Credit and Collections) [PDF - 407 KB] 与银行或其他贷款机构交往之道 (Dealing With Your Banker and Other Lenders) [PDF - 394 KB] 在互联网上经营生意 (Doing Business on the Internet) [PDF - 346 KB] 电子商务 - 探寻您的选择 (E-Business - Exploring Your Options) [PDF - 478 KB] 扩展“在家工作型”企业业务 (Expansion of Your Home-Based Business) [PDF - 222 KB] 开办小企业可行性核实清单 (Feasibility Checklist for Starting a Small Business) [PDF - 392 KB] 商业组织形式 (Forms of Business Organization) [PDF - 324 KB] 市场调查分析指南 (Guide to Market Research and Analysis) [PDF - 374 KB] 在家创业 (Home-Based Business) [PDF - 387 KB] 如何树立正面形象 (How to Have a Positive Image) [PDF - 283 KB] 创办企业的法律问题 (Legal Issues in Starting a Business) [PDF - 254 KB] 借贷 - 基本准则 (Lending - The Basic Criteria) [PDF - 327 KB] 发言 (Making Presentations) [PDF - 349 KB] 市场营销计划大纲 (Marketing Plan Outline) [PDF - 380 KB] 为您的企业取名 (Naming Your Business) [PDF - 296 KB] 考虑开创事业的各种因素 (Points to Consider When Starting Your Own Business) [PDF - 361 KB] 防止偷窃行为 (Preventing Theft) [PDF - 395 KB] 管理家族企业的问题 (Problems in Managing a Family-Owned Business) [PDF - 456 KB] 专业称号 (Professional Designations) [PDF - 308 KB] 签署租约前先解答的问题 (Questions To Ask Before You Sign a Lease) [PDF - 433 KB] 挑选专业服务 (Selecting Professional Services) [PDF - 399 KB] 出售生意 (Selling a Business) [PDF - 372 KB] 适当定价 (Setting The Right Price) [PDF - 358 KB] 建立薪酬体系 (Setting Up a Pay System) [PDF - 420 KB] 挑选店铺 - 细微处见真章 (Store Location - "Little Things" Mean A Lot) [PDF - 426 KB] 推广产品或服务的方法 (Ways to Promote Your Product or Service) [PDF - 358 KB]

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 超赞 赏 反馈:David Liu 和 flowing_water Flying Dragon 2$(VIP 0,#300) 6,9492011-03-27#2 Business GuidesBusiness Guides Info-Guides These guides are designed to help you navigate through federal and provincial government programs services and regulations that may apply to entrepreneurs. Our current list of info-guides, covering many topics, includes the following: Aboriginal Business Info-GuideArts and Artists Info-GuideBusiness Regulations Info-GuideBusiness Start-Up Info-GuideClosing or Selling Your Business - A Succession Plan Info-GuideCo-operatives Info-GuideCorporate Taxation Info-GuideE-Business Info-GuideEmergency Preparedness for Your BusinessEmployment and Training Assistance Programs Info-GuideEmployment Regulations Info-GuideExporting to the United States Info-GuideExporting to World Markets Info-Guide NEWFinancial Support - Science and TechnologyFinancing for Established Businesses Info-GuideFinancing for Starting a Business Info-GuideForeign Investment Info-GuideGovernment Procurement Info-GuideGrants, Subsidies and Contributions Info-GuideGrants, Subsidies and Contributions - AgricultureGrants, Subsidies and Contributions - Arts and MediaGrants, Subsidies and Contributions - EmployersGrants, Subsidies and Contributions - Science and TechnologyGreening Your BusinessGrowing Your BusinessImporting Info-GuideIntellectual Property Info-GuideNew Media Info-GuideNon-Financial Support - Science and TechnologyNot-for-Profit Info-GuideRetail Business Info-GuideStart Up Info-Guide for Newcomers to CanadaTaxation Info-GuideTechnology and Innovation Info-GuideWomen in Business Info-GuideYour Business and the Environment Info-GuideYouth Entrepreneurship Info-Guide

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 超赞 赏 Flying Dragon 2$(VIP 0,#300) 6,9492011-03-27#3 "How-to" Guides"How-to" Guides These guides are designed to provide an understanding of potential license, permit or registration requirements when considering the establishment of specific types of business in Ontario. Our current "How-to" guides are listed below: How to Start an Alternative and Complementary Healthcare Business in OntarioHow To Start an Artisan and Craft Business in OntarioHow to Start a Bed and Breakfast in OntarioHow to Start a Consulting Business in OntarioHow to Start a Construction Business in OntarioHow to Start a Convenience Store in Ontario UPDATEDHow to Start an Early Childhood Centre in OntarioHow to Start an Eco-Tourism Business in OntarioHow to Start an Event Planning Business in OntarioHow to Start a Pet Business in OntarioHow to Start a Personal Care Home for Seniors in OntarioHow to Start a Restaurant or Catering Business in OntarioHow to Start a Spa or Salon in Ontario

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 超赞 赏 满脸胡子骑大马 0$(VIP 0) 5052011-03-27#4 回复: 关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件收藏了,多谢!

满脸胡子骑大马,打家劫舍挎匣子。抢钱抢粮抢地盘,抢枪抢炮抢女人 超赞 赏 H hlnxi 0$(VIP 0) 1692011-04-06#5 回复: 关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件收藏

回复: 关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件Canadian business, not bad, thanks for sharing

凡事想开点,积极点,生活就充实点,容易点。 超赞 赏 R reinharden 0$(VIP 0) 82012-06-05#7 回复: 关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件收藏

回复: 关于公司创业的各种简体中文文件mark

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